Respect What's Hidden

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Monday, October 2nd (Bella's Perspective)
"Thanks for the ride Mrs.Ashcroft."
"Anytime!" It was 8:10 and school started in 10 minutes. Before this, I had a breakfast thing with Anna, my mentor and she said that she was worried. I asked why and then spaced out. But, I don't do it purposely, I just couldn't stop thinking about stuff. And to add on, today's health was finally beginning.
"Bella, are you spacing out again?"
"I'm sorry. What did you say?"
"I asked what you have first period."
"History, what do you have Kylie?"
"Algebra. Ugh, I can't wait for ad hoc later." Ad hoc is free time in the morning where we can relax, eat snacks, talk to friends, and go to our lockers if needed.
"Ad hoc would be a great study time. Remember?"
"Ugh, french test. They give so much work, I'm so tired." Elle said quietly. Let's just say 8th grade was taking a toll on all of us, we weren't fighting or anything like that, but we were really moody and grumpy. Mom said it's hormones, but I highly disagree. We're all tired.
"I'm tired of school and it literally just begun," Jessica said.
"Me too."
The 16th Precinct (Olivia's Perspective)
"But, why would someone like Trent go after someone like Heather?"
"Predators are in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes it's the person you least expect," I said in response to Kat's question.
"I guess so."
"And now, we need to go tell Heather the news."
"Things just keep getting progressively worse for her. I hope she recovers from all of this."
"Me too." My phone rang and I answered.
"El, what's up?"
"I can't be home tonight, I gotta go undercover. Are you going home?"
"Yeah, I just need to talk to a vic and I'm going to take Lei to her soccer game. I got it. Don't worry babe."
"Alright, love you."
"Love you too." Leia was getting out of school at 2:15 so I was going to make this as quick as possible, spend some time with her, and pick up Noah. Bella is studying after school and going straight to dance, so I wouldn't see her later. Our schedules are all so different it's crazy. I was just glad that Bella was able to be dropped off to her dance class by the Jansen's because I certainly wouldn't be able to to it. I pulled up in front of the victim's house and went to go tell her the news.
"But, why would Trent do something like that. I barely even-" She broke down into tears and I gave her a hug.
"For status, for starters."
"I'm just another girl to add to his list." She said with a sigh.
"On the bright side, he's going to go away for a very long time for what he did to you and those other girls, you don't have to go to trial. And, I will do everything in my power to help you out."
"Trust us. It gets better."
Health Class (Bella's Perspective)
"Alright class, today is the first day of our reproduction and body safety unit. Today I am joined with school psychiatrist."
"Good afternoon class."
"Good afternoon." We all said.
"The purpose of this unit is to educate you guys on your bodies, and how to protect them. Starting off with vaping." She showed the google slides.
"I want you guys to take notes, please take out your notebooks." Vaping. Dustin definitely needs this class.
"Yo, what's the issue with vaping?!" Dustin asked. He's always been an annoying jerk.
"Dustin just doesn't know when to stop," Jake whispered to me.
"I know."
"At least you don't have every class with him," Kylie said.
"Dustin, we will get into that." Our health teacher and school psychiatrist talked to us about the dangers of smoking and vaping, and allowed us to asked questions.
"Is nicotine really that addictive?" I asked.
"Yes Bella, smokers struggle to stop because of the nicotine. It's a very serious issue in this country." I nodded.
"What if you know a friend that smokes, and you want to help them stop?" Kiara asked. We aren't too close of friends, but we talk. She's a really sweet person.
"There are certain programs made to help people with these addictions, you can also reach out to a medical professional or other family members for help. Also, ladies and gentlemen, if you guys need someone to talk to, we are both always here. We will try to help you guys as best as possible." I nodded. In therapy, Dr.Johansson and I have been talking more about daily life. (Not about Jake or anything.) I've been telling her that school kind of stresses me out and she recommended talking about with my peers, as we could all help each other. It works actually, we all have our different ways of coping and it helps to see a different perspective. Class finished very quickly. It was now time for my last class of the day. PE. All of the 8th grade has PE now so my friends and I walked down the hall to stop by our lockers to grab our gym clothes. I grabbed them quickly and continued to the girl's locker room.
"Bro, you girls are so freaking short." Ethan rested his elbow on my head and I jumped up to hit him. Ethan has always been my friend, I just happen to see him more because of my schedule.
"That actually hurt."
"You deserve it, you idiot! I'm almost 5'5. I'm not short!" I said with a laugh. My girlfriends and I were all pretty tall compared to other girls in our grade. We separated and went into the locker room. I changed my shirt first and foremost, and then the pants.
"I really don't want to do gym today because I have horrible cramps, but here we are."
"I know how you feel Elle, it sucks."
"How bad does it hurt?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah, I wanna know too."
"Mine's is like a solid 7 on the pain chart."
"All of this because no baby." I laughed.
"I can't believe you guys haven't gotten it now. You guys are pretty late." Kylie pointed out.
"Guess we're lucky?"
"Guess so." I braided my long hair and my friends and I left the locker room together.
"My goodness, the princesses are finally ready."
"Dustin shut the hell up. We're all tired of you."
Food Emporium (Noah's Perspective)
"Why did you choose to go here?!" Morgan asked.
"What's wrong, did you wanna go somewhere else?"
"No, I just don't know what food to choose for our picnic anymore." Morgan smiled.
"Phew, I thought I messed up."
"You didn't! Ugh, sushi or Italian? Can we just get both?" I flashed my debit card.
"50 dollar limit on my end."
"40 on mine." We both smiled. We settled on some food from the buffet and then getting ice cream afterward from a local store. As we walked towards Central Park Morgan told me about her day.
"I like our school you know, the teachers are weird, but the people are hilarious. You talk to Evan, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Today in class he was dancing on the desk and he ended up in the nurse's office."
"That dumbass." I couldn't help but laugh.
"What the hell was he thinking?!"
"Uhh, that he wouldn't fall."
"That's why he didn't tell me what happened. Dude sent me a picture of his forehead, he has a whole speed bump on his head."
"Gosh." Morgan spread the blanket and we sat down.
"You know, we should have more picnics before it gets super cold outside. You can bring Bella."
"Not on one of our dates you idiot, but just a little friendly hangout thing. She could bring one of her friends or Jake."
"Isn't that the kid she likes?"
"What did she tell you about him?"
"!" She said while feeding me.
"Because, she never gets like that, the way she does when she talks about him. So, I wanna protect her privacy, I know what you'll do if tell you."
"You're going to embarrass her."
"Come on, tell me." She stared at me with a smile.
"My answer remains no. I'm sorry. If you love your sister, you'd just support her from a distance." We moved on after that. I know when to stop. But, I'd find out. I just don't know how yet. We talked about our lives and then school. We also..........made out. Which we haven't done in a really long time.
"Ah, it's getting late. Let's go home."
"Yeah." And with that, we packed up our things and left.

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