Eighth Grade

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September 4th (New York, New York)
As I put on my uniform and get dressed I thought about how today would go. Everyone makes 8th grade seem like such a big deal because it's the last year of middle school. But, is it? I combed my straightened hair and put it back into a ponytail so it would be out of my way for gym class. I went downstairs and ate some lucky charms for breakfast, hoping that it would make me have a super day.
"You're kinda quiet this morning babe," Elliot said while sitting next to me.
"I didn't realize," I said with a laugh.
"You seem very deep into your thoughts."
"You like reading my mind. Where's Mom?"
"Daddy, did you make my lunch today?"
"I didn't babe, but Bella did last night."
"What's for lunch?"
"Apple sauce, celery, fruit snacks, grape juice, and a turkey sandwich."
"Yummy! Daddy, why won't you drop me off to school?"
"I have to work munchkin. I'll drop you off another day."
"Morning girls."
"Morning, Mom."
"Are you guys ready to go?"
"I'm ready. Let me just get the lunchboxes out."
"Alright, meet me in the car. Come on Lei."
"Bye Daddy!"
"Have a great first day of school!" They left and I separated our lunches.
"Bye El."
"Bye sweetheart, have a great day."
"I'll try." I crossed the street to the car garage and go into the car.
"Alright, let's go!" I turned on some Selena Gomez as a little throwback to my childhood.
"You used to love this song, I have videos of you singing it."
"Mom, delete them!"
"Definitely not. I'll be playing them at your party." My face got red.
"Bella's face looks like a tomato!" After pulling up to Leia's school and dropping her off, Mom went to go drop me off.
"Alright, we're gonna be there in a few minutes. Do you know your schedule?"
"No, I didn't check. I wanted to get it at school and be surprised."
"I know you and your friends are serious about that. Are you doing anything this year?"
"I'm not sure."
"Alright, fair. Are you doing anything after school?"
"I'm going to get ice cream as usual." Mom pulled up in front of the school and gave me 20 bucks.
"Have fun!" Sweet, extra money!
"Bye Bella, I love you so much! Make me proud! Have an amazing day!"
"Bye Mama, I love you!" I ran up to my friends and gave them a big hug.
"I've missed all of you!"
"Yeah, in the Netherlands I missed you guys so bad!" Hannah said.
"How was it?"
"It was fun seeing my grandparents, but it rained quite a bit. But, my Dutch got better!"
"That's so cool. Guys, let's get our schedules and we can talk more in school."
"Cool." I ended up walking next to Jake.
"So, what did you do this summer?" I asked shyly.
"We went to Italy. It was okay as usual. Actually, I got you something." He took something out of his pocket and opened it. A bracelet? He put it on for me and I smiled.
"Thank you! I love it!"
"Okay, you two lovers, it's almost our time to get the schedules. Paisley's first."
"I hope it's good." Paisley then frowned. By the time the schedule got to me, I was pretty excited. When I got my schedule, I realized why Paisley frowned. We had a heck ton of classes.
Bella Benson's Daily Schedule!
Monday: History, English, Math, Science, Lunch, French 8, Health, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education
Tuesday: Health, Math, Science, Visual Arts, Lunch, French 8, English, Performing Arts, Physical Education
Wednesday: Math, French 8, Performing Arts, History, Lunch, Science, English, Health, Visual Arts, Physical Education (3 pm dismissal)
Thursday: French 8, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, History, Lunch, English, Math, Science, Health, Physical Education
Friday: Health, History, Science, Math, Lunch, English, Performance Arts, Visual Arts, French 8, Physical Education (3 pm dismissal)

We had Health again, which is super ew! And, our day was extended to 3:30! I knew it was happening but I hated it! Today was Thursday, so I had French. We all studied each other's schedules. Hannah, Jake, and I had the same exact schedule. Kylie, Paisley, Jessica, Elle, had the weirdest mix. They weren't even taking the same language as me anymore. It was weird. For the first time, we were actually separated. I'd see them, hell yeah, but not as much as I was used to. But, this gives me the chance to make so many more friends I guess.
"This is fair, how come they get to all be together?" We stared at the popular kids.
"Because teachers like them, they got connections. Come on guys, let's just talk before class.
History (Jake's Perspective)
I watched as Bella introduced herself to the new kid and wondered. She told me that today after school she wanted to talk to me about something. About what? Did Preston tell her that I liked her?! That freaking-
"Jake. Class is over." Bella said quietly.
"Oh, my bad."
"Come on idiot, we need to hurry up they're waiting for us at the lunch table." She picked up my bag as I got organized.
"Thanks, I can-"
"Jake, stop being so gentleman-like. It's okay, I got your bag." Sassy.
"I'm pretty sure Boston and Taylor are looking for you. What were you spacing out about?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it."
"Are we still on for after school?"
"Yeah, definitely."
"I can't wait! We're going with the whole gang! All the guys, and the girls! It'll be great since our schedules are so different."
"Yeah." So she isn't going to mention that she wanted to talk?
"What's wrong? You seem kinda down."
"Didn't you say you wanted to tell me something then too?"
"Well, yeah. I-" She looked at the ground.
"I just, w-wanted to talk about it there." Oh no, I made her embarrassed.
"Guys! I know you guys were making out or whatever, but we don't got all day!" Preston said.
"Aww, what the hell! He was the one spacing out. It took five minutes to get his attention." Bella said defensively. I'm so convinced that she doesn't like me in that way.
"He was probably thinking about you! Now, sit down." Paxton said.
"I can already tell that Mr.Fletcher is going to be a pain," Kylie stated.
"He's so serious about us doing his English homework. Did you see how thick that packet was?!" I said.
"What do you guys think of Ms. Gupta?"
"She's so cool! You guys are all taking algebra with her, right?"
"Totally. She seems like a cool math teacher." Although we had f'ed up schedules, we did have the same teachers, so it was still relatable.
"Excuse me, guys. I gotta go." Bella said quietly.
"Where are you going?"
"Don't worry about it."
Tasti-D-Lite (Bella's Perspective)
"Bye guys! Get home safe!" I smiled as my friends left. It was just Jake and I. I had to face my fears. I had to say it. Here and now. I needed to be brave.
"So..." I replied.
"My turn to speak I guess. I really don't want to make things weird. And, this isn't something I do, at all. And-"
"You don't have to be nervous, go ahead."
"I like you," I said plainly. I covered my face and Jake laughed.
"Why are you embarrassed?"
"It's embarrassing!"
"Well-" He paused.
"I've been meaning to tell you the same thing." I smiled. It got quiet. Real quiet. But, the good kind of quiet. We were smiling, and I've never felt so happy. To know that the feelings were mutual. This is weird, but I like it. I feel different. I'm not sure how.
"Hey, I gotta go straight to dance today. Wanna ride home together?"
"Sure." We went to go take the three train to Times Square.
"3 minutes."
"So this is what you do after school every day?"
"Well, not every day. Sometimes it's dance."
"Are you doing anything school-related after school this year?"
"I think I wanna try cheerleading. I'm not sure. I'll talk to everyone about it because I'm def not doing it alone. You're doing basketball again aren't you?"
"You know me so well."
"Next Stop is Times Square 42nd Street."
"What time do you finish dance?"
"I'll be out in time to help with dinner so like after five." We got on the Q train.
"How about you FaceTime me after dinner."
"Cool. You're still getting off at 72nd Street?"
"Yeah. It drops me kinda close."
"This is a 96th Street bound Q express train. The next stop is 57th Street."
Dinner (Elliot's Perspective)
"Earth to Bella. Do you want breadsticks?"
"Oh, yes please!" She took one and continued eating her meal.
"You okay?"
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" She chuckled and dipped her water.
"You seemed really deep in thought there for a moment."
"Yeah, I kinda was."
"How was school today guys?"
"I love first grade, Daddy!"
"Because Math Stories is so much fun and we get to play on the big kid's playground this year!"
"That sounds awesome babe."
"It is!"
"What about you, Noah."
"Another great day. We're all just trying to get to know each other."
"I see."
"Well, I got to meet some new people and I had fun after school with my friends so it was a great day."
"Good, good. Anything else?" The kids all shook their heads and continued eating.
"I think I'm done for tonight, I have to go do something upstairs."
"No, something else. Thanks for dinner." Bella washed her plate and went upstairs quietly.
"I'll stay with you Daddy! We can talk about a lot of things." I smiled, and the three of us finished our dinner.

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