Coming Home

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After School
Mama: Bella honey, you can stop by the precinct. Remember the way I showed you! Take the Q to the 6 sweetheart! Love you!
Me: Love you too!
"Don't worry about stupid Charlotte. She's trying to get in your head. Don't let her!"
"She certainly won't, I'm going to talk to her Bella. Don't worry."
"It's okay Kylie."
"It's not okay. She's freaking talking about us. I'm not allowing a repeat of 5th grade. Hell no. Bella, I'll solve it. Don't worry."
"Exactly. We've got you! Are you going home?"
"No, I'm going to the precinct to see my Mom."
"Well take the train with you. You're taking the 6 right?"
"It'll take a lot longer but I don't want you going by yourself. You're already sad as is. We'll keep you company. Let's go to the train station." We walked to the train station and a two came as soon as we arrived. We took it to 42nd and transferred for a 7 which took us to Grand Central and took a 6 up.
"Bye, Bella. Get there safe."
"Okay. Thanks. Get home safe too." I walked to the precinct which was close to the station. I took the elevator upstairs and waved to the people that told me hello. Amanda and Fin weren't there, but this lady was.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I'm here to see my Mom, Captain Benson."
"You must be Bella! Nice to meet you sweetheart, your Mother's in her office."
"Nice to meet you too." Her name was Detective Tamin. I guess she's filling in for Carisi. She seems nice though, it's just weird to not see him here. I went into Mom's office and she was just on her laptop.
"Hey, sweetheart!" I waved and sat down. I still didn't feel good, and I had a lot of words that I wanted to say. She sat down on the couch next to me.
"I'm guessing today wasn't the best. Wanna talk about it?" I nodded and she rubbed my back.
"Let's talk about it-"
"Bella, what happened at school today?"
"Today was actually good until lunch. I'm really angry. I was talking to Brayden and then this girl comes over and she's like oh, can you help me with Math after school."
"Okay? And?"
My Office (Olivia's Perspective)
"She was like oh, but I don't want other people there and she kept like shading me. Then, I heard her talking about me where her stupid friends." Drama already?! The year just started.
"Ignore her."
"I know that, but I don't feel like Brayden was being a good friend. He just stood there Nd let that happen. But, I guess he was in shock or something like that." I gave my daughter a hug as Detective Tamin came in.
"Sorry, am I interrupting."
"Oh no, it's fine. Bella, look at me." She looked up quietly.
"Ignore her. She's jealous of the friendship you two have. Don't allow her to rock your whole world. Keep your head up and you do you, honey. Do you hear me?"
"Yes, Mom."
"Alright. Go to the bunks and relax."
"Okay." Bella went and I sighed.
"Girls. Am I right?"
"She seems like a great kid. She is, she's also very sensitive and lets her emotions get it her."
"Sounds like me. Hah. I saw the suspect with a new tattoo and I was able to trace it back to this tattoo shop."
"Okay, go talk to the workers and see what you find. I'm leaving early as you know."
"On it cap." I walked over to the bunks where Bella was laughing and on the phone with her friend.
"Honey, we're leaving in five," I whispered.
"Okay, I have to go. I'm going to go home. Okay, bye!"
"Why are you so cheerful all of a sudden? You were on the verge of tears not too long ago." I asked as she packed up her bag.
"Personal matters."
"Personal matters?!"
"Yeah, I have my own business too Mama." I laughed out loud and rolled my eyes figuratively.
"I didn't know you were a grown woman Bella."
"I don't need to be a grown woman to have my own business."
"Hm." Bella smiled at me as we walked towards the car.
"Hey, remember we have to go to the orthodontist soon. For your braces appointment."
"Oh, yeahhh! Can't wait." Bella was going to have a set of braces on her bottom set of teeth to correct this little gap that's been bothering her for a few years. When she was younger she got really worked up about it, I want her to have confidence so I allowed her to get braces.
"Mom, I think I want purple bands! They look so cute!"
"Stop growing up already!"
"I refuse to stop!" I was driving home now, thinking about how Leia wanted to make cookies with me.
"Mom, you know what I think about 7th grade?"
"You have an opinion already? The year just started."
"Well, even Noah told me the same thing, Mom."
"What is it?"
"It's a very weird year. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing."
In The Kitchen (Leia's Perspective)
I was in the kitchen with Mommy and Elliot. We were making cookies.
"Today was the best day ever Mommy!"
"Really?? What happened today? I want to know everything." We were putting the dough on the tray.
"I made a friend named Christina and we played at recess. And El, I was playing with the boys!"
"You were playing with the boys?!" El is very serious about boys! I don't know why.
"Yeah, they're awesome and I love them very much because they're my friends!"
"She's so adorable!" Mommy said.
"Leia, boys are no good."
"They are super good. I love them!"
"There's no changing her mind Elliot." He gave her a kiss.
"Icky. I don't want a boyfriend. Kisses are nasty." I put down the last bit of cookie dough on the tray and Mommy put it into the oven.
"That was great honey. High fives!"
"You guys made cookies?"
"They're in the oven. You can not eat them! They're very hot and you'll get burned!"
"That's right! Bella should wait."
"I'm not that hungry for cookies."
"Bella!" I gave her a hug and squeezed her face.
"Your face is skinny. So cute."
"Weird compliment. But thank you, Leia. Elliot, can you help me with my homework?"
"What homework sweetheart?"
"My math homework." I looked at the homework and then looked at Mommy.
"That's the work big kids do Mommy?"
"Yeah, what about it honey?"
"Looks really tricky!" I raised my arms and Mommy took me off the counter.
"The cookies will be done in a little while, Leia. How about we watch some tv?"
"Yes please!"
My Bed (Noah's Perspective)
Everyone was downstairs enjoying themselves. I could hear it. I didn't know what to do. I felt anxious. Butterflies were swarming within my stomach. Morgan likes me back. She's been trying to tell me and I'm finally seeing it.
"So Noah, I really want to tell you something."
"Yeah, what is it? She sighed and got up from the swing.
"What's wrong?"
"It's hard. I feel like you're going to judge me if I tell you the truth. You'll probably think I'm weird. Heck, you probably don't even think the same. Why bother?"
"You can tell me. I won't judge you or anything. I promise. I would never do that to you."
"Never mind Noah. I don't wanna talk about it anymore."

Is it bad that I didn't realize? It's not like I did it on purpose, I really didn't know. This is so weird. I'm not sure what to do. Am I supposed to approach her about it? Stay back and give her space? It's weird. Relationships with people get weirder as you get older. Why is that so? Why do things get so difficult when you understand how to read emotions, read faces?
"I'm thinking too hard about this. It really isn't that difficult."
But, it is. And, I don't know how to get my mind off of this thing. I turned on my computer and opened Hulu. There should be something that I could watch.
"Grey's Anatomy? Nope." I settled on family guy. I'm not allowed to watch Family Guy, but I still do anyway. It's actually a cool show, but I also get why Mom doesn't want me watching it if you know what I'm saying.
Morgan: Are you okay? You were REALLY quiet at lunch.

What am I supposed to say?

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