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"Your Uncle, was a very good man Elliot."
"My father definitely wasn't." I remarked before having a swing of beer. I was in the countryside with Bella and Kathleen. In an attempt to get to know my roots better.
"During the famine, your great grandparents emigrated to New York. But, it wasn't easy. They faced many, many hardships. Making a living wasn't the easiest." Bella became intrigued and ate one of my biscuits.
"But eventually, your great grandpa managed to secure a job at a company. The name has slipped my mind, but they were able to live comfortably for years. Came back to Ireland for visits every few or so years. What happened? I haven't seen you in years Elliot. Suddenly you come back and bring forth 2 of your children." My great uncle says with a laugh.
"That was a great little family lesson." Bella said quietly.
"There's certainly more. That's just what's on top of my head."
"Uncle Gavin, what was World War 2 like?"
"Terrible, horrible. I'm afraid Bella, you wouldn't want to know that. It's truly frightening."
August 17th (Noah's Perspective)
"What are you doing?"
"What do you think I'm doing?" Eli replied.
"I wouldn't ask if I knew."
"Oh, you're playing fortnite. Wait, give me a sec."
"Do you guys wanna go for a swim?"
"Not now." We both said.
"Okay. Weirdos. Mom, where's Mom?"
"Her and Kathleen stepped out, Elliot and Lei are sleeping."
"K. I'm going to take a nap then. Bye losers." Bella went off to her room and closed the door. Eli and I get along pretty well. He's not that much older than me, and we like the same things. It's nice to have another guy around. Leia is funny and Bella's a great side kick, but sometimes I just want another guy around. No offense.
"You're going to 9th next year?"
"Trust me, that's going to be your easiest year. You're not gonna get much work. It's really just the year to get to know people and get your footing."
"And, definitely don't juul."
"Having two cops in my house definitely tells me to stay far away. You've done it?"
"A little, but not too much."
"Why'd you stop?"
"I started to get addicted, so I had to cut it out."
"Bro, how did your Dad not find out you were juuling in the first place? My Mom would figure it out, just like with Morgan."
"My Mom wouldn't let me see Dad, and she didn't even know. Not like it's a bad thing or anything like that."
"Eli? Eli! Daddy and I are up from our nap!"
"That's good."
"And we're going to get something to eat soon because I'm hungry. But, I don't know what we're eating yet." Leia sat next to us.
"Can I play?"
"No Leia, these games aren't for little kids."
"Because...they're too violent."
"Then why can't you guys play a game that is not violent with me. I want to play with you guys. Daddy, I want someone to play with me!"
"It's too late to play sweetheart, you need to eat dinner and start winding down for bed."
"But, I'm not tired. I'm so awake!"
"Hey guys!" Mom and Kathleen came back.
"You guys went shopping didn't you?"
"Well, it's a good thing to bond over. I got everyone something for tomorrow, we're going on our little sightseeing thing."
"Mommy, when are we going home again?"
"Next week. What's the plan for dinner?"
"I don't want to go out, can we just stay here and eat downstairs?" Bella said tiredly.
"What happened to you?"
"Nothing. I'm tired."
"Yeah, let's just get room service I don't think she'll be able to pull it together." Suddenly I felt a very hard smack across my face.
"I thought you were tired."
"No that tired that I couldn't give you the slap you deserved."
"Bella, why did you do that?"
"Just because."
"Just because isn't good enough. Tell him sorry and go into your room."
"Sorry." She swiftly walked away and closed the door.
"Bro, you should see the handprint on your face. She wasn't playing."
"She has a temper sometimes. It was nothing honestly." Mom checked my face and then went to go yell at Bella. There's always some kind of drama.
Dublin (August 19th)  (Olivia's Perspective)
We were at Forever 21 in Dublin just looking around. I wasn't happy about the way Bella slapped Noah, but I was willing to forgive, and Bella knows to never get that angry again after some talks. Though, she was strangely mopey for the first time in a while during this whole trip.
"Isn't this pretty?"
"No." She whispered.
"Bella. Are you feeling a bit down?"
"Yes." I put the dress down and listened to my daughter.
"I feel sad. It came about randomly this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. And, Elliot yelled at me. He thought I was having an attitude."
"But you weren't?" She nodded.
"Why are you feeling down?"
"I don't know." She admitted.
"You don't know at all, or is it more than one thing. Just tell me everything."
"Not in public Mom."
"Okay. Then, how about we make a temporary solution."
"We can shop, talk about other things, and get some ice cream. Would that make you happier?" She nodded. She may not feel better right away, but this should help to get us on a track to a more positive mood.
"So, are you ready for school?"
"Almost, I just need to get a new bag and some new supplies."
"That's right! And new uniform shirts."
"Yeah, we have to wear some black polos now."
"It's exciting isn't it?"
"8th? Quite a bit."
"You've got senior trip, and prom, and you get to go to some dances this year." She blushed.
"Trust me, you'll have fun."
"I hope I do."
"You know this morning, I was on Instagram and I saw your tiktok. The one with you and I. You didn't tell me we were blowing up."
"Well, I try not to talk about it like that. I feel like it isn't too difficult to get famous on there anyways, you know what I mean?"
"I see, because even your brother has a little fame of his own. Bella, when the last time you've texted your Uncle?"
"Oh! It's been a while. I should call him when we get back."
"You should."
"Mom, is it fun working with Fin everyday?"
"Well, not necessarily fun because of the job itself, but I do enjoy it."
"Do you think about retiring?"
"I try not to. I'm not slowing down anytime soon. Neither is Elliot."
"But, you guys are getting older..."
"Well, you've got to slow down at some point. And, I'm glad you've found El so you won't be alone at home when we move out."
"Bella, thanks for being so sweet, but let's focus on the present." What a sweet girl.
"Ok. Speaking of the present, I was wondering about me going to the Hamptons with Hilary."
"Yeah, you can go. I said yes."
"To who?"
"Her Mom. It's summer, I'm not having you cooped up all day long. It's good for your mental health to be outside as well."
"Thanks. Can I get these?"
"Mhm. Looks pretty."
"I can't wait to go home."
"Yes we're going home in two days. Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, I'd do this again."
"You would?"
"Mhm. But, next time we go to Europe it has to be just you and I."
"We'll see about that."

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