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"The kids are all passed out."
"We had a long day today. I'd be surprised if they were still awake." I stroked Bella's back as she slept. She was having a hard time sleeping herself, she told me that she's been having a bad stomachache.
"I was thinking that we should all go to the beach tomorrow, do some sightseeing before we leave."
"We're meeting up for breakfast so we have to be up early babe."
"Set an alarm." I gave him a kiss before turning off the lights.
"You're not going to put Bella to bed?"
"I don't want to wake her. Plus, I miss the days of her joining me in bed anyways. She's a good sleeper."
"I had plans tonight."
"Well, then you can put her to bed. I'm not doing it though."
Pearl Harbor (Bella's Perspective)
"It feels kind of weird to be here."
"Because of what happened in World War II. Bella, this is like your favorite topic."
"I know, but what specifically." Kylie, Penelope, and I waited on Hannah's answer.
"I just keep thinking that there are spirits around here. Like fighting for us, you know?"
"Hm. She has a point."
"I never thought about it like that." We were on a guided tour of Pearl Harbor at the moment, and Hannah kind of opened the door to a bunch of thoughts, that I didn't think I would be having.
"Bella?" I turned around and my Mom was calling me.
"Yes, Mom?" I stood next to her and she practically smothered sunscreen all over me.
"Mom!" I whined.
"I don't need sunscreen."
"Yes, you do. I'm not going to let you get sunburned."
"I'm already tan, to begin with."
"You're still paler than Leia. Making you more susceptible to being sunburnt in the first place. I don't know why you didn't put any on before we left the hotel!"
"Now you're being old Liv again."
"Old Liv?"
"When I was younger, you used to be so protective of me."
"I still am protective of you."
"Yes, but that's beside the point, you just kept smothering me all of the time! Because I was so cute and little."
"Bella, you were really cute. Like, unbelievably cute."
"You are cute, then."
"I know, the boys tell me that all the time."
"The Who?!" I skipped away before my Mom could say anything and went back to my friends.
"Did you tell your Mom about Jake?"
"No, I don't really plan to either."
"That's cool. I don't think I wanna talk about Clark with my Mom so, it's good to know." Hannah said. Hannah likes Clark. Quite a bit. It's cute, I think he likes her too. I ship. Definitely. Our tour was finishing, and we were thinking about going to the beach for an hour or two. But, I think a pool is more relaxing. When I was younger, I used to love the beach because it isn't something that we did often. We'd go to the beach near Garden City and have a small picnic, the three of us would talk about things that went on during the week and it was fun. But, as I've gotten older, we've been going to the beach more, we'll more like I have since my friends always want to go. I'll never stop loving the beach, but it will get boring from time to time.
"Elliot, Leia is not going to the beach if she keeps acting like this." Leia kept tugging Mom's arm angrily and they were both getting upset with each other. Man, Pull it together!
New York, New York (Elliot's Perspective)
It's been an entire week since the wedding and life has gone back to normal.
"El, there's another package for you guys." Bella lugged it in as she was coming home from her music lessons and plopped it on top of the counter.
"That's my order."
"What did you order?" I sliced the box open and took out our dinner for tonight. Bella has a perplexed look on her face a sort of gawked at me.
"Yes. Someone bought us a subscription as a wedding gift, so we're going to be making meals using this for a while."
"Guess that answers my question of what's for dinner."
"I think we're having the beef ragu tonight. Would you and your siblings like to help prepare?"
"That would be lovely Elliot." Bella gave me a kiss and grabbed an apron from the cabinet.
"Go call your siblings. They're in the basement." With time I've realized that being with Liv and her kids have given me a chance at fatherhood again, and they have given me a chance to make up for the time that I've lost in a unique way.
"Daddy?" Leia keeps calling me Daddy on and off. It's really adorable!
"Yes, pumpkin?"
"What's for dinner?"
"That sounds great. And we just have to help you?"
"Yes, you guys can be my su chefs."
"Why do you need 3 su chefs El?" Noah asked.
"If you guys were really hungry you'd stop asking all of these questions and get straight to cooking." The kids chuckled and we got to work making the pasta.
"How was your day today, guys?"
"Mines was great. Everyone turned in their letters for their high schools. And then we had a field trip to the Museum of Natural History."
"Did you enjoy it?"
"Not too much, we've been there already."
"Bella, how was your day?"
"It was good, got to hang out with my friends and stuff. I didn't really do anything today."
"Leia, what about you?"
"My teacher was sick, so we made crafts and get better cards. I wish she wasn't sick, I really wanted to learn today. And then, at recess, my friends and I played connect four and I won."
"Sounds like a pretty okay day."
The Kitchen (Bella's Perspective)
"Yeah! El, is Mommy coming home soon?"
"She said she would be."
"Can we have garlic bread?" Leia asked calmly.
"Mommy's bringing it home."
"Well, she needs to hurry up! She's taking forever!" Leia joked.
"All of this cooking is making me tired. Call me when it's done."
"You've barely done anything."
"Our gym teachers had everyone run as punishment. I'm really tired."
"What did you guys do?"
"The boys were roughhousing, and everyone had to pay the price basically."
"How many laps?"
"More than 20." I went to the living room to rest for a while as they finished up dinner. At some point, I fell asleep, and as usual, no one woke me up until Mom came home and did so herself.
"Bella? Are you not feeling well?" I opened my eyes and Mom was sitting next to me.
"I'm fine. Is dinner ready?"
"Long time. Let me make you a plate."
"They always do this to me. They just let me sleep, and dinner gets cold." Mom felt my forehead and then smiled.
"You're a bit warm."
"Too warm, or just warm?"
"A bit too warm."
"I don't feel sick Mama."
"You don't have to."
"I'm just a bit sore and tired."
"Uh-oh." I giggled softly and closed my eyes.
"I don't feel that hungry anyways. Just save me some for lunch tomorrow."
"You should eat something. I saw the lunch you packed yourself."
"Mom, you're nagging."
"I know you don't eat much baby, but you need to eat some more. You're a growing girl, your body needs more food than you're giving it."
"I'll start eating more if you start coming home more often." It was a bit of truth, that was covered up a nice joke and a small smile. My
Mom let out one of her sighs and laid down next to me.
"What's wrong?"
"I wanna be home, but you know how the circumstances are."
"I do. I get it."
"Mommy! Mommy! Come!"
"Leia, quiet voices, your sister isn't feeling too well."
"Sorry, bubba. But Mommy, look at my painting."
"That's gorgeous. I love it."
"This is from your wedding when you kissed Daddy."
"Is it Daddy or Elliot sweet girl?"
"Both. I like it that way."
"Love you. Give me a kiss."
"Your breath smells like coffee. Did you have a latte again?" We both giggled and Leia made a very serious face.
"Coffee makes you a monster! My friend told me that her Mama doesn't talk to anyone until she's had coffee!"
"Leia, Mom is not a coffee monster!"
"How do you know?!"

Cute surprise coming really soon!

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