Mom Cares

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Wednesday, December 11th (6:10 PM) (Garden City, New York) (Olivia's Perspective)
We were at our weekend house at the moment because we needed to pick up some stuff for Leia's school.
"Mom, I promise I won't forget it here next time." She said cutely.
"It's okay babe, you left it here over the break. We all make mistakes." I was really worried about Bella, she was in tears the whole ride here. We'd just had a tense talk before the waterworks begun. From what I saw, it seems as if she and Kylie are fighting. But I'm not sure what it's about.
"Bella, your eyes are swollen. What wrong?" I asked as she got into the front seat.
"I don't want to talk about it, Mom." Leia and Noah were here so I wasn't going to bombard her much.
"Mommy, in school today I made a new friend!"
"You did?! What's their name?"
"Her name is Olivia."
"Yeah! That's her name! It was kind of silly! I told her that my Mommy has that name and we laughed about it!"
"I'm glad you made another friend baby girl."
"Yeah! She's new to our school Mommy! So me and my friends helped her."
"That was so kind of you guys!" Bella sipped her iced tea and sighed.
"Mom, thanks for the Wendy's!" Noah said while eating his burger.
"No problem."
"Mommy, Noah got two burgers. He eats like a big boy!"
"He does, he does! Leia boo, when we get home you need to brush your teeth and go straight to bed."
"Okay. This was a fun evening! But I just wish my Daddy was here because he could've tucked me in!"
"Me too, darling." Before I knew it we were home and I was carrying a sleepy Leia to her cute princess bedroom. I put on her pajamas, tucked her into bed, and talked to her for a moment.
"Mommy, I'm gonna have a good dream tonight."
"You are?"
"Yeah. About my friends." I gave her a kiss and turned off the lights.
"Night baby."
"Night." I went downstairs to Bella's room, where she was crying onto her stuffed penguin.
"Bella bear? My sweetest pea?" She looked up at me with sadness in her eyes and I sat down next to her.
"Honey, what's going on? I know it was a bit tense earlier. Did I upset you?"
"No." She blew her nose and grabbed her phone.
"What's wrong babe?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Why not?" Surely, there'd have to be a reason for her to be this secretive.
"Bella, who are you protecting?" She refused to answer and went under her covers.
"Alright, that's your choice. But I will find out what's going on. Because clearly you're hurt emotionally."
"I don't want you to do anything Mom!" She cried.
"Then I need you to communicate with me. That's how it works." She didn't have anything to say so I left her room for the night. Between Bella already struggling to open up and her becoming a teenager officially this weekend, this was going to be difficult.
Thursday, December 12th (Bella's Perspective)
"Bella, I'm really sorry. I know that alcohol makes you uncomfortable and I should've never drunk as much as I did and come around you afterwards. I'm so sorry." Kylie said. I was really angry at Kylie, I told her my deepest darkest secret, and she made me feel really unsafe. But also... Kylie's one of the first friends I've ever made. We've been together through thick and thin, we've grown up and still are growing up together and I couldn't imagine my life without her.
"You don't have to forgive her if you don't want to Bella," Ethan said to me. I thought to myself for a second as my friends crowded around me.
"I forgive you, Kylie. Just please don't ever do that again."
"I won't, I promise I won't!" She gave me a hug and I smiled.
"And you have to promise to not drink or vape anymore." Hannah clarified.
"I'll try." I sipped my hot chocolate. We were at the Starbucks near our houses today. We thought it'd be a good place for us to go and talk after school. Hash things out.
"You need to end it with Carson. He's persuading you to do all of these bad things that aren't good for your body. You were never like this." Leah said.
"I'll call him tonight."
"Thanks, Kylie." Jake said.
"Let's talk about something else instead. Who's going to Bella's birthday party?!" I smiled. We'd planned it for months. It was going to be wonderful. My family and friends were coming, the theme was like a little wonderland filled with pastel colors and all.
"I'm definitely going. Heck, we all are. Bella, what's it going to look like?"
"It's a surprise guys. Can't tell anyone. I'm just so excited because my Aunt's going to come with my cousin. I think my grandma too. But I'd rather not."
"Wait your bio grandma?"
"Yeah. But things are a bit weird with her. She kind of spooked Leia and now she's scared to visit her. I'm hoping she doesn't come. I don't want drama at my party."
"I get it. I'd be annoyed as well. But you can't just tell us one thing about your party?!"
"I can't, sorry! It's a secret." I smiled and finished my drink. Jake was staring at me.
"Oh my goodness, guys I have to go! I have dance class!"
The Dance Studio (Olivia's Perspective)
"How was dance?"
"Good. Can I go to the Christmas party?"
"Of course sweetheart." She buckled herself in and went on her phone. It was as if nothing had happened the night before. As if I didn't tell her we'd have to talk.
"Bella, are you ready to talk to me?" She looked over.
"Mom...everything okay. It's been handled. I'm gonna be 13 on Sunday and, I don't mean to be disrespectful but I wanna handle things on my own like I did today. I can do it. I really can. I can't handle everything and I'll need some adult help sometimes, but I'll tell you when I need it."
"Alright, sweet pea. I respect your wishes. I love you so much."
"I love you even more Mom." She smiled.
"My goodness, your party is this weekend. Can't believe it."
"It was literally months in the making. I just can't wait for it to play out. My friends are dying to know what it'll be like. I think they'll be thoroughly surprised."
"They definitely will be. And their parents will be shocked at how expensive it was."
"Well, you didn't have to Mom!"
"Look, Toni and I just wanted you to have the best 13th birthday."
"You guys really do love me." She said with a giggle. I parked the car and we went inside our home.
"Nice and toasty!" Ace ran over excitedly and gave us hugs.
"Good boy! Ace, come with me, sweet boy! Come on, come help me run my bath!"
"Mommy's home! Mommy's home!" Leia smiled cutely and gave me a hug.
"Hey! How are you?"
"I'm okay! You've been coming home early a lot."
"Well, I want to spend time with you."
"You should do it every day!"
"I wish I could. Lucy, was she any trouble?"
"None at all. Leia, show your Mom what you made in art class."
"Let me go get it!"
"I'm excited!" I walked into the kitchen.
"Noah! Where are you?"
"I'm just in the living room. Hey Mom!" He gave me a hug and Leia soon came back and showed me her project.
"It's a butterfly. And a sloth." She said cutely.
"Why did you choose a sloth?"
"Because they're pretty and they move really slow."
"Mama, can you tuck me in tonight?!"
"Of course I can babe."
"And we can watch tv before bed too?"
"We can. Let me just change. Tell Lucy goodnight sweet girl."
"Night Lucy!" She's so cute!
11:35 PM (My Bedroom) (Bella's Perspective)
"Bella, what the heck?"
"You're not tired?"
"Not really." I fixed my shirt and smiled. I was on the phone with Jake. Things get kinda weird at night on the phone with him. That awkward silence where we just kinda stare at each other.
"So how was gym class without me?!"
"Terrible. Why did you have to leave early?"
"Cause, you gotta leave in style." I laughed quietly.
" do you feel about taking the train with me tomorrow?"
"Is Ethan coming?"
"I mean just you and me."
"Oh...I'd love to, I gotta go wash my face and stuff. How about we go to Starbucks before school? I'll leave a bit early."
"Awesome. Meet you for 7?"
"Sounds like a plan," I told him goodbye and hung up.
"Hi, Mom." I hid my phone quickly and Mom came inside.
"You have school young lady, what were you doing?"
"Nothing. Just..taking notes." I fixed my shirt and Mom sat down.
"I know you were on the phone with Jake. I heard you laugh."
"Oh." I played with my hair.
"You need to go to sleep. I don't like you being up this late."
"I'm loving the one-word answers. I'll talk to you in the morning. I want these lights out next time I come in this room."
"Okay. Night."
"Night, and go to bed please young lady." Mom left and I turned off the lights. I didn't really feel tired, so I just went and watched a movie.

To be continued~

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