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Monday, March 22nd, 2023 (1:45 PM) (UES Youth Dance Academy) (Bella's Perspective)
I just finished dance class with Hilary, Leah, and Paisley. We were busy getting changed so that we could grab lunch before we went home.
"Thank goodness, I finally get to take these tights off! I love dance, but I hate tights." I rolled my eyes.
"We've been dancing since we were little, Hilary!"
"I know... But, I'm still not used to it!"
"You're ridiculous." I said.
"Hey, guys?"
"Yeah?" We all said in unison.
"You realize that next week Monday we'll find out which high school we're going to?" It sort of slipped my mind. I've been trying not to think about it honestly, but it's super hard.
"I can't believe it, high school."
"We're officially old."
"Nah, I'd say we're old when we hit 35."
"Not helping, Leah!"
"Which schools do you guys think you got into?" Hilary asked.
"I think Dwight, but I'm not entirely sure. I think I did okay at the interview."
"For me, Stuyvesant! I think I aced that SHSAT!"
"What about you Bella?"
"Ugh, I don't know, Dalton maybe. I'm nervous about this though."
"Me too! What if we're all not together anymore?" Paisley asked as we left the building.
"You guys promise that if we don't get into the same school, you at least text me every day." Hilary demanded.
"Of course!"
The 16th Precinct (2:35 PM) (Tuesday, March 23rd) (Olivia's Perspective)
I was busy typing up a report at the moment. It's not my favorite thing to do but it's part of the job. I heard my office door open and I saw a small figure dressed in pink and purple.
"Hi, Mommy!" Leia ran up to me with her backpack on and her doll in her arms,
"Hello, pumpkin!" I decided that Leia was old enough to begin coming to the precinct to visit me regularly as Bella and Noah had when they were younger.
"How was gymnastics class and your play date with Christina and Bailey?"
"Awesome! We watched tv and then we played dress-up before our tea party. We had one so we could plan Mr.Fuzzy and Lady Dorothy's birthday party."
"Lei, I didn't know you were a party planner!"
"Well, I didn't know either Mommy!" She's so entertaining. Leia got up and looked around.
"Your office is so nice! You have a big comfy couch in here! Do you take naps on your big comfy couch, Mom?"
"Sometimes, if I have the time."
"That's silly, how would you even fit on it?"
"It's really easy, I just curl myself into a ball." Leia started to giggle.
"Mommy, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, what is it?" I sat next to her on the couch and gave her my full attention.
"Why do you and Daddy kiss every time you see each other?"
"Well, that's just our way of showing love to each other. Do I not give you kisses when I see you?"
"Yeah, too many!" She joked.
"I could never give you too many! Kisses and hugs are ways that people show the people that they care about affection."
"But that's not good."
"Because that's how you make babies. By kissing a lot." She pointed out.
"Not exactly," I told her.
"How then?" I'm not ready to explain that to her, my baby is only 6. She's so darn smart and inquisitive.
"I'll tell you when you get bigger, okay?"
"Okay! Now, I'm gonna have a talk with Gabriella! She hasn't been listening!"
"Alright, I'm going to get back to work, okay?"
"Okay! Maia and I have to talk now."
"Maia? I thought her name was Gabby."
"Well, if I had another doll, I could have one named Gabby and one named Maia." I fixed my attention on Leia who was staring at me.
"I see what you're doing, I told you, Daddy and I would think about it. Besides, why do you need another doll?"
"So she can have a friend!"
"Then how about you play with Bella's American girl doll? Then she can have a friend."
"Bella has an American girl doll?"
"Yes, she doesn't play with it anymore though. I'm sure if you ask her though, she'll let you have it."
"Hmm, okay!"
Washington Square Park (Wednesday, March 24th) (3:15 PM) (Noah's Perspective)
My friends and I like to go downtown to Washington Square Park every once in a while to skate around. It's exhilarating and it helps me forget about any problems I might have.
"Yo Noah, I got my Jesus flip down." Kole said as he showed me.
"Dude it looks so smooth. Mines always look trash."
"Nah, you're the best out of all of us." Ace said while hitting me on the back.
"Hell no, that's Bret."
"I heard my name!" He skated up and did a gazelle.
"Damn Bret, we know you're the fucking GOAT, don't gotta be a damn show off."
"Just practicing." He winked and I rolled my eyes.
"Look at those girls over there staring at us."
"And look and Bret staring back like some idiot. Dude, you have a girlfriend." Ace said.
"Not anymore." My friends and I were shocked.
"You and Davi broke up?"
"A couple of days ago."
"Why?! What happened?" Kole asked. The fact that he didn't tell us is pretty sus, I'm not gonna lie. They seemed to be fine, what happened?
"Bro, did she cheat?!"
"No, she didn't cheat."
"Then what happened?!"
"Bro, I don't want to talk about right now." He skated away and my friends and I looked at each other in suspicion. Something's up, I just don't know what it is though.
"Alright, I guess. Come on, let's go get Slurpees."
"Slurpees where? We're so far away from 7/11." I pointed out.
"I know a place. It's not that far away. Plus, they got cookies."
"Bet! Race you there."
"How the hell can you race me if you don't even know we're going?!"
Brooklyn SVU (10:30 PM) (Elliot's Perspective)
"Okay, the CCTV shows that Jo was at the bodega at 3 AM."
"She bought an iced tea and some chips."
"Then she walks back towards her apartment, and is seen being pulled away by a black figure." I sighed.
"Her body is found two hours later, 5 blocks away from her building."
"Walt, you got the autopsy report?!"
"No, Kriezer said she isn't done."
"This just doesn't make sense."
"And the CCTV isn't the clearest so we can't get an accurate picture."
"Wait the crime scene, she had bruises on her neck, a lock of her hair was cut off, and a piece of her dress too, right?"
"Yeah, why?" Walt asked.
"I don't know why I haven't put this together sooner."
"The Scissor Rapist." Brianna said while showing the other cases.
"Okay, I'm going to call Manhattan SVU."
"You mean your wife?"
"Yes, my wife. I'll be right back." I closed my office door and rang Liv. She answered pretty quickly, as if she was expecting me to call.
"Hey Liv, are you busy?"
"Not at all. Are you calling because you need a favor?"
"Maybe. You guys have worked cases in the Scissor Rapist, right? What info do you have?"
"Besides the basics, it seems that the rapist times these rapes, they all happen on the same day every month, He's worked his way from Harlem down to Soho, and now it seems to Brooklyn. I'll send you the rest of the deets, where's your crime scene?"
"Downtown Brooklyn on Smith Street."
"Alright, got it. Amanda's sending you the info now."
"Liv, did you get a chance to talk to the kids?"
"Yeah, I called Lucy and Leia told me about her playdate with Harlee and Farrow, Noah told me about his new skating trick and Bella-"
"What about Bella?"
"She didn't want to talk to me."
"That's strange."
"I know. I just think it's hormones, she's thirteen so she has all of these emotions and she's trying to navigate everything. She's fine, so I'm not worried about it."
"I'll trust you on that. I'll be home at 1 AM. You?"
"I'm getting ready to leave now. Lucy needs to be relieved of her duties. Bye El."
"Bye, love you."
"Love you too."
My Bedroom (Friday) (5:45 PM) (Bella's Perspective)

Diary Entry
Today I feel so anxious. I just realized that on Monday not only do I have to play piano in front of my whole grade and their parents, but I have to receive my high school letters. Monday determines the next 4 years of my life, which in turn determines my future! I don't even know what I want to do with my life! I've been worrying about this nearly every day since December and I know I said I've gotten better at coping with it, and I have, but I guess I just regressed. Mom and Dad haven't realized either. Nor have my friends.

"Ugh! Just stop thinking about it already!" I said while banging my head on the hardcover of my diary.
"You'll probably get into a sucky school, everyday will just drag on and on. Since you don't know what you want to be in life you'll be a failure."
"A failure!"
I began to hyperventilate. I feel like I'm dying. I'm going to die. I hope I don't have another panic attack, am I going to have another one?! No, not again! I was trembling and I felt so dizzy on top of being nauseous. All of the techniques I used to calm my panic attacks went out of the window.
"I'm going to be a failure!" I screamed. I continued to scream into my pillow until eventually my throat hurt and my panic attack ceased.
"What am I going to do?" I asked myself as I cried onto my favorite pillow. My family doesn't even realize any of this. I bet that they don't care.

To be continued~

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