Leia's First Christmas

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"Hey, My name's Bella."
"Hi. I'm not really allowed to talk to anyone?"
"How come?"
"I dunno. I don't have a lot of friends."
"Where are your parents?"
"At the bar...drinking again." She bowed her head and I felt bad for her. I know what it felt like to have a drunken person around you.
"I get it."
"You get it?"
"I know what it's like."
"How could you?"
"My Mom, my real Mom, would get drunk a lot of the time when I was a little girl. She wasn't the nicest."
"My parents too. They get really angry and hit Carli. I think they just came on this vacation to drink. Dad is the worst about it." I have to tell Mom about this.
Sushi Dinner (Leia's Perspective)
"I love sushi! It's yummy!" I was with my Mommy, sister, and brother! I love it when I'm with my family!
"Try this one, it's really good."
"It's cooked fish?"
"Yes, I promise. I'm only giving you cooked fish."
"I like it. Can I have more chicken?"
"Yes, you may sweetheart." I chewed on the sushi and giggled.
"It's so slippery." Bella and Noah were talking about big kid things. I didn't know what it was though! I wanna be a big kid so I can get it too.
"No that's just how it happened to be. I can't control that Noah." Bella said while laughing. Mommy smiled and watched me eat the sushi.
"Do you want any more?"
"Yes, please. And can I have more juice please?" I wasn't even full yet because the pool made me really hungry!
"She's going to have a sushi overdose," Bella said.
"Yeah, she'll be throwing up fish all night if she keeps it up."
"I'm sticking to the other Asian foods. Like kimbap, bibimbap, things like that."
"Well, Leia likes the sushi, shell stop eating when she's full. That's what I like about her, she'll eat until she knows she not hungry."
"The rice and the chicken. I'm really hungry."
"Leia's probably going to be really tall."
"You guys all are gonna be tall." Mommy sighed and I put down my fork.
"What's wrong baby?" I stared at the chicken and smiled.
"I okay."
The Night Before Christmas (Bella's Perspective)
Brayden: It's Christmas Day over here.
Me: You should go to bed, it isn't time to open presents yet British boy.
Brayden: What are you talking about?! You need to go to bed! You're up past your bedtime Ms.Benson
I giggled out loud and Mom watched me.
"Bella bear, who are you texting?"
"Nobody, I'm laughing at a photo."
"Sure. You know, if there's a special person in your life, you can tell me."
"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about young lady." I turned off my phone and sat next to my Mother.
"Sweetheart, you make this too easy."
"Once again, I didn't know what you're talking about." We both laughed and we started to talk about various things.
"Mom, next year can we please just do a girls trip."
"Well if it's a girls trip Leia would have to come as well."
"No, just you and I. You do so many things with Leia. Can we please just do something together?"
"Alright, I'll think about it. I promise honey. You need to go to sleep soon. It's minutes to 11."
"Alright." I put my phone to charge and cuddled with Mom.
"Sleep well."
Bella's Dream
"Mommy!" I ran into Mommy's room and she was smiling.
"Bella!" She picked me up and gave me a kiss.
"Mommy, can we make breakfast together?"
"Of course! What's for breakfast."
"I'm going to ask my brother! Noah?"
"Make sausages and fried eggs." I smiled and ran downstairs to the kitchen.
"We have to make it really yummy. We have to add pepper to the eggs, Mommy."
Second Dream*
"Brayden. Wait." I held his hand and he turned around.
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"That...that you like me?"
"Well," he blushed and I did too.
"It's true. I know you don't like me back."
I woke up in a sweat and Mom was watching.
"Are you okay? You were calling my name in your sleep?" I sat up and nodded.
"Merry Christmas Mom."
"Merry Christmas Bella."
Christmas (Leia's Perspective)
"I know it isn't the same as being home in front of the tree, but we do have presents. Two for each of you. And we'll open the other ones when we go home." I was super excited. Bella told me that little kids get toys for Christmas. What would I get for Christmas?
"Alright, open them." I teared up my present and it was a Tiana doll.
"This is my favorite!" Tiana was my favorite princess ever! She looked a little bit like me, but not all the way! I also liked the frog. He was silly.
"This is cool." Noah got a new video game. Noah likes to play video games on the computer and the Xbox.
"This is really cute." Bella got clothes from the forever 21 store she likes to go to. She opened her second gift and she got a card with money and a book about dancing.
"Open your second one, Lei." I opened it and it was a brown Barbie doll. She likes just like me and she was in a pretty dress.
"Mommy, she looks just like me but with a little bit short hair."
"She actually does. You have to call Aunty Toni and tell her thank you."
"I will! And I'll give her a big big hug when we see her!"
"Good girl. Is everyone happy?"
"Yes! Can we go eat breakfast now?"
"Actually, how about we order room service?"
"That's so cool! They'll literally make you anything. Heck yeah!" Noah said.
"Jeez Noah. But that sounds good."
"What do you guys want to eat for breakfast?"
"Chicken tenders and fried rice."
"Interesting order. I like that. Lunch for breakfast it is." I think that's my favorite thing about Christmas. Because usually, Mommy doesn't let us do things like that. Only on certain days, she'll let us have lunch for breakfast. When Mommy was ordering I was talking to my sister.
"Bella, we're going to go to the water park after breakfast?"
"I'm not sure. We have two more days in the Bahamas so Mom is probably going to want to do something touristy today or tomorrow. Gotta ask Mom about that buddy."
"Yeah, that's how Mom is Lei."
"The food is coming in about half an hour. What was the question now baby Lei?"
"Can we please go to the water park?"
"I was actually thinking about going on a little tour today. Wouldn't that be great guys?"
"Doesn't sound bad. We should do a tour."
"What's a tour?"
"A tour is when a car drives you around and shows you places when you're on vacation. It's like how in New York people will drive around Times Square. They're touring the place." Bella said. I looked at our matching pajamas and then asked a question.
"So we're gonna go around the Bahamas?"
"But how is that even possible?" Noah asked.
"Why do you say that?"
"The Bahamas is 750 islands."
"Well, obviously they have bridges and stuff Noah."
"But not for every single island though."
"Well, we're just going to the capital."
"You guys relax please, I know where this is going already."
"Sorry, Mom."
"We're gonna go to the Bahamas!"
"We're in the Bahamas Leia!"
"We going to the other Bahama?" Everyone laughed and I was really confused. They said we were going somewhere else. Isn't that the other Bahama?
"You're too sweet baby girl. Stay adorably sweet." Mommy told me.
"And you stay my Mommy."
"I will. I'll always be your Mommy."
"I'll always be your Leia!"
"I'd love that!"
A Small Van (Olivia's Perspective)
"We're going across a bridge, Mommy."
"We are Lei, look at the pretty view."
"It's really pretty." I was feeling pretty good about this Bahamian trip. The kids were well behaved, everyone was always smiling and joking, and everyone had a good tan from enjoying themselves outside in the beautiful sun. On this Christmas Day, we were going to the beach. This would be the kids first time swimming at a beach in the Caribbean. I wanted this to be the perfect experience for them. Something for them to look back at and remember.
"Tired baby Lei?"
"A little. I take a nap."
"A nap?!" The driver said.
"We'll be at the beach in 10 minutes."
"Then I'll take a ten minutes nap!" Everyone in the van laughed and Leia closed her eyes. This girl.

Pt.2 Coming soon~

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