The Pier

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Bestia (Los Angeles, CA) (8:30 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Did I ever tell you guys what ended up happening to them?" Penelope asked.
"No, what happened?" We were currently having dinner at this Italian restaurant and I had to say, it was good!
"She ended up transferring out after the entire thing. She was gonna stay-"
"But how?"
"Her parents were going to make donations to the school but she said she wanted to leave."
"I guess it pays to be a spoiled rich kid." Sapphire said.
"A spoiled, rich, white kid." I added. She nodded in agreement.
"Hey guys, remember that time we decided to skip class?" Ethan asked.
"Who could forget that?"
"We were all grounded for like a month and weren't allowed to hang out with each other too. It was crazy." Leah said.
"But it was worth it, let's be honest."
"It totally was."
"Do you think when we go to high school it'll be the same?"
"Definitely. Look no matter what, we're always going to be friends and do stupid things together. That's like our....thing."
"Well, cheers to that." Jonathan said with a shrug. We all clinked our glasses. This trip was amazing. I had so much fun with my friends doing crazy things, and I'm kind of sad that we're leaving on Friday. It's as if we've been in a bubble these past couple of days and we're going back into the real world..where we have prom and then graduation. I don't wanna go back to the real world.
The Staircase (505 East 74th Street) (11:37 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
Sometimes at night, I wake up because I'm thirsty! My throat feels dry like the Sahara Desert! So I go downstairs to get a drink of ice-cold water. I tiptoed down the stairs and then stopped when I heard someone speak.
"Yeah, I agree. I think we need to have a conversation with the kids before we go to Italy." Who is Mommy talking to?
"We've been holding off for a while and I think they're all expecting and waiting. I know you'll come up with a good way to tell them. Okay, stay safe babe. Bye. Love you." She must be talking to Elliot. I walked into the kitchen quietly.
"What are you doing out of bed, munchkin?"
"I was thirsty so I came to get some water. What are you doing out of bed?" I asked my Mom.
"I don't think you should be asking me that, missy. Let's go back upstairs." I made my annoyed face. She held my hand as we walked upstairs. I drank some water and went under my covers.
"Okay, have sweet dreams. I love you so much baby Lei."
"Mhm." I'm going to find out what she was talking about!
The Marriott Hotel (7:01 AM PDT) (June 14th) (Bella's Perspective)
Today was our last full day in Los Angeles. I wish that I could say that I feel a bit happier but I had some trouble sleeping last night.

4:45 AM
I turned over and looked at Paisley, who had marker on her face because we decided to draw on her at 2 in the morning. I turned back around to face the wall and sighed. Hannah's question wouldn't stop echoing in my mind. I know she said it as a joke, and I'm not offended by it at all. She just brought up something that I've never really thought about before. And now that I think about it, she's right.

Kylie had a crush on Carson. She ended up dating him
Hannah had a crush on Knox. Now they're dating.

I wonder if Jake would even want to date me? Then again, I wouldn't know unless I figure that out myself. I can't bring myself to talk about that with him. I could talk about tv shows and weird experiences, but to talk so deeply about my feelings...I can't. It's so hard, and scary. I don't care how many years of therapy I've been through, I'm still super scared of talking about my deepest feelings. I can't even really get myself to think about them. It's like a controlled area..those feelings. Only some are allowed to access them and I'm not one of them.

What would my therapist say about this?

Well, if you have to ask yourself you already know the answer, Bella.

That's what she would say. Am I that sure that I know the answer?

I ate a pancake. I scoped around the room before putting down my fork. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Why are you being so quiet?"
"I'm not. I'm just thinking."
"Thinking about giving Jakey another kissy-wissy??!" Paxton asked me.
"Wowww, real nice. Thanks for telling the entire world guys. And you're immature. I don't see anybody telling you anything when you're feeling up on Georgie."
The 16th Precinct (10:07 AM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"Mom, that's not how it went." Bella said while laughing.
"Well, that's how I remember it." Bella and I were on FaceTime at the moment chatting about life while she had some free time. We've been pretty okay recently, it's been quite peaceful. Which is a rarity sometimes.
"Olivia, you just remember whatever you want to remember." At that same moment, Amanda popped in.
"Hey, watch yourself, you're on speaker." She rolled her eyes.
"Bella, I don't see you picking up the phone to call me."
"Omg, heyy Aunty 'Manda! Howdy!"
"Mhm. How's your trip?"
"Uhhhhhhh, good."
"I don't trust that smile of yours."
"I'm being honest, I swear."
"You better not be doing anything crazy."
"Suree." Amanda gave me a look that said 'I've got something important to tell you'.
"Hey, Bella, I need to talk to Amanda real quick, how about we call later."
"Okay. Bye, Mom. I miss you and I love you." She blew me a kiss.
"I love you and miss you too, sweet pea. Bye, honey." She waved and hung up.
"You made me get off of the phone with my sweetest pea, this better be important." I joked. She handed me the iPad and I looked down.
"Look at this." She told me.
"First rape occurred in Harlem, and the second one is in the Upper West Side, and the third is in Hell's Kitchen. Amanda, this looks like a pattern to me."
Santa Monica Pier (11:15 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
We were currently at the iconic Santa Monica Pier! It's just as pretty as it is on TV!
"Woah! What should we do first?!" There were a handful of rides so it makes choosing really easy. At the moment it was just Leah, Sapphire, Hannah, Paisley, and I.
"Let's go on Inkie's Scrambler!" It was a smaller rollercoaster and it seemed cool.
"Let's go quickly before the line gets long." Sapphire suggested.
"Bella, why are you being so quiet?"
"I'm not." I replied quickly. I don't need anyone asking me anything.
"But you are. You've been silent ever since we finished breakfast. I know that you don't love talking about why you're upset sometimes....but we're your friends. You shouldn't have to lie to us about being sad. We're here for you, Bella. Whether you like it or not." Hannah told me. I nodded and then moved up in line. It isn't fair of me to mope around in public like this. This is our senior trip. I shouldn't let my feelings ruin it..that'll make my friends hate me.

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