Problem Solving

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November 5th
"It's going to be cold today, wear a thicker jacket."
"Yes, Mom." I fixed my uniform shirt and ate my cinnamon sugar bagel.
"I have band today Mama."
"I know, and you're riding with Jess no?"
"I Here!" Leia was in a cute dress and stockings and she sat at the table.
"I wanna watch Disney."
"I'm watching something important."
"Bella let her have a turn." I gave her the remote and put my plate in the dishwasher.
"I hope you're not starting up an attitude this early in the morning."
"I'm not."
"Elliot is dropping you guys off the school today, be polite, be kind."
"Mom, why has he been in the house a lot more lately?"
"To help out and things like that."
"But I miss Lucy."
"I know but now you have El, and he's just as good."
"But Lucy still helps out too right?"
"Yes, honey."
"I just feel like-"
"Good morning everyone." I put on a fake smile as he came towards the table and gave my mother a kiss. I know, you're probably like, you don't like him the way you didn't like Tucker, no? I do like Elliot and he's really nice to Mom and my siblings. I just find it really weird to have him in the house. Mom didn't usually have Tucker in the house the way she has Elliot. It means something, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.
"Morning." I finished my tea and slid on my socks. I wondered what shoes I should wear today. It's a Wednesday. That means I have no gym and it's an early dismissal. Uggs it is. I chose my tan Ugg's and set them in front of the door.
"Leia, come and get your jacket on."
"But it only 6:20."
"I know but just so you can be ready baby."
"Mommy, you go to work?"
"Yeah, and you're going to go to school with El. And you're going to listen and be good, understand?"
"Yes, Mommy." She fixed her bow and Leia gave her a hug.
"I love you, Mommy."
"Love you too baby."
"Are you guys ready to go?"
"Yes." I grabbed my binder and put my bag on my back.
"Don't forget your water babe." I put it in my bag and went into the car.
"Alright, let's go drop Leia off first."
"I go to preschool." She said with a smile. But, I couldn't study my cute sister right now. I needed to go to school and set things straight with Ax. I don't want to lose a friend over something that's probably stupid.
"Axel?" He turned and spoke.
"We need to speak." We went to a different table and sat down.
"What's up?"
"Why do you think I'm pushing you to the side?"
"Because you are. Ever since Brayden has become our friend you've been paying more attention to him and Pax."
"You guys talk to him more, you guys went and got ice cream without me."
"But you said you wanted to go home."
"Because I knew that if I went with you guys you'd just focus on him."
"That isn't true."
"Yeah, it is. And you know what? I think you like him too."
"Where are you getting that from?"
"From the way that you're always with him." I was angry. Why would he say something like that?!
"It isn't my fault that he's friendlier than you! Maybe if you actually spoke and didn't just sit there being awkward people would talk to you too! Don't sit over here and put the blame on me when it's your fault too!"
"Bella, I didn't mean to-"
"I don't care. Leave me alone."
"Bella wait-" I went over to the library with my stuff. Hannah was there, I could tell her what happened.
"Hey. What's wrong?"
"It's Axel."
"Oh yeah, he's mad at you. He told Pax and Pax told me. What happened?"
"I went to go talk to him and he said ever since we've started talking to Brayden and his friends I've been focusing on Pax more and he talked about how we got ice cream without him."
"Okay, and how do you feel?"
"Annoyed because we do try to include him in the convo so it isn't like we don't."
"You're not wrong though, I'm not sure why he's doing that. And he was the one that said he didn't wanna go get ice cream with us in the first place. He needs to figure it out."
"Right." I sighed and looked at the book she was reading.
"What's that?"
"Oh, just a book about the royal family." I looked at it and it seemed pretty cool.
"Lunch is almost over. FaceTime me after band. Don't stay angry okay."
"I won't. Thanks, Hannah."
"No problem. I'll see you in a bit." That's why Hannah is such a great friend.
Dad's Office (Axel's Perspective)
When I said what I said to Bella, when I said what I said about her, I didn't mean it. I was just angry and I wished someone would listen to me for once. I shouldn't have accused her of liking Brayden, even if I think that's true. Besides, Bella was right, I was a bit awkward at the lunch table and that why people didn't want to talk to me. But I wish she'd pay more attention to me sometimes. I like Bella, a lot, and when I told her that, I wasn't sure if she was really listening back then either. She sort of acted normal, like it didn't affect her at all. I felt like she didn't care and it kind of hurt me. But, I should apologize to her, right? I picked up the phone and called the Benson household, hoping Bella would be home.
"Good Evening Ms.Benson. It's Axel. Is Bella home?"
"Sorry, Axel but she's at dance right now. But I'll tell her to call."
"Oh, Alright. Thank you."
"You're welcome. Anything else?"
"No, I actually have to go now. Bye."
"Have a good night Axel." Well, that was super embarrassing. I called just to have this weird, awkward, quiet, talk with Ms.Benson. But I bet that even when Bella came home, she wouldn't want to talk to me at all. I don't blame her. If I were her I would not want to talk to me either. She's probably really hurt and I feel really bad about everything.
Bella's Room (Olivia's Perspective)
I stepped into my eldest daughters room and looked inside. The room, blue and lavender made me smile thinking about how consistent her favorite colors have been. I looked at her desk, filled with work and random crafts, pencils, all of that. The room was considerably clean compared to Noah's and her closet wasn't exactly the same as we were trying to free up her wardrobe for 'new' clothes. I was waiting for Bella so I could tell her that Axel called. I wanted to supervise their conversation for obvious reasons.
"Hey, honey."
"What's up? Were you looking through my stuff?!"
"No, I wasn't. I was waiting for you."
"Why?" She sat down and smiled at me.
"Axel called." Her expression changed quickly and not in the way I had expected it to.
"What's wrong?"
"We're fighting."
"Fighting? About what?"
"I don't want to talk about it." This has been the answer to everything lately. As my daughter has gotten closer and closer to turning 11 she's become even more private. It makes me miss the days of her willingly coming to me and saying, 'Mommy I feel sad'. Now it's just, 'I don't want to talk about it Mom'. I tend to get the cold shoulder sometimes from my oldest, which is going to happen, it's one thing for them to be quiet, but if I find them being rude to me I put them in their place, quick.
"Okay, I'm just telling you that he called. Are you going to call him back?"
"No, I don't want to." She threw her head into her accent pillows and curled up into a ball.
"Bella, do you want some space?"
"Yes please."
"Okay, feel better munchkin." I gave her a kiss and then she sat up.
"Mom wait." She came to me and gave me a hug suddenly.
"I love you," I said. I didn't hear it back but she appreciated my support, that's all that mattered then.
"Okay, I'll leave now. I'm in my room if you need me." I walked into my bedroom and Leia was sitting on my bed.
"What are you doing here pumpkin? I thought you were sleeping."
"I'm done sleeping."
"You're done?" I tickled my daughter and she smiled with delight.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. I sleep very well."
"Are you hungry? That was a long nap."
"Yeah. We can have dinner now?"
"Of course. There's leftover pasta."
"The shrimp with the yummy sauce?"
"Yes, baby. Would you like that with some broccoli and fruits?"
"Okay let's go. Let's go make dinner for everyone."
"We're not making it we're heating it." She said, correcting me.
"That's right." I laughed and gave Leia a kiss. I warmed up the leftovers and Noah came in.
"Hi, Mom." He gave me a hug and I smiled.
"What do you want Noah?" I asked curiously.
"I don't want anything but your love Mother." Leia laughed and so did I.
"You're silly No-No."
"Aww, you have a nickname for your big brother?"
"Yes because I love him!"
My Desk (Bella's Perspective)
I was still upset. Very. But I didn't cry or anything. I had therapy tomorrow. (I have it only on Tuesdays, Thursday's, and Saturdays.) So, I could talk about it tomorrow. But right now, I didn't want to talk about it anymore. Especially not to Mom because then she'll know I like Brayden and that's a no-no. I really don't want anyone to know about it.
"I have math homework, and English, and French, and Latin." I sighed and started them. It wasn't necessarily hard but, I wasn't used to having this much homework. I'm still getting used to it. Luckily, it's really easy.
"Bella, Mommy said it's time to eat."
"Okay, Leia. I'm coming." I put my pencil down and went to the dining room. Everyone was in there eating which was strange because we don't usually eat in there. My Mom smiled and put more shrimp on my plate.
"Come and eat sweetheart. You must be so hungry after dance."
"I am. Thanks."
"So, Can you come to my football game Mom?"
"When is it?"
"Next Friday."
"Of course, and we'll all come to support you together as a family."
"Thanks, Mom!"
"Mommy, I'm still hungry. Can I have food?"
"Can I have food, what?"
"Please!" I smiled at my little sister. Her cuteness made me feel a bit better.
"Bella, will you play with me in the dollhouse?"
"Bella, you haven't touched your food since you got down here."
"Yeah, I was thinking about something."
"I could tell," Noah said. He poked me and laughed.
"Stop thinking about boys at the dinner table."
"Yeah..." I pushed away my plate and watched it, quietly.
"I don't think I'm hungry anymore," I mumbled quietly.
"What was that?"
"Nothing! I said it's wonderful."
"You didn't even eat any yet sister." Leia is too smart for her own good. But I couldn't get mad. She's adorable.

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