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A/N: LaurenLove18 wrote one of the prom sections! TYSM, and please read her stories! 💜

The Trinity School (Friday, June 22nd) (8:45 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
So basically, this is how things were gonna go. Our school told us to come in for attendance and that we could leave to get ready for prom at any time. So there were people who literally came to homeroom and the moment that we hit our 1st period were getting picked up by their parents.
"Bye Hannah, I'll see you later!"
"Bye guys!" A lot of my friends were gone, but I was still here. I know that Mom and I got into a bit of an argument yesterday, but she doesn't have to punish me by making me sit through health class. I hate it.
"Bella, when's your Mom coming?" Evan asked me.
"Soon. I think." He grabbed his stuff and got ready to walk to the main office.
"See you later, dumpling head."
"What kind of an insult is that?!"
"I dunno, I just didn't know what else to call you." He ruffled my hair and left the room. Do I have a dumpling head?!
"Bella Benson, report to the main office!" Hmm, well at least I'm leaving now.
In The Car (Lower Manhattan) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Thanks for picking me up, Mommy. I couldn't stand to sit in Health class another minute. I would've died."
"Very dramatic."
"But it's true!" Apparently, Bella and I were cool now. I didn't find her behavior of switching up to be very cute, but I don't want her to be upset on her prom day, so I'm not saying anything.
"So Bella, are you excited?"
"Very! I hope Jake likes my dress!"
"I'm sure he'll love it, sweet pea. Okay, so let's go and do your nails first! What color did you say you wanted to do?"
"I don't know... what color would go with my dress, Mom?"
"Hmmm, what about some sort of glittery silver, white kind of combo?"
"That would be so pretty! Ooo, Mom can I do acrylic nails?" Now that is a request I've never gotten before.
"I thought you said you'd never do those."
"I change my mind! Look at what I've found!" Bella showed me nails she saw on the internet.
"Just for prom, please?" She turned on those infamous puppy eyes.
"Okay, I'll let you get acrylic nails. But when they break and they end up bleeding or something, don't call me."
"You know you don't mean that."
"Oh, I do. I need a break. Especially because I'm going to have several 13 and 14-year-old girls and boys at my house this evening."
"Don't forget tonight and tomorrow morning too!"
"I hope this elucidates just how much I love you. Even when you think I don't, even when you're being the moodiest and grumpiest person I've ever known."
"It does. Thanks, Mom." We walked inside the nail salon. Bella explained what she wanted and I decided to go for the usual.
"Red nails. Again?"
"It's a classic. Leia loves it. You used to love it too."
"I was six years old then and I liked any and everything about you because you were the only person that'd truly loved me." This is why I love Bella.
Mom's Bathroom (4:25 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"My god Bella, don't make those gawking eyes at me." Aunty Elena joked as she did my makeup.
"I'm sorry! I just can't help it!" She finished doing my eyeliner and Mom was busy putting the finishing touches on my hair. I could've done these things myself, but it feels nice to be pampered.
"Okay, I'm done." They handed me a mirror and I got to see how I looked.
"What do you think?"
"I love it! Thank you!" Mom got my dress from the closet and smiled.
"Do you want any help putting your dress on?!"
"Sure." I replied with a small smile. I could tell it meant a lot to her. As she slid in my dress, I looked into the mirror. My dress was lilac and I loved it. It just screamed me.
"You look so beautiful." I nodded.
"You're being quiet, are you okay?"
"Just got a lot on your mind?"
"Okay, honey. We need to call Eve before your friends start coming. She's anxious to see the dress."
"If she was that anxious she'd come here, Liv." I said jokingly.
"You know, it isn't that easy to just hop in a plane from London and come here. Then again you don't have a job so you wouldn't know."
"I wish I had one."
"You could work for me again this summer?"
"No, I wanted to help out at the school. But I'm not 14 yet so I can't."
"Ohh. Well, think about it, until then you could work with me on your spare time, aren't I the best boss ever?"
"I guess so." Elena laughed.
"I'm sure Bella loves you, but you're her Mom. I'm sure Bella would like some space."
"Yes, that exactly." Mom called Eve and she told me that I looked like a real-life princess.
"Have fun tonight."
"Oh, I will!"
The Backyard
"No, but Paisley you look so good!" I fixed up her hair. Sapphire, Hannah, and Leah were upstairs still getting ready.
"Thanks, bae! So....where's Jake?"
"He's still at home getting ready. You know, the boys are only going to start coming once we're all fully ready since we are leaving together."
"They should just come now though. It doesn't take much effort for them to get ready."
"That's because no one expects anything from them."
"But they expect a hell of a lot from us though."
"Girls, the boys are going to be here soon. Don't start getting any thoughts in your head."
"Trust me....we're not." Paisley said to her Mom. All of our parents were busy talking to each other about whatever middle-aged people talk about. Hannah and Leah walked outside and I couldn't help but smile. They look so pretty!
Home (Southampton) (5:35 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
I watched as the boys came out back. The looks on these 13 and 14-year-olds' faces were just adorable. I couldn't help but smile.
"I love your tie." Bella said shyly. I think the presence of all of these adults makes the children sort of clam up, which was also cute to witness.
"Don't be shy guys, come on!" Melanie said. Jake took out Bella's corsage and gently put it around her wrist. She blushed and smiled wide.
"Carisi, I hope you're getting all of these."
"Don't worry Liv!" He snapped some photos. She's growing up. Bella put on his boutonnière and the pair kept laughing because she was struggling.
"Wait, I got it!" She patted his chest afterward and they watched and Knox and Hannah exchanged theirs.
"You know, I've realized something." Hank, Jake's father, said.
"What's that?"
"These kids, remind me of my friends and me in middle school. We were so tight, we did everything together."
"And then what?"
"We went to high school. We split ways and it was hard on us. One decided that she was too good for us and went with the popular kids. One wanted to play basketball so he was with them. Two chose drugs over their books and ended up with a baby. I hope that doesn't happen to our kids. They've found friends in each other, good friends. I'd hate to see them break up."
"Me too, but it's a part of growing up. Making your own path. They need an identity outside of each other." The rest of the parents nodded.
"They'll be fine. They're good kids." Elliot came over.
"Hey, it's here!"
"Kids, I think your ride's here!" We went into the driveway and the kids looked flabbergasted!
"This is the literal definition of doing too much!" Hannah said.
757 Old Town Rd. (6:30 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
We hopped out of the limo and everyone sort of looked at us in awe and talked about how good we looked.
"OMG, YOU GUYS ATE!" Janelle said while giving us all hugs.
"You look so good wtf!"
"Thanks! I love your dress, where's Jaylan??" I asked her.
"He's inside talking to the boys. I told him that I went to the bathroom. Ya'll look at the corsage he got me."
"That matches with your dress so well! Awww!!"
"Guys, how about we go inside of the building??" Hilary proposed.
"I think you've got a good idea there." We all laughed. The inside of the venue was gorgeous. The lighting was cool so Faith demanded that we take some pics. Some were with the girls only, boys only, all of that. After that, we scored ourselves a table for later, resting our purses on the table and chairs. I looked at the pictures we took back at the house.
"What are you smiling at?" Jake asked.
"You." He held my hand and I showed him the photos.
"Look at the way you were staring at me." I noted.
"What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing, nothing at all."
The Family Room (7:35 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"Leia, why are you sulking?" Mom asked. She sat next to me as I colored.
"How come Bella gets to go to prom and I don't? I wanna go." She chuckled.
"Leia, you go to prom when you're in 8th and 12th grade. What grade are you in?"
"I'm going in 2nd grade."
"Mhm, so you still have some way to go. Don't you?" I nodded.
"But what?"
"Nothing, Mommy."
"No, tell me, Leia Mae. What's on your mind?"
"I'm tired of being little. I just want to be big. You tell me that I'm getting bigger and stuff but it doesn't feel like it."
"But you are getting bigger."
"Nu-uh." Mommy nodded.
"When I measured you the other day, how many inches did you grow?"
"2 and a half."
"Mhm, and now you can reach the fruit snacks. Didn't that make you happy?" I nodded.
"You are growing, but you don't just become 13 overnight sweet pea. And trust me, you're gonna wanna stay the same age you are now. You know that when you're thirteen, Mom and Dad don't stay with you at night and tell your fairy stories?"
"What?! That's not good."
"Nor do they let you come in bed with them at random hours. Actually, I don't think you'd even want to do that at thirteen."
"That sounds horrible. I'd rather stay 6 forever than lose my night snuggles!" I told her.
"I can wait!"
"I wonder what Bella's doing now, Mommy."
"I don't know, probably chit-chatting with her friends and dancing."
The Dance Floor! (8:01 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"This looks fab!" Kylie smiled at me. I felt confident in my dress. As we continued to look around, we saw pictures of us along with our classmates.
"You guys look so goofy!" We all laughed as the guys saw us.
"Here's Jake.." He looked so handsome.
"Hey, Bella."All my friends giggled.
"We'll leave you two alone." Kylie made kissing noises.
"Oh stop!" As they walked over to the food table, I then smiled at Jake. As Jake smiled at me, a slow song came on.
"Would you like to dance?" He was sweet.
"I would love to." As everyone kind of paired up, he took my hand. A song came on. It was by Demi Lovato. It was a sweet song. Jake kept glancing at me as he swayed to the beat.
"What?" He blushed. His cheeks were quite red. He was a bit embarrassed.
"Sorry, it's just that, we've been through a lot Bella. I never thought that we'd end up coming to the end of the school year. Like this." I squeezed his hand.
"I think you're pretty amazing Bella." My heart continued to beat slowly as I processed what he had said.
"I think you're pretty fab too Jake. I'm really happy that you're in my life." As the music continued, I felt myself just dreaming... I was lucky to have my friends and my boyfriend by my side on this incredible, dreamy night.
"Hey, I feel like Lil Boat with the ice. I want Ferragamo, I want ice. Super thick her thighs supersize." I was sipping some ginger ale and jamming in my seat. Gosh, it's cold in here. Jake sat down next to me.
"Don't scare me like that, Jesus Christ." He put his hand over my heart, which didn't make my breathing slow by the way.
"It's just me. Why are you sitting here when everyone's up there?"
"I'm really cold. The AC is blasting and I'm anemic." I looked down at the ginger ale and felt something sit on my shoulders.
"Is that better?"
"Much better, thank you." He sat down next to me and watched as I texted my godsister.
"Don't you want to be with the guys or something?" I asked him. He didn't have to sit here and babysit me.
"I do...but being with you is much better. You shouldn't be here sitting by yourself while everyone else is having fun."
"I'll get up in a minute when I warm up."
"You sure?"
"I promise."
"And we dance all night to the best song ever!!" My girlfriends and I all danced together. They were playing some throwbacks, so it was just a whole bunch of back-to-back nostalgia.
"You guys are all horrible singers. Jesus fucking christ."
"It's like a cult." Preston commented.
"One Direction's got them under some form of witchcraft." Did I mention that they didn't enjoy any of this?
"Hey, we can't hear the music over the sound of your bitching." Sapphire told them. Ethan rolled his eyes.
"I remember back in like 3rd grade I'd ask my Mom to play this on the way to school. I swear she has videos of me just dancing to this in the back of the car. It's mortifying."
"Really?? Omg, when we get back to your place I'm totally going to ask her for them. Your Mom loves me."
"Whatever you want to think Paisley."
"What did you tell her??" Elle and I began to laugh.
"Nothing. What are you saying??" I tried to slip away quickly before she got a hold of me. I couldn't stop laughing. As I tried to slip away I met eyes with Jake. He smiled at me and mouthed, 'keep having fun.' Yeah, I'll do that.
Our Front Porch (Halsey Path) (Elliot's Perspective)
Sometimes at night, I like to sit out front and watch the stars. There isn't a ton of peace in my life. I'm a detective, I work for SVU, I see just how shitty humanity can be, and I'm up at all hours protecting the vulnerable. Then I come home and this one's fighting over who can have the tv, another nearly caused a fire in our kitchen, and the one who's supposed to be watching is nowhere to be found. Then, my wife works just as much as I do, and sometimes when we finally see each other there's no talking, we just try to catch up on all of the sleep we missed. But the stars are a constant, always peaceful.
"Hey." Olivia closed the front door and sat next to me on our porch swing.
"I finally got Leia to go to bed."
"What did it take?"
"Uhh let's see, warm milk, cuddles, a story, and a promise of Crumbl cookies tomorrow." I laughed.
"I get where's she's coming from."
"Oh really?" I nodded.
"She wants to be a big kid, she wants to do the things that Bella's doing, staying up late, watching scary movies. She just wants something new."
"You want something new?"
"I-I, I just don't know. I wake up every day and go to work, scramble home to be with the kids. It's a constant. Like the stars." I pointed to them.
"It's not that I hate the job or you guys. But I just want something different sometimes."
"And that's fine Elliot. Being a parent and a cop is exhausting. Take a couple of days off, stare at the stars all you like." I chuckled.
"Star boy." She kissed me.
"And just, talk to someone. It helps."
757 Old Town Rd. (Bella's Perspective)
"Hey, they're announcing prom king and queen." Hilary told me. I watched as Ms.Lee went onto the stage.
"I bet you're it." I told her. I am by no means popular. I mean I talk to a lot of people but I'm not one of the rich, stuck-up, spoiled brats so I don't think I have much of a chance here. Also, some people think I'm a loser because my parents are cops, or so I've heard.
"Trinity's 2023 prom queen is....." Leah squeezed my hand out of excitement.
"Alexis Mayer!!!"
"Please, this is a joke."
"Girlie, go get your crown!!!!!" I watched as got crowned, and Preston followed right after. Aww, they're so cute.
Home (10:35 PM)
"Get home safe." I told Jake. I kissed him on the cheek when our parents weren't looking.
"I'll call you." And with that, prom night ended and our sleepover began.
"Mom, you called the Chinese?"
"10 minutes before you got here. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, it was awesome. I loved it. Can I tell you more in the morning?"
"I'll be waiting."
"Okay, so I chose a couple of movies for us to watch."
"Hannah, no." Paisley proclaimed.
"We do not need a repeat of Snakes on a Plane."
"Look, it won't be that bad. We're older now."
"Sure, whatever you say." Leah said.
"Guys, can we have this debate inside? It's cold."
Our Basement (3:12 AM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"What are you doing up?" Bella was putting things away and cleaning up.
"Cleaning. I didn't want to leave it a mess."
"Sweetheart, we could fix things up later. Go to sleep."
"I insist. I'm almost done anyway."
"Then, I'll help." We worked silently.
"Since it's technically tomorrow can I know a little about prom?"
"Well, Jake and I danced quite a bit. Most of it was silly but the slow dance was was so magical. My heart was racing, and I got a bit scared because I thought I'd mess things up. But once I got past that, it was great. He's so good to me, Mom. He even gave me his jacket when I felt cold." I put down one of the blankets. I smiled.
"I'm so happy for you, Bell. I really am. I see the way your face lights up when you talk about him, how kind he is to you and I'm glad that him so much." Bella finished cleaning and sat next to me. She rested her head on my chest.
"Are you guys still friends?"
"Yeah, we're still friends."

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