My Turn

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Trevor Day School ( Wednesday, November 21st) (Leia's Perspective)
"Bye, Leia! Have a great day at school! I'll come back to pick you up!"
"I will! Bye Lucy!" I waved to my nanny and went inside my classroom. My classroom is nice, that's why I love it! And, I sit next to my best friend, Bailey.
"Leia! Come! I gotta show you something!" She said.
"Good morning, Leia."
"Good Morning, Ms. Dubois!" My teacher smiled and gave me a hug.
"I love your hair today! It's so pretty!"
"Thank you!" I walked over to my seat and sat next to Bailey.
"Look, I brought this for us to play with at recess!" She showed me her craft set! It was so cool! You get to crest things for the paper dolls to wear!
"That's gonna be so much fun! We could do this with Christina, Courtney, and Kamri!"
"Yeah! Leia, did you know what I found out?"
"I found out where the tooth fairy lives!"
"How did you find out?!"
"I called her myself! She lives up in the sky near heaven."
"That's cool! Imagine we could fly up there!"
"We would probably need a rocket!"
"Yeah, but it can't be too big. Fairies are small so we need to be careful we don't hurt the tooth fairy."
"You know what? I'll design the rocket right now!"
Brooklyn Bridge-City Hall (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hello? Lucy?" I covered my other ear.
"We received yet another package at the house Liv." I sighed. I don't wanna have to go through this again. At the moment we were working on a very high profile case. Singer Logan Polowski has been accused of sexually abusing several women, including a minor, and this has not been going in his favor. So now, he's trying to threaten me and my family.
"Alright, I'm notifying the police outside. When the kids get home we need to pack up some clothes. It isn't safe to be at the house at the moment."
"Alright, I'll get a head start and pack Leia's clothes for her. What do you want me to tell the kids?"
"When you have all of them call me. I'll tell them myself. I'm so sorry, Lucy."
"It's okay, it's okay. Don't stress yourself. I gotta go."
"Alright, bye."
"Liv, how are you holding up?" Kat asked.
"Not very well, having to move my family is never good."
"I'm sorry, Liv." I nodded.
"Let's just focus on the task at hand, we need to talk to the Robertson's. I have a feeling they know more than they're telling us."
"On it, Cap." Kat began to drive and I thought about how I would tell the kids about all of this.
Health Class (Bella's Perspective)
Today we were beginning our new unit. It wouldn't really be anything new to me. Mom and I had the talk back in like 6th grade. This was just review. My problem with this is that I sit next to Jake in this class, so if anything awkward is mentioned, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it.
"Class, it is very important to practice safe sex. Do any of you guys know why?" Mrs. Walsh asked. Jenny raised her hand.
"So that you don't get pregnant?"
"Yes, that is one reason. Do you guys know any other reason?" I knew. I just didn't want to be the one to say it.
"What is the other reason?" Lilia asked.
"The other reason is to prevent STD's. Do you guys know what that stands for?" The class nodded.
"Say it out loud for me guys." What I find ironic is that everyone could joke about these things outside of class, but when they're allowed to say it they're so quiet. I find it stupid.
"Sexually transmitted diseases," Kylie said calmly.
"That's correct Ms.Ashcroft." My health teacher went on to describe diseases and infections. I looked at Jake quickly to see him taking notes like I was. He looked back at me.
"This is boring." He mouthed with a smile.
"Really boring." I mouthed back.
"Wait, Mrs. Walsh!"  Hannah, Jake, Kylie, me, and the rest of my class turned to look at Miles.
"Oh my fucking god, don't you say it," Hannah whispered.
"I'm really confused. What's sex?" The entire class sighed and groaned and cursed under their breaths. Miles does this every time we go over something like this and causes the teacher to have to re-explain when nobody wants to hear it again.
"Bella Benson, report to the main office. Bella Benson, please report to the main office and bring all of your belongings."
"You're lucky, you're going home. We have to hear this crap all over again because of this idiot. Did you plan this?!" Kylie whispered.
"No, I don't know why I'm leaving early." I packed up my things and told my friends bye.
"Bella, come and pick up your homework." I took it and told everyone goodbye. This is weird, why am I being picked up right now?
The Trinity School (Noah's Perspective)
"Lucy, I wanna go lay in bed," Leia said.
"We're going home in a minute love." Bella came into the main office and was just as confused as I was.
"What's going on?"
"I promise I'll explain everything when we get back to the house guys."
"I'm happy you picked me up, Mrs. Walsh was about to re-explain how people do it again." I laughed.
"It isn't funny Noah," Bella said playfully.
"Okay guys, let's get in the car, we gotta go."
"I call shotgun." Lucy smiled as Bella and I ran towards the car.
"Yes! I get it for a change!" I sat in the back with Leia and she looked happy.
"Noah, you look handsome," Leia told me as I buckled her in.
"I do?"
"Yes! That's why Morgan loves you and gives you kisses!"
"She doesn't?"
"Yeah, when you love someone you kiss them. Duh!" I rolled my eyes.
"Who do you love?"
"My family, and my friends. I don't have a boyfriend like Bella does."
"Leia's exposing everyone today, and she doesn't even know that she's doing so."
"I don't even have one," Bella said while blushing
"You could say that again. I'm glad that I got to leave school early, but what happened now?" I asked as Lucy drove up to our block."
"I'll explain in a few minutes guys."
"Can I see my Daddy?"
"I'm not sure about that sugarplum." Lucy pulled up in front of our house and I saw cops. I knew this wouldn't be good.
"Kids, I need you to pick out some clothes, I chose some already, and pick up whatever belongings are important to you. We need to leave." Mom looked on the verge of tears.
"Mommy, I need to get Lolo kitty and my dolly!"
"Okay, let's go then, sweetheart." Someone threatened Mom.
Some Random Place That Isn't My Bed (Leia's Perspective)
"Let's get ready for bed, little lady." I held my kitty and went under the covers. We were in a hotel! I was sharing a room with Bella and Noah.
"Mommy, what book are we reading?"
"You tell me. You can choose." I chose my favorite book series, Poppy The Purple Fairy. It's about a fairy who goes on adventures to other worlds! This was the new book that just came out!
"Why do we have to stay in a hotel?"
"Why? Well, it isn't safe to be home right now baby. I don't want us to get hurt, so we're going to stay here. Alright, hun?"
"Okay. And Mommy?"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"What is it, love?"
"Why do you work a lot? I miss you!" Mommy gave me a hug.
"Because Mommy wants to make sure everyone in New York City is safe. It's a really big job."
"That sounds really cool! I wanna protect the whole world!"
"If you wanna do that babe, you need to get a good night's rest. Come on, lets read this book."
"And cuddle?"
"And cuddle."
"You know Mom, I'm really tired. Did you know how hard I worked today?! Science class is not easy!" Mommy laughed and gave me another kiss.
"I love you, pumpkin."
"I love you, Mom!"
The Hotel (November 22nd, 7:15 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
Last night, Mom explained to us why we had to be in this hotel.
"It's temporary, there's a lot going on with my case, and some suspects are angry, threatening notes were left at the house. I figured it'd be safe to get everyone out until everything's under control."
"How long would that take?" Asked Noah.
"I'm not exactly sure sweetheart, we're trying. I'm sorry about this."
"It's okay, Mom. I'd rather be here than home if it's unsafe." He replied.
"I understand Mama. I'm okay with it. It's just gonna take a little bit of adjusting."
"Thanks, guys, I appreciate it." Mom gave us both a hug.
"Anytime. Hey, Mom?" I asked as Noah went to do his geometry homework.
"Can we talk tomorrow?"
"Of course. Go get ready for bed."

"Bella, the room service is here. Come and eat something before school." I fixed my ponytail and walked towards the table. My eyes widened.
"That's a lot, Mom!"
"Nonsense, you guys need a nutritious breakfast." There were fruits, toast, bacon, eggs, yogurt, and sausages.
"Mommy, can you pass me a fork please?"
"Here you go, Leia."
"Thank you." Leia held her doll and began to eat.
"Mommy, Maia likes the sausages."
"She does?"
"Mhm. Mommy, can I get a Leia doll?"
"Maia doesn't look like you?"
"I used to look like her, but not anymore. My hair is lighter now and I'm darker." She stated.
"Hm. Well, if you want another doll, maybe you can save your money and pay for half, and Daddy and I will pay the other half. Good idea?"
"Yeah!" I had to tell my Mom something, but I didn't know how she'd act or even if she'd let me do it.
"Yes, Bell?"
"Can I stay after school with Jake." She made a puzzled face.
"What for?"
"We have to talk about something."
"You can't talk about it at lunch?" I shook my head.
"What is it?" I shook my head again. She sighed.
"You can't Bell. You're going straight to dance and back here. It's for your safety."
"Okay." I sighed and finished my plate. We had to start getting ready to leave for school.

To be continued~

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