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August 5th, New Jersey (Leia's Perspective)
"Elliot, I'm hungry and I need to potty. This is not a good situation!" I whispered.
"Okay, let's go to the bathroom."
"Noah, watch the stuff for me please." He nodded and I picked up Leia and took her to the bathroom. I didn't go in but I explained to her that I'd be right outside.
"Okay." she went right into a stall and came out minutes later.
"A nice lady gave me hand sanitizer."
"Did you tell her thank you?"
"Yes, because that's manners! Can we go swimming?"
"After lunch sweetheart. How are you hungry already?"
"Mommy says it's because I'm growing."
"Yeah, you usually don't eat a lot."
"I like growing! Elliot, when are you going to get married to Mommy?"
"Lei, he has to propose first then Mom has to say yes. Then they can get married."
"But Mommy loves Elliot so they will get married."
"You never know Lei."
Mom's Bedroom (Bella's Perspective)
My DNA test results come out in five weeks. I'm excited but also nervous. I'm not sure of what to expect. In the meanwhile, Mom has been trying to keep my mind off it by spending more time with me. Right now, we were just snacking on popcorn and talking.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
"Of course you can you don't need to ask. Is something the matter honey?"
"No, I just wanted to ask you something."
"What?" She stared at me softly.
"What is it?"
"Mom, would you ever get married?"
"Would I ever get married? Well, marriage is not a joke in the slightest. Would I ever get married? Maybe."
"Would you ever get married to Elliot?"
"That? Well, I'm at a point in my life-"
"Yes or no? You've been giving me these weird answers to the question."
"Yes, yes I would. Why are you so insistent on an answer?"
"I plan on getting married someday."
"And you know what honey? I'd be glad to appear at your wedding. After your husband has gone through an extensive background check."
"Mom it isn't that serious!"
"Yes, it is. Anyone who plans on dating you, Leia, or Noah will have their background checked."
"Aww, Mom I won't date a felon."
"You might not even know they're a felon Bella bear."
"I guess you do have a point."
"Oh no, we're not doing this."
"Bella, I don't know why you're having such a big reaction to this. This should be an exciting experience."
"I don't want to do it."
"Bella, can you stop being childish and come back here please?"
"Okay," My Mom put her arm around me and started to talk.
"Bella, eventually you're going to have to get fitted for a bra. At some point, a training bra isn't going to be enough and everything will be jiggling all over the place. I know you don't want that."
"It's embarrassing."
"I don't need someone measuring my chest Mom."
"It's the only way we'll know your size, honey. Look, I'll be there every step of the way. I promise. Getting your first bra should be a joyous and empowering moment in your life. I won't let it go bad. Understand?"
"Give me a hug."
"Come on. Just one hug."
"Fine. Just one! And don't tickle me!"
"See. I didn't do anything."
"Yeah, this time around."
"Next time I have the weekend off we're going to get you fitted."
"Aww, can't it wait until September Mama?"
"No. We can't delay this any further young lady."
Garden City, New York (Olivia's Perspective)
It was 10 AM on this beautiful Sunday morning and I was sitting on my hammock in my backyard with my fabulous boyfriend, Elliot. The kids were outside as well, all engaged in their own activities.
"Mommy, I found a flower!"
"It's beautiful. I love it." I squeezed her chubby cheeks and she stayed focused on the flower. I have to go and get more.
"Don't pull out too many sweetheart. I want my garden to look pretty!" Elliot and I laughed.
"What are we going to do today?"
"Just relax, we've been doing a lot."
"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but do you think my painting is nice?" Bella showed me it and I smiled.
"It's amazing."
"I don't think it is."
"Why? The sunflowers look amazing."
"It isn't perfect."
"It is."
"Thanks, El."
"Go put it to dry and I'll hang it up later."
"Really? Thanks!"
"Elliot, you're great with the kids. Thank you for taking them in and treating them as your own."
"Liv, you don't have to thank me for that. What's yours is mine."
"Noah, pass me the ball!"
"I wanna play too!" My three children were busy playing catch together and it made my heart sing. It's something about the three of them getting along that makes me so happy.
"I've been meaning to tell you this for the longest time. But, I keep forgetting."
"Maureen is pregnant. Her baby shower is in two weeks. I was wondering if you wanted to join me." I didn't have a problem turning up, I was just worried about Kathy being there and the problems that might occur. I didn't want any tension. But what did I expect, Kathy believed that I was apart of some affair with Elliot that wasn't even true, and now that their divorce is finalized we're together. I'd be upset too if I was her.
"I'd love to come."
"I know you're worried, but it's a cordial event. The rest of the kids can't wait to see you."
"It's okay, I'll come regardless."
The Basement (Noah's Perspective)
"I can't wait for senior trip."
"8th grade hasn't even started yet."
"So what?" We both laughed and continued to play Mario Kart. Lately, I feel like I've been hiding my feelings well. Morgan still doesn't know that I like her. My friends have told me that I should definitely tell her the truth. But I kind of don't want to. I don't want to ruin our friendship. Imagine she doesn't like me.
"I keep losing to you! No fair!" I said.
"I'm an expert what can I say?" She out the controller down and looked at me.
"What? Is there someone behind me?" I turned around and the coast was clear.
"No, you idiot."
"What is it?"
"Morgan sweetie, your Mom is outside waiting for you!"
"Oh...Looks like I have to do."
"What did you want to tell me? You can tell me."
"Never mind. Let me just go and grab my shoes." She whispered. I followed her upstairs so I could give her a goodbye. She slid on her shoes quickly and then told Elliot and me bye.
"Bye, thanks for letting me stay. Have a good afternoon."
"You too, get home safe." Girls are so weird. One second she was all shy and trying to tell me something, the next she is all weird. I don't get it. I went upstairs to my bedroom and sat on my bed.
"Yeah?" Bella sat next to me with the laptop and looked into my eyes.
"Is something bothering you? I saw you walk up the stairs."
"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't have too."
"Noah, you like Morgan right?"
"Well, no sense in denying it now. In the basement today she started to tell me something and she was really shy."
"Morgan likes you. You're such an idiot."
"What makes you say that?"
"The way she looks at you, and you said she got shy right? She was probably trying to tell you that she likes you, her Mom came and she got nervous."
"You're too young for this stuff!"
"Noah, I'm only 11 months or so younger. Not that much of a difference."
"It is for me. You shouldn't even be studying this kind of stuff."
"Well, I am. Just tell her that you like her already."
"Tell Axel that you like him already." She hit me with my pillow playfully.
"Well, I'm not the one who sleeps with a blanket every night."
"You sleep with a stuffed penguin."
"Maybe because that's actually normal. You're just mad that I told you the truth." She giggled and left my room. I hate it when she's right.
A Day With Mommy (Leia's Perspective)
"I wanna go high!" Mommy threw me up and then caught me!
"That tickled!"
"It did, didn't it?"
"Mommy, can I ask a question?"
"Of course."
"Why do you have short hair?"
"Well, I used to have long hair but then I got tired of it."
"Because when you get older you get tired of long hair." I ate a strawberry and watched as Mommy spoke.
"Are you having fun?"
"Yes! Mommy, today was fun because we went to the movies and we had popcorn."
"Was that your favorite part of the whole day?"
"Yeah, I liked it when the movie got scary because you gave me a cuddle!"
"That was my favorite time too! I want you to know that Mommy loves spending time with you whenever she can!"
"On our next day can we roller skate?"
"Yes sweetheart."

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