Flippin' Awesome

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Breakfast Time! (Wednesday, January 14th) (7:25 AM MDT) (Park City Mountain Resort) (Bella's Perspective)
The breakfast buffet is just so delightful! Maybe because I've been a bit of a foodie these days, but it's everything I could ask for! There are cinnamon rolls, blueberry pancakes, waffles, donuts. Who argues with that?
"Let's go for our first round!" We took some eggs and bacon, along with pancakes. We walked back to our table and the boys were joking around as usual.
"You girls are always eating." Evan pointed out.
"Look, it's the first round. We're starving."
"When are you not?" I rolled my eyes and looked over at Alexis.
"Don't mind them, they don't get it. But guys, are you excited to snowboard today?"
"Yes! I'm going to be doing flips and all of that cool stuff."
"Ethan, let's not get ahead of ourselves."
"Exactly. You can't expect to be a skateboarding god on your first time trying."
"It's called optimism. Try it sometime."
"I hope we're on the same groups we were in last time. I had fun." Brayden said while looking at Axel, then me. Am I missing something? Because I feel like I'm being left out of the equation. Am I the x in
Music Class (9:27 AM EDT) (Leia's Perspective)
I like a lot of things. I like soccer. I like gymnastics. I like to dance. I like watching tv with my Mommy. I like making art. And now, I like something new too.
"Okay class, today we will be presenting our violin pieces in front of the class. It is mandatory, which means everyone had to do it or they will get a zero in the grade-book and I know your parents don't like bad grades." Mr.Brown said.
"Yes, Mr.Brown." The new thing I like? The violin. It's super easy for me to play, and I have so much fun playing it in music class! It makes a very beautiful sound, like when the birds chirp and sing their songs. It makes me happy like whenever Mommy says she's made tacos. I really, really like the violin. But, I don't have one! And, I'm kind of scared to ask Mommy if I can play it outside of school too. What if she doesn't think I mean it?
"Any volunteers to go first?" My entire class didn't move or make a sound. Except for Felix Jacobson's hiccuping, he always hiccups when he's nervous. I looked around. My friends didn't even move an inch. I raised my hand.
"I would like to go, Mr.Brown." He smiled.
"Okay, flip to your sheet music and show us what you got Leia." I felt a bit nervous. But I know I could do it! I flipped to Amazing Grace. Bella taught me how to read music and play the piano a bit. It's not like the violin, but I can read sheet music! I started to play. This song is super easy, even though Mr.Brown said it'd be tricky. I finished up the song and put my violin down. Everyone in the class was clapping, and Mr.Brown looked really happy.
"Leia, that is the best performance of Amazing Grace I have heard today! Have you been practicing at home?"
"No, only in class. We only have pianos and guitars at my house." I said calmly.
"Do you play them?"
"A little, but I don't take any classes. My sister Bella shows me. She's a really good piano and guitar player."
"Wow, Leia I am super duper proud of you for being brave. You are going to be an amazing violin player. I want you to stay behind after class, okay?"
Park City Mountain Resort (Home Run Hill) (8:38 AM MDT) (Bella's Perspective)
Today, I was placed in a group with Jake, Preston, Hannah, Sapphire, and Ethan. I didn't have Brayden or Axel so my nerves were calmed and settled.
"Alright guys, today I've taken you onto Home Run Hill. Do you know why?"
"Because it's a slow zone."
"Exactly. Which is perfect for beginners. So I'm going to help get you guys situated and we're going to get the basics down and hopefully learn a new trick today."
"Yes!" Ethan whispered.
"Watch you break your ankle doing something stupid," Sapphire said while rolling her eyes playfully. We got onto the snowboard and I'll be honest with you. I felt scared. This hill was not little, I've never snowboarded before.
"Come on, this looks awesome!" So I started kind of slow, Hannah was swerving.
"Wait, how do I slow down?!!" I felt as if I had more control this time around, but I didn't want to go too fast and get cocky before I got hurt.
"Scared?" I turned around. Oh yeah, Jake.
"A little bit. It's a bit intimidating." I admitted.
"I'll stay with you, I promise." He told me to bend my knees more and have more faith in myself. I'm going to be very, very honest. How could I be stable if I was already feeling weak in the knees from just talking to him?
"You're doing good! You'd do better if you gained a bit more speed."
"I'm scared."
"Don't be! I'm not going anywhere! I promise." So I gained more speed. I have to say, this felt awesome, I felt like I was in one of those high-speed trains, only I wasn't going that fast. If I did, I'd probably crash into a tree. I was giggling because I was feeling excited. I couldn't help it. This was pretty fun.
"Race you to the bottom!" Jake told me while gaining a bit of speed.
"Hey! You're a liar! You said you'd wait for me!" I giggled and caught up with the rest of my friends.
Home (Leia's Bedroom) (1:55 PM) (Olivia's Bedroom)
Because it is Wednesday, Leia was let out of school early because her teachers have staff meetings as they do every week. I decided that now would be the best time for me to talk to Leia about the phone call I got today, as Lucy had to take her to dance class later.
"Hi, I'm relaxing with my dogs." She stated.
"I can see that. You guys are watching some Netflix on the iPad?"
"Yep." She turned it off.
"Sweetheart, I got a call from your music teacher today."
"What did he say?"
"He said that today you had one of the best violin performances he's heard in a while. He said that you're very good at it and that you like it a lot, but he's confused as to why you're not taking classes."
"Oh." I smiled.
"Baby, I'm so proud of you! But, I never knew you liked the violin."
"I didn't tell you." She admitted.
"Why not? You can tell me."
"I wanted to play it and get my own violin but I thought you wouldn't believe me."
"Leia, of course, I'd believe in you, I'd support you in whatever you'd want to do pumpkin. You don't need to hide these things from me." I have my daughter a hug.
"If you want to do lessons, I'll put you in them. Don't ever be afraid to ask me to try something new. I want you to be able to try many things. Okay?"
"Okay, I'll tell you from now on."
"Good girl, now let's go downstairs and have some lunch before I have to go. Shall we?"
"Only if it's tacos!"
"What am I going to do with you?!"
Chick Fil-A (Park City, Utah) (12:01 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Does anyone have barbecue sauce?" I asked while laughing.
"Okay, let's stop with the jokes before someone has nuggets coming out of their nose." I giggled before hugging Sapphire. We were talking about the people at the table across from us. You know those girls who are rich and selfish? The type that treat people like crap just because they know they have financial power? Well, one of them had a big wipeout on the hill, I thought it was rightfully deserved after the way she treated Sapphire like she was beneath her.
"You think that just because you're new that you're oh so special don't you?!" Katelyn said.
"Well, heads up, no here is as important as me, and why don't you do something with your hair? It looks gross."
"Don't talk about my friend like that."
"Bella, this has nothing to do with you."
"It has everything to do with me. You don't treat people like that just because they look different from you. So what if she doesn't have straight, beautiful, blonde hair? Her hair's amazing because it's nothing like your dry hair with all of those split ends in it. And you having money means nothing because if you did, I'm sure your hair wouldn't look so dead and dry. Come on Sappy."
"Imagine talking about someone else when you don't even look good yourself," Hannah said before walking away.

It was rightfully deserved but you know what? I think it's better we don't dwell on that, I mean we're all here together, on our senior trip, having the time of our lives together, we shouldn't be worried about some petty rich girls, because who knows if we'll all be together in the fall.  That's actually..really important. Who knows what the future holds for us? I should act now, right?

"Bella, we gotta go on the bus, we have downtime now."
My Dance Studio (4:50 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"How was your ballet class?" Lucy asked.
"It was good, but my leg is a bit sore. Can we ice it at home?"
"Of course." I waved bye to Kamri and we started to walk home.
"Yes, baby girl?"
"I don't feel good." She stopped and felt my forehead.
"What's wrong? Does your tummy hurt?"
"I feel sad."
"I miss Bella. Every night she makes up stories with me and I miss her." I told Lucy.
"She's going to be back Friday afternoon sweet girl."
"But she said she would call and text. She hasn't called or texted Lucy. What if she's hurt?"
"Bella isn't hurt baby girl."
"So then why didn't she call?" I asked as we walked inside our house and stood in front of the guest room.
"I don't know baby. I don't know. She hasn't called me in a while either." I took off my shoes.
"Maybe she's sad and that's why. I'm gonna go make her a card!"
Swig (Park City Mountain Resort) (3:30 PM)
(Bella's Perspective)
"Two shark attacks!" Hilary and I took our drinks and went back over to the pool. We had downtime and we decided to swim. I sipped my drink quietly and looked over at Kelsie.
"Why are you sitting over here all alone?"
"I don't know, because clearly, I'm trying to enjoy a carbonated beverage."
"Sarcastic. Love it." She sat next to me. Hilary wasn't next to me at this point because she went to talk to Kylie. I was busy slurping on my drink.
"So..did you get anywhere with Jake?"
"No, not at all."
"Not at all?! I set up that whole thing for you guys!" I sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, I just have a minor brain freeze from this drink." She rolled her eyes.
"You know, you're a very sarcastic liar!" She said while laughing.
"I love it, but for real girl, is there something I could do?"
"No, I think it has to happen organically for me, although I'm not sure it's the same for Knox and Hannah." We watched as they talked to each other. Hannah looked over and waved, I gave her a thumbs up in return.
"Give it two weeks and they'll be together."
"No lies detected."

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