Bahamian Waters

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The Beach
"This is so relaxing Mom." I swam in the cool ocean and Mom smiled.
"I know, the beach feels different over here."
"I thought you were exaggerating or something when you told me that. Who knew what you said would be 100% true. But then again, Mothers are always right." She laughed and Leia ran into the water.
"It's too cold! Mommy, I want out!" She cried and Mom picked her up. She was pretty cranky and it didn't make sense because she was just fine earlier.
"I don't want to swim anymore! No, no, no!" I could hear Mom scolding her and it wasn't pretty. As a kid Mom never let that behavior fly and I'm glad she won't let Lei become a brat either. I mean everyone has their off days and things like that. What I mean is that she never lets her get away with being bratty. Leia calmed down and finally came into the water.
"Leia, don't try to kick up again. I'm not putting up with it, I'll put you in timeout." She cried quietly and sat on the sand away from Mom.
"Maybe she's tired."
"Maybe. All I know is that regardless of that, I don't need bratty behavior on this trip." Leia stopped crying and came over to Mommy.
"Are you done misbehaving?"
"I promise I'm done. I wanna cuddle."
"Alright sweetheart. I'll give you a cuddle." I smiled at their moment and tapped Mom.
"Yes, my dear?"
"May I go with Noah and jump off the rock?"
" super careful. If you change your mind you could always come back. Next thing you know you jump in and get scared of the deep water and die from struggling."
"I'm not going on that big rock. I'm going on the smaller one where it's less deep."
"K babe."
Christmas Dinner (Noah's Perspective)
"What are we eating tonight kids?"
"French food?"
"Yes please," I said.
"You just wanna eat a baguette, Noah."
"I do. Maybe you should eat a snail."
"Ew!" Leia smiled and looked up at me.
"I'll eat a snail!"
"No Leia."
"Leia's really brave though. She might actually eat it if you gave it to her."
"Yeah, I'm a daredevil! Mommy, when I get big I'm going to be a daredevil."
"Is that so? That sounds amazing!"
"But Mom-" Mom rolled her eyes playfully to tell us that she didn't really mean it. We sat at a table and I looked over the menu.
"Filet mignon sounds good," Bella said to me.
"You're a copycat."
"Eh, it's the only good thing here." She said quietly.
"Well, you're not wrong." Leia was huffing and puffing.
"What's wrong Lei?"
"I'm hungry Noah, and this bread is making my mouth like the desert."
"Drink some water, Someone's going to take our order soon baby Lei."
"You promise?"
"Duh! Fist bump?" She gave me one and giggled. Mom liked it when all of us siblings get along and are nice to each other. I do too. I love my sisters and would do anything for me and they feel the same. Lei probably doesn't get it all too well now, but she will eventually.
"Merry Christmas! May I take your orders?" Mom likes it when we speak for ourselves so we all ordered.
"Bella, I'm quite surprised that you went for beef instead of chicken. Progress?"
"It's just because I felt like not eating off of the kid's menu for the first time in my life."
"I got chicken tenders and soda."
"And a side of vegetables. You've been having too many sweets, sweetie."
"That sentence was confusing." She giggled and we talked over dinner. Bella has been quiet for most of the dinner as usual. Bella is interesting. She has this secret that she and Mom know about, but I don't. I remember when we were little, she used to cry about the secret and Mom said that it's something she could tell me when we were older. To this day, I still wonder what that secret is and if I'll ever know what it is.
Christmas Night (Olivia's Perspective)
"Leia, it's time to get ready for bed."
"Ready for bed?"
"Yes, ready for bed." She climbed on top of me and then burped.
"I'm sorry. I had a lot of soda."
"Everyone did. When we get home guys we're going to be doing some healthy eating. We've been so graciously spoiled on this trip.
"You can say that again," Bella said quietly. She's been quiet this evening. Not really like her. She didn't seem visibly upset, however, so I wasn't very concerned, to say the least.
"Let's our your pajamas on Leia. It's already 8:30. It's past your bedtime."
"Okay, I'll put on my favorite pajamas and we can read a story together like we always do."
"Thank you for cooperating pumpkin." I smiled and she went to get her clothes and walked into the bathroom.
"What are you doing bud?"
"I'm changing in the bathroom so I can be in private." She closed the door and I laughed.
"She's so silly."
"I can hear all of you speaking! Don't think I can't! I'm just getting dressed and then I'm going to come out and lick your butts."
"Mom, was I like that as a kid?"
"A little bit. Your sister though is the feistiest four year old on this planet. That's saying a lot."
"Especially since you meet a lot of your kids on the job." Bella held my hands and stared into my eyes. The way she always did as a child every single time she had something sweet to say.
"Thanks for this vacation Mom. I liked spending more time with you!" She gave me a hug and I hugged her back.
"I wanna hug too! That's my Mommy!" Leia gently removed Bella and sat on my lap.
"She was my Mom first."
"She loves me more. Mommy, who do you like best?"
"Noah is my first, Bella is my second, and you are my third. I like no one best. I love you guys all the same and I like different things about all of you kids. So don't think for a second that Mommy loves certain people more. Understand?" Leia nodded and got into her bed. My sweet baby.
Returning Home (Bella's Perspective)
"Flight 3578 to JFK is now boarding." We got onto the plane and I put my carry on overhead and sat down at the window seat. I was quite tired and ready to go home. We would reach New York for 3 pm so that's amazing.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Noah, shut up."
"Jeez, you don't have to be so rude moody pants."
"I'm not being moody. Just shut up."
"Alright, Whatever. Talk to me when you're done being dramatic." I rolled my eyes and put a KitKat into my mouth. I'm tired and all I want to do is take a nap. I don't want to be bothered.
Bella's Dream
"This is so crazy! We have to hurry and leave. Bella's Mom is probably tracking her right now."
"Turn the darn tracker off Bella!"
"I don't know how." Kasey took my phone and looked over the settings.
"Alright? This'll hold us over for now. We're going to lose connection on the subway anyways."
"How are we getting home from here?!"
"We're going to take the F train. It's the closest thing."
"No, let's take the 6 rolls drop is closer and it's our safest bet. We could probably make it back to the area before Ms.Benson can ever arrive."
"Alright? Let's go." We all committed fare evasion and ran to catch the 6 train. It took a while but we finally made it back to our neighborhood.

"Bella wake up." We had landed and I didn't even know.
"Come on, let's go. You slept through the whole flight."

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