Deep Thoughts

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A Month Later
Today was the last day before our four day weekend and I was super happy. I couldn't wait to just get up and leave! Elliot would pick me up and we would go to straight to Long Island!
I was in social studies working on a little research essay that I've been doing for a day. Sadly, I sit next to Charlotte in this class.
"Yeah?" I erased my mistake and continued working.
"I'm sorry about that."
"Sorry? You talked about me with all of your friends."
"Not in a bad way."
"How am I supposed to believe that?"
"Because I feel bad. I was just jealous of the way Brayden talks to you and I was wondering if you could help me." Tell me that I'm losing my mind right now.
"Look, I'm not trying to be mean or anything. But, if that's why you want to be cool with me I don't think I want to be cool with you. You don't feel bad. You just want to get to Brayden through me." I said calmly. She doesn't scare me and I'm not dumb. She sort of bit her lip and I continued to do my work. I wasn't going to let her stop me.
The Drive To Long Island (Elliot's Perspective)
"Elliot, why do highways exist?" Leia questioned.
"So that we can get from place to place sweetheart."
"But why?" She asked again.
"Lei, if we didn't have roads how would we get to Long Island?" She shrugged.
"We need these highways to get there. Do you understand?"
"Yeah." Bella and Noah were on their phones. One was laughing and giggling and the other was extremely serious.
"Hey, El?"
"So, where are you guys going to have the wedding?"
"Well, we were thinking about Hawaii. We'd get married around you guys'spring break so that you guys can all be present." I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door.
"Mom's not coming any time soon," Noah said with a sigh. Noah has been different lately. He's been staring off into space, the way I used to witness Bella. I know Bella has been assaulted, Liv informed me before I started moving into the house, so I knew how to not trigger her. But Noah is fine. I've been wanting to talk to him for a while about this. Liv probably isn't seeing it, she's busy saving others. But, I see it.
"Elliot, I'm going to go upstairs and do my homework. I just need some privacy right now." I gave Bella a thumbs up and picked up Leia.
"Elliot, I wanna color."
"Okay, you can sit in the living room and draw. Noah, when you're settled in can you come back down here."
"Sure." I watched as Leia drawee on the floor happily.
"And, I need some green. Then some brown too for the trees." She said, talking to herself as she did her work.
"That looks beautiful honey."
"Thank you, Elliot!"
"Hey, you wanted to talk to me right?"
"Yeah, sit here."
"I've been noticing that you've been really out of it lately. Are you okay?"
"I'm just fine."
"Noah, you've been spacing out a lot. What's going on?"
"I just have something on my mind."
"What?" I sat closer to Noah so I could hear what he had today say.
"I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me alone. I don't need anyone forcing me to do anything."
Late Dinner (Olivia's Perspective)
Noah had just gotten up and left dinner. He seemed in such a rush to finish his meal, which was very weird.
"This is what I've been telling you. He's acting so different and he won't tell anyone about it.." Elliot said quietly. Bella was still at the table eating her food quietly.
"I've noticed it too but I just wanted to give him some space. It's what he deserves after all."
"You know, you don't have to whisper. I know you're talking about Noah." We stopped in our tracks and looked at Bella.
"Think I don't realize it either? He's my brother. It's about school."
"How do you know that?"
"Because he's been acting stupid ever since the first day. Probably still in love with Morgan I don't know." Probably still in love with Morgan. Hm. She might be onto something.
"Are you thinking what I thinking?"
"Probably. I need to go talk to Noah." I went upstairs to see him laying on his bed quietly.
"Noah, everything alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"You look like you've been thinking about something."
"Yeah, I have been."
"What is it?"
"I'd rather not say."
"You know, it's okay to admit that you have someone on your mind."
"Noah. It's okay."
"I'll be fine it's just something she said."
"What did she say?"
"That Morgan actually likes me back."
"Who said that?"
"Megan, and Bret too. They told me that she likes me. That it's clear. I'm realizing it now too. I was just too stupid to pay attention to it." I was quite shocked that Noah was opening up to me. I'd think he'd open up to Elliot or Fin about this, certainly not me. Not only that but I didn't want to think about this too much. There's nothing I could do though. As much as I hate it, Bella and Noah are both growing up, and this won't be the first crush and certainly not the last.
"So, then tell me exactly which moments are replaying in your head."
"When she came over, she said she wanted to tell me something but she couldn't get it out. She was probably trying to tell me something then!"
"Noah, you can't sit over here and blame yourself for not noticing her..attraction to you. You're not used to that, you don't know the signs. It's not your fault, and I don't want you thinking about it any longer."
"But it won't stop replaying in my head Mom. I've tried so hard."
"I want to say this, don't you have a dance coming up soon?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"How about, you ask her to the dance and you can tell her then."
"It's actually a Girl's Choice dance."
"Ohhhh." I smiled at Noah.
"Either way, I'm sure you're going with her, and I'm sure you can tell her all about your feelings then. I know it's awkward but there are ways to tell people without making it as awkward as usual. We'll talk about it when the time comes. In the meantime, let's go watch a movie. I can't stand to sit here and watch you in this state."
"I guess that would be nice."
"Come on, I know you love a good movie."
My Personal Thought Box (Bella's Perspective)
I've been feeling pretty happy. I'm actually really proud of myself for standing up to Charlotte. I shouldn't have let her take control over my life. I should've never given her all of that power. I didn't tell Mom about the Charlotte thing because she was caught up with Leia and Noah. It may be surprising but sometimes Mama forgets about me. I'm the middle kid, I don't really have anything going on. Noah is a teenager now and he needs to be treated so differently. Leia is the baby who just started school so we have to listen to her stories about kindergarten and learning how to spell words. Then, here I am in the middle of it all. I'm not going through an important life change so no one is really paying much attention. I'm in the literal middle of middle school. Sometimes, I wish Mama and Elliot would notice when I want some attention. It's part of the reason why I'm here writing this in the first place.....
"I don't want to play Candy Land. It's dumb. I wanted to play Chutes and Ladders. No one ever wants to play my game."
"Last straw Bella. Go upstairs."
"Bella, listen to your mother. Go upstairs, now." I think they don't like me sometimes. I'm not even joking. How is it that nearly every time we do family game night we almost always play what Leia or Noah wants to play. And no, it isn't coincidental. It happens. Every. Time.

"Bella, unlock this door. Right now young lady."

Well, I guess that's it for tonight. I'll update you later. How does that sound?

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