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June 14th, 2022
"Congratulations Noah!" My graduation ceremony had just finished. It felt so weird. I won't be going to that school anymore. My friends and I are going on (mostly) separate paths.
"Morgan, Noah, pose for the picture please." We were getting ready to all have dinner together. Yep. Mom finally got over Morgan and I being a thing, and Elliot wasn't surprised in the slightest. Bella got grounded for lying, and I paid her back for that.
"Mommy, what's for dinner?"
"That's getting boring."
"I know, but Noah chose it, so that's what we're going to do today. Can you say okay Mommy?"
"I'm proud of you bro." Bella gave me a hug and Morgan one too.
"We should start heading to the restaurant, we have a big night ahead of us." I graduated from middle school. Wow. This is so weird.
The Next Day (Bella's Perspective)
"Last day of school, babe." Elliot gave me a kiss and made me pancakes.
"Are you taking the train, or do you want me to drop you off?"
"Taking the train. Can you pick me up, we have a half-day."
"I'm not sure, if anything, Liv will if I can't."
"Daddy, where's Lucy?"
"She's coming in a couple of minutes, why?"
"I'm going to Kamri's house today. We have a play date."
"That's right, are you excited?"
"Yes, because we're going to build a fort. And we're going to tell scary stories."
"In the daytime?"
"You can just turn off the lights, Bella." I giggled and Mom came downstairs to say goodbye.
"Bye girls. I love you guys." I waved and Mom went to go give Elliot a kiss.
"That's yucky!"
"I have to go now too." I left with her and she gave me a kiss as I went to go cross the street.
"You just keep getting bigger and bigger. Have a great day, I love you. And when we get back later, I wanna talk to you. You're not in trouble."
"Okay. Bye, Mom."
"I love you, bye sweetie." As I took the 6 train with my friends I thought to myself. One more year of middle school and I'd be done. I had to savor it. And, I knew just how I would do that. We were walking to school and all of a sudden, a load of cameras were in front. This was weird, why are they here?
"There are police stationed outside the school today as Captain Benson's daughter goes to school." What in the living hell?
"Alright, we need to go inside." People were staring at me and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad.
"Bella, are you okay?!"
"What? I'm fine."
"Dude, someone just threatened your Mom saying they'd kill her." See, I'm not allowed to watch the news for this reason. My Mom's job causes a lot of controversies, she's on tv quite a bit, and we get threatened a hell of a lot. I just don't pay any mind.
"Uhh, forgot the name. But still, be careful." I then remembered about my mother and how Mom was vying for a no-contact order so that I could live my life without having to worry about my bio Mom meddling every second.
"But custody battle? Doesn't make sense."
"Guys, don't worry about it and don't watch the news. I'll tell you guys about it when I can."
"Alright, we're just really worried," Jake said.
"That's really sweet, now come on. We have freaking homeroom." Why didn't Mom tell me this was plastered all over the news?
Bella's School (Olivia's Perspective)
"Bye guys, I'll see you guys later! I love you guys so much." Bella said as she said goodbye to her friends.
"Let's go sweet pea, I want to get you out of here." She ran towards me and we were escorted home.
"How was school babe?"
"It's was nice. But, people wouldn't stop asking me if I was okay or not."
"Are you?"
"I am. But, why didn't you tell me?"
"Bella, I just wanted to protect you. I hate seeing you hurt and crying! I didn't want to tell you the rather uncomfortable details. You've shed enough tears over Maria and Dashon. I'm not making it worse for you. Understand me?"
"Now, it's your first day of summer. What are you doing?"
"Well, dessert with friends, and then fun with the fam sounds nice and lowkey."
"Aww. But, I have to tell you something."
"What?" I held Bella's cheek as the car pulled up to our home.
"When you go out with your friend's protective detail is going to be there, okay?"
"Is this really that serious?"
"Yes, it is. You and I are targets right now."
"It definitely wouldn't be the first time."
5 years ago
"Mommy, please don't leave."
"I'm sorry Bella, but I have to. It's to keep you safe. Please listen to me." Bella cried quietly and I gave her a hug.
"I know, I know. It's okay baby."
"But why can't we stay at home?"
"Because it's unsafe, we have to hide."
"Like Anne Frank and the Holocaust?"
"Yes. Kind of."
"I'm going to die?!!"
"No baby, no. Come on, let's pack your clothes please."

"It's just fine with me Mom," Bella said quietly. She went down into the basement to be alone and I didn't hear a single peep. And for some reason, I felt assured.
Dinner With My Family (Leia's Perspective)
"Daddy, what are you grilling?" I asked.
"Beef, chicken. Hotdogs."
"Burgers too?"
"So, how do you make them?"
"Well, what specifically?"
"As in, which meat. The burgers, the chicken, the hotdogs."
"The chicken."
"Well, you have to season it, have to let it marinate overnight-"
"And then what?"
"You cook it. I'll show you step by step when you're older."
"Leia, come here sweetheart!" I ran over to my Mommy and she gave me a chore.
"Put the glasses on the table please." That's an easy chore. A hard chore is cleaning my room. It takes forever.
"Okay, it's almost time for dinner."
"Okay, let me go feed Ryan," Bella said.
"Leia, go sit angel. You can pray tonight." Yes! I get to make the family prayer tonight. I wonder what I'm going to say.
"Okay, the foods done. Noah, bring the chicken over."
"Bella, when you're done feeding Ryan can you get the salad for me?"
"Of course! I'll bring out the salad and the other things."
"Other things?"
"Mom made breadsticks for you," Noah said.
"Yes! Breadsticks! What else?"
"You'll see in a minute sweetheart! Go sit down baby."
"Don't forget my Tabasco Mommy!"
"I won't, I'm going to go get it right now!" We all sat down and I got to say my prayer. It's really super-duper private for me and my family.
"Elliot, this is really good chicken."
"Yeah, super good." I kind of missed school. I couldn't see my friends every day anymore.
"Leia, don't let your food get cold pumpkin."
"Yes, Mommy." It tastes really good. Daddy Elliot is a good cook.
"So, about going to Ireland. You guys sure there's no significance behind it?"
"Well, there is. Elliot's Irish."
"Makes sense. I wanna try the food."
"Why the food?"
"Because it just seems interesting. Why couldn't we go to London instead?"
"Because it's overrated that's why?"
"No it it's too. London has so much cultural and historical significance. You're just a hater." My sister said while laughing. Noah hit her and she gave me a kiss.
"We'll consider London another time."
"At least we're going somewhere, I'm not ungrateful. I just wanna go to so many places!"
"I know, you're a very adventurous young lady. This trip will serve you well."
"I just want to skateboard. I don't really care about where we go."
"That's because you're boring as heck. I like to dream. When's the last time you did that?"
"I dunno. 4 years ago."
"Noah, are you excited about your summer job?"
"Heck yeah. Who doesn't wanna work at a skateboard shop?"
"I don't wanna. I wanna work at a soccer shop." I giggled and talked to my older brother.
"I wanna work."
"Bella, you can work for me, sweetheart."
"Okay, but I don't know. I just can't wait to legally work myself."
"Just a year away."
"It seems like forever."

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