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October 14th, 2022 (9 AM) (Noah's Perspective)
There were three minutes left in the game. We were tied 60-60. My team had three minutes to win. We could do it. I don't regret holding off doing school sports in favor of my gym's team. This would be one of my final games with them. I wanted to make an impact. My team and I were discussing how to go about winning this game. I thought about it. Here was my chance. I could shoot this three-pointer. I could make it. It would make my team proud. I could do it.
"Noah!" I made my shot. Would it make it in? My team roared as the ball went directly through the hoop. We did it. 63-60.
Backstage (Bella's Perspective)
I was watching Leia's dance from backstage. It was really cute, and I could tell she was having fun. She walked off the stage and I gave her a hug.
"You were so beautiful Lei!"
"Thank you."
"And so were you guys. You guys were awesome!"
"Thank you!" Kayley and Farrow said happily. Leia talked to them. I have to go on stage myself soon. I was already ready. Elle and I just needed to run over our duet and we'd be fine. I don't really get nervous about performing on stage unless I really feel pressured. Doing limited competitions really releases the pressure and makes me want to work even harder.
"Elle?" She came out of the dressing room.
"Omg, you look so pretty." Her costume was really pretty.
"I think red really suits you."
"Thanks! Do you wanna run the dance a couple of times? We have about 20 minutes before we have to be on stage." We were already stretched so we hopped right into it. We were doing a contemporary piece. It's a genre we're both extremely good at. After years of training and constructive criticism, of course.
"Hi, Miss Audrey."
"Your dance looks, beautiful girls. You guys applied the corrections wonderfully." Miss Audrey is one of my favorite dance teachers. I've known her the longest, and she's never really harsh. When she corrects you she's super nice about it. She only yells if she's extremely angry.
"Thank you! Miss Audrey, We tried really hard to perfect it."
"You guys are going to do amazing today, try your hardest, and have fun."
"We will! Thank you." Mom fixed my hair a bit.
"We're going to have to stop straightening your hair for a couple of months. Your hair needs a break."
"I thought that same. I'm washing it on Monday and I'm just going to do a wash and go."
"Contestants #43 with Believe In Me." It was about two friends. One friend had to tell and extremely big lie to protect her friend. They fight throughout the course of the song until the friend realizes what was done to protect her. Our dance was going well, rarely do I ever forget a dance. If I do, I improvise. But considering we've practiced this for months, I was extremely confident in our abilities! The dance flowed smoothly and I was having lots of fun. I really hoped we could win.
Awards Time (Olivia's Perspective)
It was Leia's division. Her cute trio with her dance friends was outstanding. I nearly cried watching because it reminded me of how big my baby was getting. She was certainly starting to act a bit older already. I was proud of her. Leia looked at me from onstage.
"You're going to do great baby!" I mouthed. She giggled and then waved to her Daddy. She's such a Daddy's girl.
"Fifth place in the petite age division goes to 'I'm Coming Home' from Dance Mechanics." We clapped for them and Elliot whispered to me.
"I think they're going to win this. For sure."
"But El, those other kids were awesome," Noah added.
"Let's just see," I replied. Fourth place was announced and it wasn't them. They made it to  top three!
"Second place in the petite duo/trio category is....'I Think I Like You' from The Upper East Side Youth Dance Company!" Leia was excited as the three went to collect their awards.
"Go, Leia!" We clapped ferociously for her. One of Leia's goals this season was to place in the top three! She met her goal! And with that, the Petite division was finished. It was time for a break before the next set of awards.
"Leia come here! You did so well!"  I picked her up and gave her loads of kisses.
"I am so proud of you! Your dancing has gotten amazing pumpkin!"
"Thank you, Mommy." Elliot and Noah gave her flowers and she smelled them.
"I love it!" Bella came and ran to her sister.
"You did so good baby Lei! Really good!" Bella gave her and her friends a chocolate bar and everyone was happy. Once the excitement surrounding Leia had died down a bit, I went to talk to Bella.
"Are you nervous about awards?"
"No, I mean the number doesn't really define me as a person. I don't care if I win. I just want it to be fair and fun." I love her maturity.
"Good enough." I gave her a kiss and she pulled away playfully.
"Mom, how embarrassing." She began to text her friends and I rolled my eyes.
"Love you too, Bella." She blew me a kiss and went to go join Elle as the walked around the school.
Awards (Bella's Perspective)
I was quite tired and ready to go home honestly. The announcer was announcing 6th place and I just listened quietly. It's not like there was much else to do. I was holding Elle's hand, I was hoping that we'd do good!
"I have faith in us. We will do good!" He hit third place and we still weren't called. This is interesting to me. I looked at Elle. She smiled.
"Second place in the junior duo/trio division goes to...Contestants 101 'Together." Are we about to win?
"And last but certainly not least! First place goes to (drumroll please)........ Contests 43 Believe in Me!" The confetti spread across the stage and we went to go get our award.
"State your name and company!"
"Elle and Bella from Upper East Side Youth Dance Academy." We were satisfied with our win and I was so happy. When we got off the stage and got to our parents we were met with tons of hugs and gifts. It felt nice to win.
"I'm so proud of you guys!" Our dance teacher said.
"You guys did awesome today! You danced like you never did before!"
"Thank you!" We started to pack up and get ready to leave as we had school in the morning. Luckily, this competition was only an hour away from our home. It was almost 9 pm. Leia was already asleep.
"You guys did so well today. We should celebrate tomorrow when Leia is actually awake." Elliot whispered.
"Daddy." She whispered in her sleep. I helped load the car and got into the back seat. Today was such a long day, I had so much fun.
Elle: We did so good today! Especially you! You're an amazing dancer!
Me: Thanks! No, you most definitely did better! I can't wait to see you at school tomorrow!
I was feeling pretty sleepy. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. But, strangely I couldn't go to sleep. I felt uncomfortable in every position I placed myself in. Ugh, why can't I sleep? I'm so tired but I can't just doze off! My parents were talking in the background. Something about work.
"As soon as I drop the kids off I have to go to the precinct."
"What happened?!" Mom asked in a state of concern.
"Our Vic. Damn it!" He whispered loudly.
"Elliot, calm down." Why is he so angry?!
Faith: Bella, I heard you guys won! I'm so happy for you! But, can you talk?
Something about this text seemed different. Faith sounded kinda sad.

A/N: TYSM for 5k it means the world to me 💜

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