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Monday, May 1st, 2023 (The Trinity School) (Bella's Perspective)
It's been two weeks and I still haven't told anyone who I met in the park that day. My parents have been giving me hell, but I haven't been letting up. I can't talk to Anna because she's busy because she's moving so I just paint to stay sane. Mom attends a bit more sessions now and I'm certainly not getting off of medication any time soon. Besides that, it's May now and with our senior trip and prom on the horizon, everyone's acting differently.
"I heard that Kaden's going to ask Paisley to prom." Hannah said while gripping my arm in excitement.
"Bella, Kaden. The guy that everyone's been crushing on for half the year! That Kaden!" I laughed.
"I know who Kaden is. I'm just not surprised, he's been paying a lot of attention to Pais lately." Hannah stared at me.
"You've been kind of different lately."
"You're not having the same energy you used to have before, is everything okay?"
"I plead the fifth."
"So no. I won't bug you about it, but just know that I know."
"You aren't my best friend for no reason now are you?"
The Kitchen (Wednesday) (5:30 PM) (Elliot's Perspective)
"Hi, Daddy!"
"Hi pumpkin, how was your violin lesson?"
"The best! I love playing the violin! I'm gonna show you what I learned before bedtime."
"That sounds great pumpkin, I love hearing you play."
"Dad, what are you making?"
"I'm making chicken and mushrooms."
"You don't know that it's bad until you try it kiddo. You might like it."
"Is it mushy?"
"Not at all, sweetheart. You know, Eli likes this meal quite a bit."
"Hmm, if Eli likes it maybe I will too. Are we going to eat dinner right now?"
"Not right now, we're going to have it when we get back from the park." I finished up the chicken and mushrooms, turned off the stove, and washed my hands.
"Do me a favor and ask Mommy if she's ready to go, I've finished."
"On it, Detective!"
My Bathroom (6:15 PM) (Eli's Perspective)
I was so over just even being near Dad. Like, I loved Olivia like a second mum.. but the way Dad was acting was just messed up. I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
"Eli! It's Bella! Me, Lei, and Noah are off to the park. Mom and Dad would like you to be there too." I really didn't even want to go out... but I placed my pocket knife in my jacket pocket and opened the door.
"Alright then. Let's go." Following Bella downstairs, Olivia smiled at me.
"Some fresh air will do you good." Following her to the car, Leia was talking to Noah as Dad drove along the roads. He kept looking at me through the rearview mirror. I just wasn't bothered about having a relationship with him.
"We could go for ice cream after the park!" Noah shouted as Leia smiled.
"That sounds great."
When we got there, Leia and Noah headed for the swings.
"Come on Daddy! Could you push me please?' He laughed.
"I love being your daddy Leia." Why would he ignore me? Olivia then walked up to me...
"Don't say it. I'm just not in the mood." She looked concerned.
"Your dad is trying sweetheart. Is everything ok? Really, Eli? You can talk to me."
"Everything's fine!" I ran off to the car.
"Eli!!!" Olivia got stopped by Bella.
"Mom... I saw him this morning in the bathroom. I think he's gonna do something bad." I then glared at Bella. How dare she tell her that. After that.. all I heard was Olivia's voice.
"Leave me alone! Dad doesn't care about me!" I stayed in the car. Taking out the pocket knife, she knocked on the window...
"Eli.. please open up. I can help you. Elliot!!!!" Dad then came running over to the car with Noah and Leia.
"I'll do it! I'll strike this knife along my hand.' Dad looked horrified.
"Son.. look at me.. please." I then burst into tears.
"I just can't do this. Get off me!" Dad was battling with me.
"I'll strike it! Leave me alone." Olivia took the kids for a walk.. leaving me and dad in the car. Dad took the knife and carefully put it away.
"Hey, hey, Eli. Listen to me. I know that you've-"
"You know what?! What do you know?!"
"Mom's been saying that you've been struggling lately. You haven't been doing your homework, and you've been coming home way past curfew. I-"
"Mom's account and my account are two completely different things. Tell me what she told you and I'll tell you what really happened and we can compare and contrast the fucking two and you'll see how different they are."
"One thing you're not going to do is cuss me out, young man. I don't-" Dad composed himself.
"You don't care. Trust me, I know that already."
"What makes you say that?"
"You treat Leia, Bella, and Noah like they're your own. They aren't even your kids."
"Eli, whether you like it or not they're my stepchildren. Biology doesn't make a family, love does. I still love you the same and this doesn't change anything."
"Then why didn't you tell me that you were planning on adopting them?"
"Well, to be fair, I haven't even told them yet. I was going to tell you around the same time I'd tell them. Where did you get that info from?"
"Oh. I never told her that." It was silent.
"Eli, I'm so sorry that my actions caused you to doubt my love for you and made you think of hurting yourself. You matter so much to me, and I'd never forgive myself if you hurt yourself because of me. I'm here to listen. Tell me whatever it is you need me to do."
"Well, for one I need you to be home. I like coming over and stuff but half the time you're not even really here, and when you are you're paying attention to Leia."
"Noted. So when you come over would you like it if we had more solo time?" I nodded.
"That can be arranged. I'll also adjust my schedule for when you do come home."
"The sounds ok. Can I stay from Friday-Sunday?" I asked.
"Of course. But, I thought you said you liked weekends with Mom."
"Not so much anymore."
"Well, she has this new boyfriend now and I can't stand seeing them all lovey-dovey with each other." I admitted.
"She has a boyfriend? She never told me."
"I guess she thought it wasn't any of your business."
"I think you're right. And Eli?"
"How do you feel about us having some therapy sessions together? So that we can work on this?"
"That'd be okay." Dad pulled me into a hug. Let's see how long this sticks.
Tuesday, May 2nd (The 16th Precinct) (12:30 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"Uncle Fin, when are you getting married?" I asked him.
"I don't know exactly when pumpkin. But sometime soon."
"Do I get to be a flower girl?"
"Yes, you'll get to be the best flower girl in town!" I continued to draw a picture of me and Uncle Fin. So he's really getting married?!! No, no, no he's my uncle!
"Why do you have to get married to Ms. Phoebe? You guys haven't even been boyfriend and girlfriend for very long! Bella said that people are boyfriend and girlfriend for a while before they get married."
"We've known each other for a long time, Leia. Longer than I've known you."
"Hmph," I said. I was getting a bit annoyed.
"Why are you putting on your pouty face?"
"I don't want you to get married! If you get married you won't wanna spend time with me anymore." I cried.

"This is so much fun, Uncle! Weee!" I giggled as he drove the bumper car. We crashed into this random boy and it was pretty silly.
"Well jeez, looks like we just got into an accident!"
"We got into a lot of accidents, Uncle! I don't think you're a very good driver!" I joked. We both laughed really hard.

Aunty Amanda looked over and Uncle Fin put up his finger.
"What do you mean, baby?" He asked me.
"When people get married they don't pay attention anymore." I said.
"Like when Mommy and Elliot got married she stopped paying attention a little."
"I don't wanna say it, Uncle."
"Okay, you don't have to. But Leia, just because Phoebe and I are getting married doesn't mean that I'll stop spending time with you. I'll always be there at your birthday parties, on the holidays, and to pick you up and check up on you after school. You don't have to worry about me abandoning you."
"Real Mommy forgot about me when she married Greg."
"I'm not like Mommy Melanie, you don't have to worry. I'm not going anywhere!"
"I promise." He gave me a hug and a kiss. Aunty Amanda gave me a lollipop so I'd feel a bit better.
"You don't have to worry about anyone leaving you behind. We're all here for you."
The Gymnasium (The Trinity School) (3:35 PM) (Jake's Perspective)
"Hey, guys!" Bella and Paisley came over.
"Hey." I said in reply. As Bella hugged me Axel and Brayden kept staring at me.
"Why are you guys staring, it's a bit weird." Bella remarked.
"Maybe because you've been hugging him for like 5 minutes." Paisley pointed out.
"Friends hug." She said.
"Yeah, I don't get what the problem is." I said in her defense.
"Anyways, we wanted to tell you guys goodbye before practice. So bye y'all!" Paisley said while dragging Bella away. Awkward.
"Hey guys, prom is in a few weeks. Who are you guys asking?" Porter asked.
"I was thinking about asking Sapphire." Ethan said.
"You like Sapphire??"
"Nah, but we're cool friends."
"Major cap! Brayden, who are you asking?"
"I'm gonna ask Bella." He's going to ask Bella after I literally said I'd ask her.
"Why do you want to ask Bella to prom? You guys barely talk these days." Preston pointed out while dribbling the basketball.
"Because I like her and she's liked me since sixth grade. Is there a problem?" He asked while staring at me.
"What are you looking at me for?" I asked.
"Guys..chill out." Evan said while pushing us away from each other.
"Bella would never want to go to prom with you."
"How do you know that? She's liked me since sixth."
"That doesn't mean anything. For all we know, her opinion could've changed and she now sees you for the asshole you are." Brayden lunged at me and our coach had to hold him back.
"Since you think you know sooo well, let's see who Bella chooses."

A/N: Thank you so much LaurenLove18 for coming up with the idea for Eli's section and helping me write it! It turned out amazing thanks to you and could not have been done without your help! <3

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