Merry Christmas

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December 24th, (6:50)
Sometimes, I feel like Bella, Leia, and I get our hopes up. Way up. Mom probably won't be home for Christmas and we'll just have to celebrate with Elliot. Not that I'm complaining or anything. But I know it means a lot to Lei.
"Where's Mommy?" She asked as Elliot put a shirt on her.
"She has to come home!"
"She'll be home for tomorrow Lei."
"You promise?"
"Noah can't promise. But Mom can try." Bella said.
"Mom's only missed one of our Christmas'. There's a chance she'll be here."
"Exactly what is she doing? Like, I know she catches weirdos and stuff, but exactly what is she doing?"
"Bella, I think some conversations are belt held in private. And that conversation is a bit too mature for you." Elliot said.
"I can handle it."
"And maybe you can, but that doesn't mean it should be something you're supposed to be exposed too at 12. Sometimes it's better to not know everything." Bella really thought about what he said and nodded.
"Okay." We were all just watching tv and staying up late. Why not, you know?
"I'm going to call it a night. Night guys." I said abruptly.
"Night Noah."
December 25th, 1:05 AM (Olivia's Perspective)
Christmas is a very important time for my family. It isn't just about the presents, my kids know that too even, it's mainly about the time that we spend together as a family, even though it does seem like I'm home a lot sometimes, I still miss out on those important milestones. I missed Leia's Winter Concert the other day, and Bella's recital. Both of those nights I cried. I cried because I promised I'd be there for them. And I wasn't. It broke my heart when Bella called me to ask if I was okay, I could tell she was unhappy but was trying to keep it together, for me. There are those days where I tend to worry for Bella and Noah the most, I feel like they start to give up on me sometimes. And I don't want for that to happen, ever. I was watching the screen as Amanda was undercover, waiting for the right moment to bust, though honestly, I wish it would happen sooner, I could make it back to the Upper East Side in 20.
"So Liv-"
"Merry Christmas."
"How do you plan on spending the big day?"
"Not interrogating perps." I chuckled to myself and looked down at my cellphone swiftly.
Bella: Hi Mama
Me: Sweetheart, go to bed.
I smiled at my phone and then focused back on the screen.
"Okay, move in. Let's go, I'm not letting this go on any further." There's something about these cases. These pedophiles honestly make me sick. I didn't want to scare any of the babies inside of the house, but there was no other way to go about this, unfortunately. We raided the whole house and the atmosphere changed completely.
"We're not going to hurt you, I promise. I'm a cop."
"There are bad cops too." The little girl burst into tears and I couldn't help but give her a hug.
" I am not a bad cop. I promise! How about, you wear my jacket so you can be warm and we can go and get something to eat. You must be hungry." The girl was pretty skittish but I was able to convince her that I wasn't the bad guy. I rode with some of the girls to the hospital for their rape kits and they all seemed extremely traumatized. However, one girl named Ashley was comfortable speaking.
"Her name is Jada. Her name is Star. And hers is Mabel."
"Those are pretty names. My name is Olivia."
"I like Olivia."
"Thank you!"
"Hey, I thought we were gonna get food!"
"We are, but first we need to go to the hospital and do something very important." I really didn't want to tell those poor girls what was coming next.
Christmas Morning (Bella's Perspective)
"Wake up sweet pea."
"Mom?" I jumped up and gave her a really big hug.
"You're home! I thought you were gonna work this Christmas."
"I couldn't miss it. It's our first with Elliot, and I couldn't break my promise."
"What time is it?" I picked up my phone and it read 11:20.
"When did you get home?"
"Don't worry about that, let's go open presents."
"Let me just brush my teeth and stuff."
"Go ahead sweet pea." I was kind of in shock. Mom actually made it for Christmas. I mean, deep down I expected her to be here for it, but at the same time, with her job, you never know which holidays she'll miss. I brushed, flossed, and washed my face quickly so I wouldn't keep everyone waiting.
"Sorry guys."
"Merry Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas, everyone." We all prayed for a moment before opening presents and I looked at them all.
"Some of you guy's presents are a bit late, so you're going to be doing some opening tomorrow as well."
"Cool! El, come get your gifts."
"For me?! How kind."
"Yeah, El!" Leia handed him a gift and he smiled wide.
"Leia, your nose is running."
"Stop eating your boogers, Leia."
"I'm not! Let's just open presents."
"Mom, I feel like I know which one this is." So I opened this gift carefully! It was a new phone! It's not a shocker because we discussed this, but I'm still really happy.
"Thank you!" A mint green 11 was exactly what I wanted. But I had to put that to the side. I got some perfumes, new clothes, chocolate, things like that. After I finished opening my things, I watch Elliot so that he could open his. We all worked really hard on his present, and I wanted to see if he loved it just as much as we did.
"Open it!" Leia yelled.
"Alright, let's see what's inside." He opened up the box and read the book inside.
"This is amazing, thanks, guys."
"See it's all of the pictures with us. Even when we went to the ice cream shop, Elliot!"
"I see! I love it." We all gave Elliot a hug and I could tell he was happy. It took me some time to really warm up to him, but he's a really great friend and person to talk to.
Dinner Time (Leia's Perspective)
It was Christmas and I had opened my presents a really, really long time ago! It was now dinner time and we were all talking. Elliot's daughter was here too. Sometimes, I don't really like it when new people come over, because then I have to talk to strangers.
"Mommy, I'm full."
"How could you be full? You haven't eaten a single thing on your plate." She folded her arms and told me to eat what was on my plate. I wanted to go to Jazzy's house, or even Anna's, but I had to be at the boring dinner table with my boring sister, and brother, and Mommy.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing is even wrong."
"Then eat your dinner."
"I'm not hungry, I don't want it."
"Excuse us please." Mommy took me out of the dining room and into the kitchen.
"What is going on with you?"
"I don't want dinner!"
"Why don't you?"
"Because I don't want to. I want to be at my friend's house!"
"Calm down. It's Christmas Leia. You're supposed to be spending the day with your family, so no, absolutely not."
"I don't want to be at the table anymore."
"That's fine, but you're staying upstairs for the rest of the evening."
"No. I'm not going to. I don't have to listen to you." Mommy's face got really, really, mad and she took me upstairs.
"That's enough Leia Mae. Enough. You're going to stay up here until you can come to me with an apology."
"I'll never ever leave this room again."

A/N: Happy holiday to everyone~

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