The Most Special Birthday

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Sunday, February 7th, 2023 (Manhattan) (10:30 AM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Happy Birthday, Mom!" The kids shouted happily. There were balloons all around my master bedroom and Bella was holding a tray with my breakfast! Elliot was busy recording my reaction.
"Thank you, guys! What's on the menu?"
"Leia made your favorite breakfast, Cheerios, I also made an omelette to go along with it and Noah made the bacon. Elliot just stood back and looked pretty." Bella said with a smile.
"I was busy quietly filling the room with balloons." The kids all laughed as Elliot picked up Bella and held her upside down for tattling. You know, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my birthday. I have all of my favorite people right in front of me.
"But we hope you enjoy breakfast. We'll give you some privacy so you can eat."
"Wait no, stay here. I want you guys to have breakfast with me."
"So I can eat in here for once?!" Leia asked.
"No, but you can talk to me while I eat."
"Hm. Okay. I fed everyone this morning Mommy. While I fed them they said happy birthday to you."
"That's kind of them." Today was going to be a relaxing day. I was going to hang out with my family, and then some friends later on for dinner.
"Mom, my feet are literally so sore from pointe yesterday. I have bruises."
"I wanna do pointe," Leia said.
"When your ankles are strong enough, it's really elegant, but it hurts a lot. Mom, I forgot to tell you, I have a group number and a trio at the next competition."
"That's amazing, Bella! What are they?"
"The group number is a lyrical dance about the changing seasons, and the trio is jazz and is about three girls in Paris in the '60s. I started practicing yesterday it's so cute." We all continued talking and it was just pure bliss. I was having a conversation with Noah about life, Leia was telling me about her dance numbers, and Bella was horsing around with Elliot. Best. Breakfast. Ever.
Ellie's Boutique (475 East 80th Street) (Bella's Perspective)
Today was my beloved mother's birthday, so Elliot gave her a generous amount of money to spend today. Along with a cute necklace. They're goals.
"Mom, this dress looks really cute." I showed my
Mom the navy dress and she smiled. It's kind of simple but I think it'd look cute on her.
"This is cute. But I want something different for when we four out to eat."
"Because you turned-" She eyed me.
"Hey, nothing's wrong with aging."
"I know, but you love to remind me." She said with a laugh. She isn't lying. I've been doing this since I was 8 or 9.
"So you want to look hot?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows.
"Elegant? In between the two?"
"The latter. You know, I didn't expect to hear you say the word hot in a conversation with me anytime soon."
"Well, I didn't know another word to use, and I mean hot isn't that bad of a word, it can be endearing. We talked about it in health, whether or not it's a word that should be said casually. What do you think?"
"I agree, it shouldn't always be sexualized. I'm glad I'm paying all of this money for you to go to that private school, you're learning a lot." I smiled.
"But some of it I learned from you. Some of it is just common sense, Mom."
"Common sense isn't that common these days, sweet pea."
"That's true."
"Bella, look at this dress."
"It's so gorgeous, Mom! You should try it on! Come on, let's go to the dressing room!"
Up Thai (1411 2nd Ave) (6:55 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
After a wonderful afternoon spent with my family, we had dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Along with Amanda, Fin, Carisi, Kat, and the kids, we had Barba, Huang, Warner as well.
"I think that we should make a toast." Elliot proposed.
"I agree. Does anyone have any kind words to share about Liv?"
"I do," Bella said quietly. I looked at my daughter from across the table who was playing with Billie.
"I just wanted to say that I'm so glad that you were born today because if you weren't, I wouldn't have had the ability to know the kindest, most selfless person I've ever met. And, if you hadn't been born, you wouldn't have been able to adopt me. Thank you for adopting me and allowing me to have a life that I could've never had. I really appreciate you and everything you've done for me. I hope you've had a great day today." My eyes started to water.
"Bella, you just love making me cry, don't you? Thank you, so much for that sweetheart."
"Happy birthday." She said. We did the toast and I looked down at Leia who was playing with her American Girl doll.
"Having fun down there?"
"Yes, Mommy. You having a good birthday?"
"Yes, I am. A very good birthday." Leia smiled and kissed me.
"That's your birthday kiss."
"Well, thank you. I really appreciate it." Leia began to eat again and Elliot put his arm around me.
"Happy birthday, Liv." He whispered into my ear.
Our Kitchen (Home)
"Happy birthday dear Mom, happy birthday to you!" I blew out the candles on the cake Bella made me. It was an Oreo cheesecake, the one I used to make Noah and Bella when they were young.
"I know it isn't the best, but it was the first thing to come to my head, sorry Mom."
"Bella, you don't have to be sorry. This tastes amazing, I think it's sweet you decided to do this for me. Thank you."
"Exactly, this cheesecake tastes amazing sweetheart."
"Thank you, Dad."
"Finish up, you guys have school in the morning." Bella had a slice of cake as Noah went upstairs to take a shower. It was just the three of us.
"Mom, Dad, you guys know that spring break falls on your anniversary, right?" She's right.
"Where are we going for spring break?" I had to move back our girl's trip to April when I realized.
"I don't know."
"I think you guys are going to do something without us. Because it's your anniversary."
"Well, let's see." Bella finished her slice and giggled. She told us both a good night and went upstairs.
"I've gotta say, this was the best birthday I've had in years."
Anna's Apartment (1:20 PM) (Tuesday, Feb. 9th) (Bella's Perspective)
I got let out of school early today because it was supposed to snow real bad. Even my dance classes and competition for the weekend got freaking canceled. I was at Anna's house for the time being until she drove me home.
"Bella, would you like a snack?"
"No thank you." I sighed and played with her dog.
"You seem a bit down."
"I am, my dance competition got canceled."
"It did? Oh dear, I'm sorry sweetheart."
"And school wasn't amazing today. It was quite boring."
"Why is that?"
"I had to take a test for math and science, then read Shakespeare for English. So it didn't brighten my mood."
"Sounds like a bummer."
"It is. But it's life."
"Sometimes when I feel a bit down I like to think about the things around me that make me feel happy."
"Your dog?" We laughed.
"Dubu is a great sense of therapy. Listens to everything you have to say, and doesn't make you feel bad about it,"
"Anna, are you dating anyone?"
"Not at the moment, why? Are you dating someone?"
"No! I was just curious! Just curious." Anna rolled her eyes.
"Do you still like Jake?" I nodded.
"That's sweet."
"I hope that we get into the same school. I don't know what I'll do without him."
"So you want to leave Trinity?"
"Well, yes and no. I love the community there, but I want to try something new as well. If my friends and I get into a good school, I'll leave. If not, I'll stay."
"That's fair. Good to keep your options open. Bella, so how have you been feeling lately, your Mom told me that you were upset a while back."
"I just felt like I was at a place where I felt like I couldn't talk about certain things, it was hard for me, and I was afraid that I'd be judged. But, I talked it out with Mom, and my therapist gave me techniques that would help me communicate these things. I'm okay. I'm pretty happy, but I just get super bored sometimes because school is super boring now."
"Things are going to amp up soon, you have senior pictures, prom, your second senior trip, graduation."
"I know, I know." 8th grade is ending...
My Bedroom (2:35 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"Your room is so pretty! I wish mines was like this." Lana said to me.
"Thanks." We sat in front of my dollhouse and we started to play. Our favorite game is house.
"How about I be the Mommy, and you be the kid?" She asked.
"Yep! I love being the kid. Lana, do you ever sit and imagine that you're a princess?"
"Yes! One time, I imagined that I had all of the toys in the world too." We both laughed because at that because we thought it was pretty silly. I touched my sun necklace before picking back up the doll.
"Leia, you wear that sun necklace a lot! Is it your favorite?" Lana asked.
"Yeah, my Mommy gave it to me when I got adopted. So it's really important! Come on, it's time for you to put Brianna to bed!" I love playing with my friends.

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