Unexpected Interactions

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A/N: The lovely LaurenLove18 wrote this amazing first section and a generous bit of the third one! TYSM as always and please read her book Saving Myself, it's so awesomely well written!

505 East 74th Street (Friday, May 25th)
(Bella's Perspective)
I was chilling out with Mom and Dad when my phone bleeped. It was a message from Jake. Looking at the text, my eyes widened.

"Are you alright Bells?" Mom asked me whilst she was cuddled up with Elliot.
"Yep. I'm fine." Jake asked me if I wanted to go to his party! I was freaking out inside. Leia was upstairs in her bedroom playing and Noah was in his bedroom chilling out.
"I need to go and talk to my brother." Mom took my hand.
"Bells.. you're acting strange. Is everything ok?" I nodded.
"I'll tell you later Mom." Rushing upstairs, I texted Hilary.

Me: WNTT!!! NOW!x

She then video-called me.
"What's happened? I know when something is urgent!" I giggled. Asking her if she was going to Jake's party, she said yes.
"Why are you freaking out?" She then realised.
"You like him don't you Bella?" I blushed furiously. "Well, it's pretty obvious!" Hilary squealed.
"Well, we need to figure out what you're gonna wear to his party. I'm going to wear my cute black top with my jeans." As I giggled as my friend continued to talk, I heard Noah. I opened my bedroom door just so that I could hear a tiny bit.
"Morgan.. just let me talk.. look, just listen to me. I didn't mean to say that. Well, how would you feel if I was talking to someone from my past?" I heard Hilary's voice.
"Sorry, Hilary. Yeah... I can't wait for this party." When I finished talking to Hilary, I went to see Leia. "Come in." I opened her bedroom door. She smiled at me.
"I'm colouring. Are Mommy and Elliot still downstairs?" I said yes.
"What aren't you telling me Bells?" I couldn't hide anything.. even from my sister. As we went downstairs, we saw Noah sat at the kitchen table. He glared at me.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Elliot followed him outside.
"So, Mom.." She raised her eyebrows.
"That was Jake who texted me earlier. He's having his birthday party tomorrow and I was wondering if you and Elliot would let me go." She nodded. "Really?" She agreed.
"You've been really grown up lately." I then giggled.

"I know right?" Leia laughed.
"What's so funny Miss?" Mom smiled.
"You and Daddy are being really weird and mushy at the moment." I loved my little sister.
"It's because they are in love Leia!" She then hugged Mom.
"Bella's right sweetie. How about we go and get our pyjamas on and I'll read you a story?" She ran straight upstairs.
"Love you Bells." Mom blew me a kiss.
"Love you too Mom."
Southampton, Long Island (9:45 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hmm, maybe I should wear this one instead." I heard my 13-year-old say. The room was littered with clothes and I chuckled to myself.
"I think that outfit's just fine Bell."
"Mom, you scared me!" She said while blushing.
"Sorry. It looks like a tornado blew through here. Are you getting clothes for the party?" She nodded.
"I've never seen you do all of this for a party."
"A lot of people from my school are going to be there. I just want to look nice."
"Are you sure you're not dressing nicely for Jake?"
"I guess you caught me." I sat down on my daughter's bed.
"I was 13 years old too once."
"Did you do things so that your crush would notice?"
"Of course. Back in middle school, we had dances every couple of months. My friends and I decided to go to this one dance. I was walking down the hallway one says and I heard my crush, Nolan McGregor, say I love girls with curly hair."
"Uh-huh." We both laughed.
"So I thought that it would be cute to perm my hair and well... That didn't end well. My hair ended up looking like a frizzy mess and he did not notice me at that dance."
"Aww, poor baby Liv."
"I know. The moral of the story is you shouldn't waste all of this time trying to impress someone. It might just backfire. You are perfect just the way you are."
"I guess you make a point there. But I do wanna look good for myself as well, Mom." I helped Bella find an outfit that fit her personality but was still bold and beautiful.
"I love it!"
437 Deer Lake Road (1:35 PM) (Saturday) (Jake's Perspective)
"Ayo, this party is lit." Ethan said.
"Please stop talking like that, it sounds so incredibly forced." Leah playfully snatched his drink and took a waterfall before he took it back.
"That was the last Dr.Pepper."
"Take a chill pill, you don't need any more of those." I chuckled and looked around as my friends talked. There's no sight of Bella. The party started an hour ago. Where is she?
"Leah, do you know where Bella is?" I asked.
"Uhhh, she said that she had to do something with Lucy real quick before she came. I don't know what though."
"Thanks." I went back inside the house and upstairs so that I could grab my phone.
"Happy birthday!" My Uncle Steven said.
"Thanks." I went into the guest room, far away from the music outside, and decided to text Bella.

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