Would You....

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August 15th
Hey babe! Sorry, I left on such short notice!  I want to make it up to you! Can you make it to Bond 45 after work?
"But what about the kids?" I whispered to myself.
Don't worry about the kids, they're at Lucy's! I sniffed the flowers and put down the cute little note.
"Well, he sure does know how to make you smile."
"Yes, yes he does." Upon me becoming Captain Amanda and I have gotten much closer. Something that I'm appreciating more and more every day.
"Have fun tonight."
"I'll try not to have too much fun." Amanda kept snickering and for some reason, it was rubbing me a certain way.
"Do you know anything?"
"I'm not sure what you're talking about."
"I hear you, Detective."
4:30 PM (Bella's Perspective)
Today was a very exciting day. Elliot was finally going to propose to Mom. We were showering and getting dressed.
Elliot: Your Mother said she's on her way over here. How's everything?
Me: Well...hectic! Leia does NOT want to get dressed. We're trying to reason with her.
Elliot: Tell her she won't get her treat if she keeps acting like that.
"Aunty Amanda, I don't wanna wear that dress!"
"El said that if you don't get dressed you won't get your treat." Amanda raised her eyebrows and Leia put on the dress.
"You look so beautiful. I'm not sure why you don't like it!"
"Yes, Bella?"
"Where are we going to go?"
"You'll see. Billie, come here."
"Mama, we're going to see Aunty Livy!"
"That's right sweetheart!"
"Mom, this is getting boring. I'm hungry."
"There's Oreos in the cabinet Jesse."
"You're a lifesaver!" I laughed and sat next to Lucy.
"I wish we could go to Bond 45 right now. Their food is so good." For some reason I was nervous. I wanted today to the best day of Mom's life. Everything had to be perfect.
Kylie: I'm so excited! I'm coming over now!
All of my Mom's friends were going to come over because this was like "home base" sorta. Even Alex was flying out with her twins. She adopted them from a country called Uganda!
"Bella, Kylie's here!" I ran to the door and gave her a hug.
"Thanks for coming guys I really appreciate it!"
"No problem! I love a good love story! I can't wait to see the result!" It was after five now and Uncle Fin, Carisi, and Alex haven't come yet. Thankfully Elliot was buying time by taking Mom shopping. That's always a great distraction!
Midtown, NYC (Olivia's Perspective)
"It's minutes to six. I think I'm ready to eat." Elliot treated me to a little shopping spree. I managed to get some cute dresses and some dresses for my girls as well. Elliot had made a reservation. Something he doesn't usually do. My senses were starting to kick in. Something was up.
"I would like the chicken parmigiana alla vodka, margarita pizza, and the Italian wedding soup."
"Anything for you sir?"
"Can we also have Nonna's meatballs, fettuccine bolognese nada bottle of rosé." When the waiter left I commented.
"Wow, you're sure going all out tonight."
"Anything for my girl." I smiled and looked at my phone.
Bella: Hey Mom!
"Bella just texted me and sent a picture of her and Leia playing a board game! Leia's all ready for bed!"
"Stop worrying about the kids."
"I'm not worrying."
"Yes, you are."
"I can't help it, I'm a big worrier. Especially with two kids that've been assaulted."
"We've never really talked about that, have we?"
"No, I wanted to wait a bit before we spoke about it. It's why I tend to pay so much attention to Bella and Leia. I want them to be happy and healthy kids, the same for Noah too. Bella has had it very hard and she's at a place where she's happy and I've have been this happy in years. This is like the pinnacle of my life right now. I'm happy, the kids are happy, My love life is amazing."
"Sound like everything is amazing for you right now?"
"Yes, actually. But let's focus on you, how was your day babe?"
"How can your day be hectic when you work a less demanding job?"
"Good point. But, you always make my day a little bit brighter, I thank you for giving me a chance at this relationship."
"No, thank you. This has been amazing. You know, Bella asked me the funniest thing the other day. It made me, quite flustered to be honest."
"She asked me if we were getting married."
"Oh really?"
"She said, she plans on getting married as well, I think that we're setting an example for these kids. They really look up to us and our relationship. I wasn't sure how to answer Bella about marriage because I don't want my 11-year-old studying marriage right now. But, when it came to the question of whether or not I'd marry you, I said yes. I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, raising these kids, my grandkids. But, I know you've been divorced and it's insensitive of me to be like that. You need time." He smiled and nodded.
"It's not insensitive to have desires. I have desires as well."
"I don't think the desires you have are family-friendly if you know what I mean." I gave Elliot a smirk and he returned the favor.
"They're definitely not."
The Uber (Leia's Perspective)
"These are my twins. Gabby and Gabriel. You guys can say hi."
"Hi," Bella said.
"Gabby's so cute! She has chubby cheeks."
"Chubby cheeks," Gabby said.
"Leia, say hi."
"Hello," I whispered. Bella kept playing with Gabby and I didn't like it. She's my sister! Gabby is not her sister!
"Leia, what's wrong?" Aunty Amanda asked. We were going to Central Park on the other side because Elliot was going to go there and we were going to watch them get engaged. That's what Bella said.
"I'm not happy."
"Why honey?"
"I want to go home."
"Alex, how long are you staying because I wanted to talk to you about that thing."
"For about five days."
"Mama, look at the window," Gabriel said.
"I see, look at all of the pretty buildings!" I really wanted Mommy to get married and be happy. Because Mommy was nice to me a lot. Except when she sends me to bed early. I don't like that!
"Lei, why the sad face?"
"I'm not sad. I just want to go home."
"But I thought you were excited baby Lei."
"Just leave me alone," I whispered.
West 59th Street (Olivia's Perspective)
The sun was setting on this beautiful summer night, and I was quite content. My date with Elliot was amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better one. It was an amazing way to brighten me up after the stressful day I've had.
"I work so much that sometimes I forget to sit and enjoy nature. I think we all work too much." I smiled and Elliot held my hand.
"You can say that again."
"Elliot, this was an amazing date. I needed this. Really. Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me. You deserved this. You deserve everything that life can offer." We started to walk towards the water and I looked at the river. The beautiful river how it was so peaceful.
"Liv, I've been wanting to ask you something important. For a really long time."
"Something important?"
"You are the love of my life and I couldn't imagine being with anyone else-" Elliot got on his knee and I was extremely taken aback. I stepped back and covered my mouth to hide my expression.
"Will you marry me?"
"Elliot Stabler, Yes!" He slid the ring on my finger and I passionately kissed my fiancé. I was in love with my ring! It was black, which was so unique and I loved that! Suddenly, I felt an arm around my waist and realized it was my daughter.
"Bella, what are you doing here?!"
"Oh, my word!" Bella and Noah were both crying and Leia was just smiling.
"My babies. Group hug. It's okay, guys." Before I knew it a multitude of family friends were surrounding me and it just made this moment so much better.
"Everyone's crying," Amanda said.
"We're all happy for you Mom." Bella wiped her eyes and continued to cry. I've never seen my kids react in such a way. You could tell they were truly happy for me.
"Alex! Thank you so much for coming! Your children are adorable! Nice to meet you two! Are you guys hungry? Let's go eat something!"
Our Backyard (Bella's Perspective)
"I know today has been a long day and I promise I'll let you guys go to bed after this." Leia was already fast asleep in her bed after her bedtime story. Mom had her arm around my body and she started to speak.
"You guys are the oldest so I figured we have this conversation together, and just the three of us. To make it more intimate."
"I want you guys to know that even though Elliot and I are getting married nothing is going to change and everything will be the same. I promise."
"But, it won't be." I said honestly.
"It's not going to be the four of us anymore. It's gonna be us 5 so it will be different Mom."
"Does that make you upset sweetheart?"
"No, but I'm just saying. I'm not trying to be rude."
"Yeah, Bella has a point."
"I guess you guys are right. Things will be the same in the way I discipline. I'm still going to be tough on you guys."
"Well, we certainly know that." Noah joked.
"I'm still going to spend private time with you kids once a month."
"I'll still love you three the same. Elliot being here isn't going to change that."
"We get it. But Leia gets jealous, in the car today she didn't like it when I played with Gabby."
"Yeah, Leia's used to being the baby Mom."
"I know, I need to have a conversation with her about that. I don't want to send a selfish kid off to kindergarten. But yes, I want everything to operate as they usually do. And, we'll talk more in the morning. Noah, mind if I talk to Bella?"
"Nope, night Mom. Night Bell."
"Night." We said.
"Honey, remember when I said we needed to do some shopping?"
"I'm not going to work tomorrow, so I thought it'd be the perfect time to take you shopping."
"That's sounds.....okay."
"What's wrong?"
"What is it, honey? Just tell me."
"I just feel weird about it."
"Well, why?"
"Don't they have to like measure me?"
"Yes, does that make you uncomfortable?"
"Not too much. I don't know, it's something new and it kind of weirds me out." I said honestly while staring at her ring.
"I'll be there every step of the way, I know it's confusing. You'll be just fine. It's long overdue honey." We both laughed and she looked at this ring.
"Beautiful, right? How did Elliot come up with this?"
"Actually, I did. I suggested he buy you a black ring. So you could be unique."
"Really?" I nodded and she pulled me into a hug.
"Aww baby, it's even more special knowing you chose it for me. Thank you!"

Ending Of Diary Entry
And that's how my Mom's engagement went! I'm so happy for her! I can't wait to see them get married and be happy together. After everything Mom has done for this she deserves this! Love you, Mom!

I put my diary on my nightstand and turned off my light. It was really late and I was ready for bed~

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