A Special Q & A

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The Caribe Club & Grill (Monday, March 15th) (11:45 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
Girl's Day with Mom is always so much fun! So, I was excited to finally have my turn with her! I poured syrup over my pancakes before digging in.
"So, what's the agenda today?" Mom asked before taking a bit of her veggie omelette.
"I was considering doing matching nails, and horseback riding! Oh, swimming too!"
"I had an idea of my own as well!"
"What is it?"
"I was thinking that we could have lunch on the beach today and go shopping at the mall 5 minutes away."
"I'd love that! That's a lot for one day though."
"I think we could make it work. We could swim and paint our nails after lunch, and go shopping and horseback riding now."
"That sounds good!" I ate a bit of sausage before talking to my Mom about gymnastics.
"Yeah, I've realized that you haven't been as invested as you used to be. It's not your favorite anymore, is it?"
"No, I think it's dance right now." She nodded before drinking her iced tea.
"Why did you nod like that?"
"No reason."
"Hey, Mom?"
"I have my therapy session the Sunday we get back."
"Yes, you do... Bella, what's up?"
"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come to my session."
"I'd love to sweetheart! It's rare that you even let me join you these days! I'd love it!"
"Mom, I find it kind of funny that we both go to therapy but I'm the only one that talks about it."
"I don't talk about it because it's private."
"I know, but you said you'd tell me a bit of what goes on. Like about Grandma. Your Mom."
"I promise that I'll tell you about her when the time is right."
"Can I at least know her name?"
"That's a pretty name." She laughed sadly.
"I know. Bella, you said you had something to tell me about school? Aren't you guys having a performance?" She's changing the topic. Hm. I can tell this hurts her, so I'll go along with it.
"I volunteered to play the piano during the high school letter opening thing for the parents and students."
"Really?! That's amazing baby girl! I can't wait to see you play. Do you know what you're playing?"
"Yeah, some Beethoven and Bach. I have a little playlist ready." She's happy again.
Fun Time With Daddy (12:22 PM) (The Swimming Pool) (Leia's Perspective)
"Come here, Daddy!" He swam over and picked me up.
"Daddy, can you throw me in the air?"
"Alright! You ready?"
"Yes! Throw me, Daddy!" He threw me into the air and caught me. I love being in the air! It makes my stomach tickle and I feel like I'm on top of the world!
"That was amazing! Again!"
"Is this your favorite part of coming here with me?"
"No, it's talking to you while we swim. It makes me really happy."
"That's my favorite part too."
"Leia, I think that after this we should go get ourselves some handmade bracelets."
"Yeah! And then we could match! Mom and Bella would be so jealous! Bracelets last a long time and nail polish doesn't, so this has more meaning." This little girl is so smart.
"That's very true, the bracelets will last a very long time and it'll always remind us of this day!" I kissed her and she giggled.
"Dad, let's go get a popsicle! Come on! Let's go!" Leia and her random bursts of energy. Probably the cutest thing in the world. I can't wait to formally adopt her.
"Alright! I hope there's still some watermelon."
"Yeah, because it's our favorite flavor!"
Kukulcan Plaza and Luxury Ave (12:33 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Mom, look there's a Gucci store! Can I get something?" Bella said jokingly.
"Certainly, if you're paying." We both laughed. We'd been shopping for about 15 minutes at this point. Bella managed to find some cute tops that she wants to wear ~immediately~, and I found a nice beach dress.
"Is there anything else that you'd like?"
"I'm not sure, I'll figure it out as we go!"
"So Bella, you never really got back to me about us sharing a diary again." She paused.
"I didn't?"
"Oh, right! Sorry about that. I just, I'm not entirely sure. It sounds a bit babyish to be sharing a diary with your Mother at 13."
"It isn't if it helps with your emotional/mental health sweet pea. Nobody else will know about it other than you and me."
"I know," Bella said while putting her AirPods in her ears.
"I'll let you think about it." She really is growing up, she used to love sharing a journal with me. She's embarrassed to share one with me now. It's a bit confusing because she shares one with Anna. So, what is it?
"Oh my gosh, Mom look at this vintage shirt!"
"What's been up with you and vintage clothing lately?!"
"I don't know! It's just so cute! The wear and tear! Can I get it? Please?"
"Yes, you can." Seeing that bright smile on her face makes me happier than she could even understand. I don't ever want her to lose that smile.
"Mom, can I ask you something personal?"
"Hm, depends on what it is, What is it?"
"When you were going through puberty, was your Mom as understanding with you as you are with me? Because you're so nice to me even when I'm grouchy and mean. I want to be like you when I have kids."

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