Uncomfortable Situations

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Monday, February 18th (Gym Class)
"This is so bad."
"What?" I sat next to Penelope and Hannah on the bleachers.
"My stomachs been killing me, and I don't have any medicine."
"We can take you to the nurse."
"No, it's okay."
"P, what's wrong? You can tell us." I put down the dodgeball to show her how serious I was.
"P, what's wrong?"
"Did you start your cycle?"
"I think so. I'm not sure."
"Then you need some pain relievers and a pad. Do you need one?" I whispered.
"Hey, Bella!" I turned around for a moment and Jake came over quietly.
"What's going on, did I miss something?"
"You didn't miss anything! We were just talking about this really sad movie. And, I have a bit of a headache so we're just going to go to the nurse for a bit."
"Cool. Feel better." I waved and we then left the gym, (with permission of course) and went to the nurse's office until Penelope felt better.
"You guys are the best. Thank you!"
"That's what we're here for. Just, take it easy."
School Pickup (Olivia's Perspective)
"Look at Bella." Bella was in front of the school building talking to a boy and she was laughing a lot, and clearly enjoying herself.
"It seems to be that Bella has a lot of friends at school."
"She does, she's a very sociable girl." I saw her say goodbye to her friends and then hopped into the backseat happily.
"Hi Mom, Hi Aunty."
"How was school?"
"It was good, but also fine."
"So in between?"
"What happened today?"
"I don't really want to say it."
"Because you're going to get mad at me." She said with a smile.
"I don't trust that smile of yours."
"I'm hungry, can we get something to eat please?"
"What do you want?"
"A sandwich! I'm so hungry."
"Why are you so hungry?"
"I didn't eat breakfast or lunch."
"Bella, that's not healthy," I said, scolding her lightly.
"I'm sorry, I was running late, I didn't have the chance."
"That's one thing, why did you skip lunch though?"
"I was doing something."
"Doing what?!" Amanda asked.
"I was working on some stuff, so I didn't get to eat lunch." I know that look, she was definitely doing something. I wasn't going to pry at the moment, but it piqued my interest.
"Let that be the first and last time I hear of you doing that."
"Okay. Sorry." We went inside of the precinct and I let Bella enjoy some of the Chinese food we had ordered earlier.
"Fin, what'd ya get?"
"Gabbie was able to remember more details about her assault-"
"Bella, we're working."
"I really wanted to say hi!"
"Sorry, Mom!" Fin gave her a kiss and she went back to the vending machine to get a snack.
"She hasn't been that excited to see me in years."
"I haven't seen her that excited in days." We both laughed and I took our conversation to the office so Bella wouldn't have to overhear.
The Precinct (Bella's Perspective)
Jake: Are you feeling better?
Brayden: How come your Mom picked you up today?
Kylie: Do you know what's up with P?
Penelope: Thanks, Bella! I feel so much better now!
"Your phone is off like crazy..." Amanda peeked and then smiled.
"Stop!" I whined.
"You didn't tell me about Jake. I'm hurt honestly."
"I didn't want to talk about Jake at all."
"How come?"
"It's complicated," I answered my friends and Jake, of course, was the first person to answer back.
Jake: I know you and Brayden go out for ice cream all the time, how about we split a cookie from that big diner? The one on 71st?
It's complicated because I like Brayden, and these days I've been spending more time with Jake, especially because he's in band, and I've started to like him too. So it's just kind of weird.
"What's up, love? You've been staring into space a lot."
"Bella, let's go." I put on my jacket and we both told Amanda good night. I still had thoughts lingering in my head. And I just feel terrible, Axel is jealous, Brayden is oblivious, and Jake, he is too, but he's friends with them. It's very confusing.
"What should we have for dinner?"
"I don't know," I said quietly.
"Why the sour face?" My mom waited patiently for an answer and when I didn't give her one she just started driving. When she did stop driving we were in front of McDonald's and we went inside. Mom ordered for the whole family and I sat down at a chair, thinking to myself, and I did some homework as well. I wish things with boys weren't so confusing.
Thursday Morning (Olivia's Perspective)
"I'm taking the train today," Bella said as she ate a plate of eggs and bacon.
"With who?"
"What about Hannah, Jessica, Leah?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe, I should take the train too. Leia would love the ride."
"No, you're not going to follow me to school."
"You better fix that attitude."
"Mommy, can I have some cereal? I don't want eggs and bacon, it makes my stomach gurgle."
"You know, when it makes those noises it means that the food in your belly is digesting. Does it hurt?"
"Nu-uh. But, I still kind of want it."
"Okay, you can have it, baby. Go sit at the nook and wait quietly like a good girl."
"Bella, what are you doing?"
"Playing a game. Why?"
"That looks fun! Let me try!" Bella handed her sister the phone and I watched her facial expressions as she put her dishes in the dishwasher.
"I'm leaving now."
"Woah, Woah, Woah, Missy. You didn't get a text from anyone."
"I told Kylie I'd meet her at the station."
"But you didn't tell me that."
"Mom, I have to leave." Bella slid on her backpack, took her phone from Leia and headed out the door. She's definitely going to be in trouble when she gets home later. I thought I was seeing a change in Bella, she was really maturing, and now she's dashing off?!
"Mommy, Bella just left."
"I know, and she's in very big trouble. We need to get you ready for school. Elliot, I need you to check the tracker."
"Bella's at the train station."
"Good, keep an eye on that for me."
"What's going on?"
"She has this little attitude whenever you ask or talk about her friends. She's doing it out of defensiveness because she doesn't want me to know something."
"I'm telling you, it's about time you grilled Bella about certain things. You're an amazing mother, and you truly are, you discipline these kids, teach them wrong from right, but I mean it's normal that they act out, they're kids. They're learning. Let me handle this one with Bella."
Two Little Red Hens (Bella's Perspective)
"Thanks for the cupcake, Jake. It's really good."
"No problem." I smiled as we walked home. I realized that Jake and I don't live that far away, he lives pretty close to Kylie and she's only a few blocks away.
"Enjoy it. Kylie told me it's your favorite." We started to walk for a little bit, in my direction of course and for some reason, my stomach felt full of butterflies and I could feel my face radiating heat. There's something about a small chat with a boy, at this age, for some reason, that makes it really different, and special. Kind of awkward too.
"It's always Kylie, ahh, can't blame her, once I get started on something I can't stop either."
"But, what about you? Like, I had to ask Kylie your favorite cupcake flavor, things like that, I wanna know more about you."
"More about me?" I looked at my phone and realized that I had to go home to get ready for my gymnastics lessons.
"Yeah, more about you."
"What do you wanna know?"
"I dunno, anything, it's just useful."
"Well, my favorite colors are purple, blue, and silver."
"Kinda knew that."
"I have a doggy named Ryan and we're getting another doggy soon."
"That's so cool."
"My mom's a cop."
"I heard about that one, people are scared of your Mom."
"She loves kids, as long as they're not a perp."
"Perpetrators. Criminals?"
"I have to start heading home," I said as we approached my block.
"Me too." We kind of stood there for a moment. It was silent. We both didn't know what to say until-
"Bella?!!!" Elliot?! What is he doing here?!!

To be continued~

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