To (Be)

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Manhattan (Olivia's Perspective)
"Yeah?" I sat up and looked at Elliot.
"What's the plan for today?"
"Oh...the kids. I think they're all going to their respective friends' houses." I rubbed my eyes slowly and focused on the time.
"It's 11 already?"
"Yep. You've slept in again. Don't worry the kids are fed."
"Mommy! Bella ate my candy that you said I could have!" Leia has been very complex...lately. Bella and Noah used to be like this when they were her age and by now, I understand it's a phase and they'll get through it.
"I didn't eat it, she keeps blaming me. Maybe it was Noah. She's saying I did it because she thinks I did."
"Yes, you did."
"I didn't."
"You're such a crybaby."
"Okay Bella, enough. Go to your room. Leia, you and I have talked about the screaming. It isn't okay. I told you the next time you screamed instead of speaking calmly I was taking away your tv time for a day. Is that right?"
"No more tv."
"I'm gonna go away. I wish I was dead!"
"Leia Mae, come here." She stopped in her tracks and turned around.
"Leia, you need to listen to your mother when she's speaking to you. Stop looking at the floor and come over here."
"No. You're not my friend and you're not even my family member!"
My Room (Leia's Perspective)
I was angry! Elliot shouldn't talk to me at all because he is not even my family so he shouldn't talk to me!
"Leia. How dare you talk to Elliot like that? That was so rude young lady. Explain to me why you think that's okay."
"He's not my family."
"That doesn't matter. You treat all adults with respect whether you're family or not. That was rude of you and I'm putting you in time out. When I come back I expect an apology and I want you to give Elliot one too.
"Hmph!" I stomped over to my bed and put my head under the pillow. I hate time out a lot!
"Go away, Bella!"
"This is why you're in trouble. Stop being so mean to everyone."
"I'm not being mean."
"Yes, you are Leia. Why are you being so mean to everyone?" I held my kitty and looked at Bella.
"You're gonna tell on me."
"I won't. I promise."
"At dance class I was angry."
"Because Annie kept saying things to me and I didn't like it."
"What did she say?"
"She said that I don't look like Mommy and I said yes I do because she's my Mommy so I look like her! If I had a different Mommy she wouldn't say I looked different from her. I want a Mommy and Elliot who look like me. I say Mommy is my Mommy and they think I'm lying!"
"But that doesn't mean you have to be mean to her though. Or Elliot. You need to tell them sorry and tell them why you did that."
"Mom is going to be mad at me."
"She won't. I promise. Let's go upstairs and apologize." I followed Bella upstairs to the kitchen where Mommy and Elliot were talking.
"Mommy and Elliot I'm sorry that I yelled at you and I'm sorry that I said Elliot is not my family that wasn't very nice."
"We accept your apology pumpkin, but why have you been so angry at everyone?" Bella walked away and I started to speak.
"I was angry because of everyone saying I don't look like you."
"Who says that?"
"Annie said I don't look like you and I said I do because you're my Mom! Daughters look like their Moms."
"That's right honey. You know what, don't listen to those people who say you're not my daughter because guess what?"
"Who's last name is Benson?"
Brayden's House (Bella's Perspective)
"Do you want ice cream? There's some in the fridge if you want."
"Sure. What kind?"
"We have your favorite. Oreo."
"Yes, please! Thank you." The maid put it in a cone for me and I happily took it.
"Where's Hannah?"
"She said she's coming. I know you guys don't really live around here so it's kinda hard."
"Yeah, it really is hard, to be honest with you." We went outside with the ice cream and sat on the couch.
"So what do you think your schedule will be like next year?"
"They're probably going to put me in Lopez's class."
"Totally, it just makes the most sense. Most classes are going to be full and they put all the leftovers in there."
"But I think you'd have top priority or something like that your grades are like amazing. You need to show me how you study." I blushed and looked down at the floor.
"Well, it isn't anything that special." When he speaks to me like that the way he does he makes me like him a lot more than I already do. It's kind of weird and I don't really know how to explain it. But, that's just how it goes I guess. I put my phone into my pocket and I instantly got a text.
"That's funny."
"I know. It went off the same time. I'll check later. But, you said you wanted to tell me something. What was it?"
"I wanted to tell you that my family was thinking about going back to England for a couple of months."
"Why?" I asked curiously. He can't leave....I just don't want him to.
"Because of some stuff. I don't get it either. I'm pretty sure Mom will just go but you never know. Dad wants us to stay so we can learn to assimilate and get used to different cultures."
"You're doing great at that already. Your accent hasn't changed a bit." We both laughed and he sighed.
"But I hope you don't go. We've only met like a couple of months ago and you're already a close friend to me. Says a lot. Especially since like, I tend to stay in one friend group. It's kind of a big deal."
"I see what you mean. You're one of my first closest friends here in America."
"Who are your close friends from back home?"
"Well, we have Jason for starters."
"Haven't heard of him. What's he like?"
"How do I describe the guy? Hm. He's brown, darker than you and he's Jamaican. You're Jamaican too right?"
"No, I'm half white and half black..."
"But where are you from?" He asked nicely. He wasn't trying to hurt my feelings but it made me a bit sensitive because I can't even say where the heck I am from it's embarrassing as frick.
"I-I don't know actually."
Bella's Room (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hi." My daughter said silently. I sat down on the bed and watched her look out the window.
"Is there something you'd like to talk about?"
"A little."
"Mom, I was with Brayden today and he asked me if I was Jamaican because his friend was and I said I wasn't. He asked me where I was from and I couldn't even answer. It's embarrassing!" Ethnicity is a sore subject with my daughter. She doesn't know where she's from and usually, she hasn't been expressing the desire to learn about her ancestry. I don't blame her but I do worry about her having another identity crisis. And my fears are coming true.
"Honey remember the other day when I sat you down and asked you if you wanted to know where you were from?"
"Yes and I still don't want to know."
"You don't? Why so?"
"I talked about it with my therapist."
"If you want to keep it private I won't judge you, honey."
"No, I'll tell you."
"Okay, I'm listening honey." I rested her head onto my shoulders as she cried softly.
"I just feel like, if I figure out where exactly I'm from it'll be like remembering that I'm not your child...biologically. I don't want to think about it."
"But honey, there's nothing wrong with that. You may have different parents biologically, but I'll always be your mother. That doesn't matter at all, and it doesn't change anything."
"But it does matter Mom. We're two different people. It does kind of change things, Mom." She cried and I just didn't know what to do. She wasn't wrong but I didn't know how else to comfort her other than hugging her.

To be continued~

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