Humor & Hijinks

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Tuesday, March 30th (Bailey's Bedroom) (4:35 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"As Princess of Baileyland, I command you to wiggle your butt for two hours!" I giggled at the command my best friend gave to the Witch.
"I will not wiggle for two hours! I will turn you into a rat. Zap!"
"How dare you turn me into a rat! Guards, arrest this witch!" Bailey and I love to play Kingdom whenever we have a play date. Kingdom is a game where you play people who live in a kingdom! You can be a queen or even a servant!
"Leia, I gotta tell you something." She put the doll down.
"What is it, Bailey?" She motioned for me to come by her bed.
"Guess what I got from my Grandma and Grandpa?"
"A new book?"
"No, this is even better!" She opened the drawer connected to her bed and took out a game.
"This is a fairytale board game! When you roll the dice, you pick a card and you either get a bad thing or a good thing."
"There are some special cards too! We should play it before you have to go. Maybe we can both become magical princesses."
"Yeah, let's play!" This game sounds really interesting, I hope I become a princess.
The 16th Precinct (4:42 PM) (Midtown) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Rena, thank you for being so helpful. You did a very good thing."
"Welcome, my Mama always says it's best to tell the truth. I just wished I said something earlier, I feel bad."
"Don't blame yourself, it's okay to be scared, you had so much at risk, and I promise you that Jenny will be alright, she won't be mad at you, okay?"
"Fin, can you take her to her mother, please?"
"On it Captain." I was getting ready to head out for the evening, I had to pick up Leia from a play date and Bella from dance class.
"What a long day." I whispered to myself. As I grabbed my coat Fin stopped me with the biggest grin on his face.
"What is it?! I'm not doing you any favors."
"Well, I just wanted to ask if you and the fam would like to have dinner with Phoebe and I." The two had recently gotten engaged and I thought that this was amazing for him as he'd been longing for a life outside of SVU.
"Of course, text me the place, time, and date. Bye guys." I took the elevator down to my car and proceeded to drive to the girls' dance studio. I saw Bella standing outside, talking to Hannah, Leah, and Elle. I usually let Bella talk to her friends for a bit after dance because social interaction is very beneficial to Bella's mental and emotional well-being. As soon as I was about to honk my horn Bella ran up to a young man on the street. Who is this? I've never seen him at the dance studio before. I know about all of Bella's dance friends, and that definitely wasn't Parker or Holden. Something about this is fishy. I honked my horn.
"Bye!" She ran to the passenger seat and kissed me.
"Hey, Mom. How was your day?"
"It was good, who's that boy you were hugging up on?" I asked. She didn't reply and instead fixed her coat.
"Bella? Is he a friend?"
"Yeah, he's a friend." She said quietly.
"Bella, I hope you're not withholding things from me after the agreements we made in therapy."
"I'm not. I didn't hear you the first time."
"Mhm. Wanna help me make dinner?"
"Sure, what are we making?"
"I was thinking some cilantro lime rice with beans and chicken."
"Nice. We can use the leftover taco shells as well."
"Resourceful. I like it." We pulled up to Bailey's house to see Leia out front playing in the snow.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Mommy, hi!" She hugged me.
"Hey, love bug! Thank you, Janet!" I said to Bailey's babysitter.
"Anytime! Leia is such a pleasure. She's so kind and polite." I watched as she told her bestie goodbye.
"Bye Jannie, have a good evening!"
"Thank you, Lei. You guys get home safe."
"We will, thanks again." As I walked over to the car I smiled at my little girl.
"Mommy, can I call Courtney and play Roblox before dinner please?"
"Yes, but you have to finish your homework first. Is it done?"
"Almost, I just have to finish up my grammar work and then I'm all done."
"Alright, good."
"Is Bella in the car?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because I gotta talk to her!" She hopped into the back seat and hugged her sister.
"You're so heavy!"
"Well hello to you too."
"My, My, the sarcasm. Let's hit the road, girls."
Taco Palooza (478 East 68th Street) (5:45 PM) (Noah's Perspective)
"Bro, Noah literally saved the entire game last time. We need you to bring the fire again!"
"Man, I didn't save the game." I pointed out while grabbing a taco. Kole rolled his eyes.
"You literally scored the 3 pointer that broke the tie, you're a savior." He pointed out.
"Take it easy, you know he can't take a compliment." Bret added.
"What?! I definitely can take a compliment! I'm offended." I said jokingly.
"I told you that your tux looked nice and you refused to accept it." Morgan said while putting her arms around my shoulders.
"Don't remember that." I said while eyeing her.
"Honestly, I think that's polite of him. He just doesn't want to make anyone feel bad." Amelia said.
"That's totally not it. Why am I being attacked from all sides?!"
"Because we're telling the truth! You're too polite." I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways, did you guys get the invite to that trip to Brown University?"
"Yeah! Are you guys going?!"
"Duh, hours away from our parents and a get-out-of-school card?! Hello?!!" Amelia said while laughing.
"Plus Brown is a cool school, it looks so awesome." I continued to talk to my friends before going home with Morgan.
"Yeah?" I replied as she held my hand.
"Thanks for being so awesome." Her eyes were filling with tears.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just so happy. You make me so happy."
"Aww, you don't have to rub it in." I said while wiping her tears. I didn't think she'd cry over that.
Our Family Room (Wednesday, March 31st) (3:57 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
I munched on my carrot and dipped it in hummus.
"Thank you, Lucy! This is really yummy."
"Aww, you're welcome Leia." She checked over my homework and smiled.
"These are all correct. Good job honey."
"Thanks! I was practicing my reading homework with Daddy and I got a bit better at it." Today I had a plan. It was pretty important but I hadn't started it yet, and that isn't good because I need to have it ready for tomorrow.
"Lucy!" I skipped over to her.
"Can I go to the store with Noah and Bella?"
"Noah and Bella aren't home yet baby, Noah's at practice, and Bella's at therapy."
"When she comes back?"
"Why do you want to go to the store? Do you need something for school?"
"No, I just need to go to the store Lucy."
"I could take you."
"No! Only Bella and Noah."
"Okay... Well, ask them when they come home."
"I'm home guys!" Bella gave Ace and Ryan hugs.
"I missed you boys so much! I can tell you missed me. Especially you, Ace." Ace sat in her lap.
"You're too big for this Ace!"
"Bella! Bella!"
"What is it, Leia?"
"We gotta go to the store with Noah." I said while walking downstairs to hug her.
"It's a secret. Please don't tell Lucy."
"Alright, I won't tell." Ace and Ryan followed us upstairs and played together in the family room.
"Hey Bell, how was therapy?"
"Good, I got a treat for taking my medication on time every day for the past week."
"I'm so proud of you honey! Great job! Are you taking Leia to the store?"
"Yeah, we'll leave as soon as Noah comes. Did you walk the dogs?"
"Yes, but they seem pretty hyper still."
"Woof!" Ace kept pestering Ryan. He's always hyper.
"I want Noah to hurry! We have to go to the store before it gets dark."
"Leia why do you want to go to the store?"
"Because I wanna be with my brother and sister!" Lucy eyed me.
"There's more to it than that, you're being quite sneaky, this isn't like you."
"I just wanna get something, that's all."
Hank's Humor and Hijinks Store (667 2nd Avenue) (4:37 PM)
"You make a left right here." I said while holding Bella and Noah's hands.
"Okay, where are we going baby Lei?"
"Right, here!" My siblings looked up.
"Hank's Humor and Hijinks? Why did you want to come here?" Bella hit him.
"It's April Fools tomorrow, that's why! Did you want to prank someone?"
"Yes, but I need your help, that's why I brought you here." We went inside the store that was filled with different prank toys and gadgets.
"Who are you pranking?" Noah asked.
"Mommy and Daddy." Bella smiled and gave me a fist bump.
"Me too. We're twinning."
"Well, what kind of prank are you trying to do, Lei?"
"I don't really know, I just want it to be really funny though." I looked at the different prank items.
"Wait, maybe you can just leave all of these around the house. So the house will be like a walking prank." Noah suggested. I giggled.
"I think that's a good idea!" We picked up so many things! Noah said he'd plant them tonight so it'd be ready in the morning.
"Bella, what kind of prank will you be doing?"
"It's a surprise. You'll see."
"Come on, let's pay for everything."
My Bedroom (10:27 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Right? Isn't that the best prank in the universe?" I asked Ethan.
"It's the best prank until your Mom and Dad kill you."
"They would never. But I do think they'll get pretty mad."
"And I don't blame them. Your pretending to-"
"Stop, I know what you're going to say." He laughed.
"I hope you don't get seriously grounded because Preston's birthday is the 7th and you have to be there."
"Fine, I won't go overboard with it. But I'll do just enough to aggravate them, and then say it's a prank before I get punished."
"Good. Hey, do you know which high school you're choosing?"
"I'm between Avenues and Dalton. You?"
"Avenues and Calhoun." I smiled.
"I think we should all just go to Avenues, that way we'll be together."
"Yeah, I think so too. I'm gonna go take a shower now, talk tomorrow?"
"Of course. Bye Bella."
"Bye, Ethan." I hung up and hugged Ace as he licked me. Which high school will I choose?

To be continued~

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