Leia's Adoption

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Four Months Later
It was finally June. The month I've been waiting for. It's been nearly exactly a year since I was allowed to foster Leia, and this Saturday she was to become my adoptive daughter. Following that would be the last week of school for all of my kids and Leia's Pre-K graduation. I've figured out the school that Leia is going to next year and I'm super excited but also sad about my baby growing up.
"Mommy, can I have eggs for breakfast?" She asked cutely.
"Yes, you may Leia Mae." She watched some television as I made breakfast for everyone.
"Morning Mom."
"Morning Bella,"
"Morning Lei."
"I took a shower as soon as I woke up today Mom. It was literally so hot in my bedroom."
"It was cold in mine!"
"That's because you're underground baby Lei."
"Like the train station?!" She started to tear up.
"What's wrong honey? You can tell me."
"I'm scared of those."
"Scared of trains, why?"
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay Bella, you didn't know. I didn't either. Honey, why?"
"Because in my dreams the train runs over me."
"Oh no. It's okay."
"I don't want to die!" I comforted my five-year-old as she talked about her fears.
"It's okay to be scared. Wanna know a secret?"
"What?" She said quietly, still teary-eyed and pouting.
"I used to be scared of cats."
"That's a silly one."
"Their little claws would scare me so much! But, you know how I got over that fear?"
"My friend Ivy let me play with her car and I realized it wasn't scary anymore. Maybe, we should go for a ride on the train today, so you see how it isn't scary anymore. Cool?"
"Yeah!" Bella and Noah smiled happily as we talked.
"Can I come? I want to buy new shoes."
"Everyone's going."
"I want shoes too!"
72nd Street Station (Leia's Perspective)
"I'm scared. There's nothing to be scared of. Look, a Q is coming sweetheart." I held Mommy's hand as it came in. It didn't run over me, but it was very windy.
"This is a Stilwell Ave bound Q local train, The next stop is 57th street." The train said.
"Go sit there baby." I sat down and the train moved really fast.
"It's not too scary Mommy."
"See. It's not all that bad sweetheart."
"Next stop Mom," Bella said.
"34th Street?"
"Mommy, can we get the milk with the bubbles?!"
"Can we Mom? Kung Fu Tea is there."
"Let's see how things play out." We got out of the train station and walked to the Vans store. Mommy let me get rainbow ones and Bella too! Noah didn't want shoes and got a sweater instead.
"Noah, why are you getting a sweater in the summer?"
"Because I like it."
"Alright, as long as you're paying for it." I went over to Mommy and she picked me up.
"Kisses." I gave her one and we left the store.
"Bubble tea!"
"Alright, that's where we're going, next love."
"Can I get the honey like Bella?"
"Yes, but not a large."
"Yeah because then I'll have to potty."
"Exactly." I got my tea and I drank it.
"I love it!"
"Mom? Can we go to forever 21? I want to buy some of the short-shorts there."
"Uhh, I think you have just enough at home."
"But they're not as short as the ones forever 21 has."
"Bella, do you hear yourself?" Noah said.
"Didn't ask for your opinion."
"Bella, I'm not buying you any more shorts. If you want a shirt you can get it but shorts are a no-no."
"But why?"
"Because there's nothing wrong with the shorts you have in your closet. And when we get home we need to have a chat." Bella was cranky after that. But big girls don't take naps so I didn't understand why she was cranky.
Macy's (Bella's Perspective)
"Can we go home now?!" Leia held my hand and I rolled my eyes. Mom wouldn't let me get the shorts I wanted and I was kind of upset.
"Bella, stop it. Now. Don't make me speak to you again."
"We should go get lunch Mom."
"There's chick fil a."
"I want it, Mommy."
"Okay lovey. We're going, Lei."
"Can I get the sandwich and the tenders?!"
"You can choose one sweetheart."
"But I like both so it's really tricky." When we got to chick fil a I wasn't too happy. I wished that Mom would just let me buy the pants. I ever offered to buy them myself.
"Bella, What do you want to eat?"
"I don't want anything."
"Bella, keep this up and I'm taking away your phone. Tell me what you want to eat."
"I just want tenders and fries."
"Okay, Thank you for cooperating." So I sipped my milkshake quietly as the rest of my family talked to each other. We took the train home and I didn't speak. By now I know that if I spoke I'd be saying mean things, not nice things. I put my food down in the kitchen and went to my room to write in my diary.

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