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Monday, March 29th, 2022 (Manhattan) (7:02 AM) (Olivia's Perspective)
Today was the day. I couldn't believe it. Bella, my sweet pea, would be opening her high school acceptance letters. I was pretty excited and so proud of my baby girl. She's worked so hard and today she'd get her results. I knocked on her bedroom door.
"Come in Mama." She was putting on her earrings as I stepped in.
"Morning! I'm about ready. I'm trying to look very picturesque for the ceremony today."
"I can see that, you look so gorgeous. But...I think I have the perfect accessory to go with this outfit." Bella donned a pair of her classic Mom jeans and a floral top, one of her simple outfits as she'd put it.
"What is it?" I handed her a box and she smiled.
"I thought that since this was the big day, it'd be appropriate for you to get something special."
"Mom, this is beautiful! Thank you!" She put the bracelet on her wrist before hugging me.
"You're very welcome. You love it?"
"Yes! It's so pretty and iridescent!"
"I'm glad you love it, Dad left but he made you a special breakfast, come and eat it while it's still warm!"
"I'll be down in a minute." I walked towards my daughter's bedroom door with a small smile.
"I'm ready to write in the journal again if you are."
"I am, I'll leave it in your room for after school. Hurry, you gotta go soon."
Homeroom (The Trinity School) (8:47 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
Because we were opening our letters soon, my homeroom teachers let us finish our history lesson early and talk amongst each other.
"I'm so nervous. My hands are shaking." Paisley said in a panicked tone.
"Me too." Preston whispered.
"Guys, let's not get all worked up! It'll be fine. We'll all get into the same school again and we'll live happily ever after." Kylie said.
"But schools can only accept a certain amount of kids. They can't take us all." Hilary pointed out.
"Okay, fair point. Look, either way, we'll be fine. It isn't the end of the world or anything. We'll still see each other, talk to each other-"
"We don't have to get into the same school to be friends, plus going to different schools might be good because it'll allow us to meet new people and stuff."
"Just promise to hang out together at least once a month," Sapphire said.
"Bella, are you nervous about playing piano on stage?"
"Not really, I've done it several times before. I just wish I had a partner, my hands will get super tired."
"How about I play with you? I can play bass and you can play treble." Leah suggested.
"I'd love that." Leah and I have been playing piano together since we were little. I'd go over to her house and we'd play songs that we made up for our parents. They weren't the best, but they were entertaining. As we got older, we started to play piano covers of our favorite songs. It was so fun that we'd just play for hours on end. I hope Leah and I go to the same school, heck I wish we all got into the same school. I can't imagine life without my best friends, we do everything together. How am I going to get through the next four years without them?
The Auditorium (9:15 AM)
Leah and I were playing Prelude in C minor and I could feel my Mom and Dad recording me. They were smiling and talking amongst themselves alongside my Aunts and Uncles. I felt very calm, contrary to how I felt this weekend. I've internalized what Mom, Amanda, and my therapist said to me, and they're right. I looked over at Leah while my fingers played the beautiful music. Her eyes were glistening. What's wrong?!
"Leah, what's wrong?" A tear ran down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.
"I don't want this to end. What if this is the last time we do this together?"
"It won't be."
"But you don't know that." My Mom could sense something was off and mouthed something to me. Bask in positivity, I thought.
"It's okay Leah, look on the bright side. We still have the rest is this year and the weekends to hang out if anything." She smiled.
"That helps."
"Bella, thank you for always being so supportive and helpful whenever I'm feeling anxious."
"No problem, you don't have to thank me. That's what besties do." We bowed at the end of our performance and I gave her a warm hug.
"Please don't cry again, you're gonna make me cry!"
The Trinity School Auditorium (9:35 AM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"After hearing those beautiful performances, it is now time for our 8th graders to receive their letters. Our guidance counselor, Ms.Hoffman, will now be handing them out. Parents and family members, you're allowed to be get up and meet with your child." The school principal stated. Don't cry Liv, don't cry. The other day, Bella was 6 years old and attending her first day of school.

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