The Real Reason

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Some parts of this chapter were written by the lovely LaurenLove18 ! I could not have finished this without your help so thank you! Please, please, please read her stories! <3

1 Halsey Path (Southampton) (Saturday,
April 10th, 2023) (10:47 AM) (Bella's Perspective)
I woke up to find myself in the basement. Elodie, Nathan, and Noah were gone. They're probably upstairs. With today being my adoption day, I have so many memories flowing around.

"Bella, look at what your godmother got you." My eyes widened at the sight of the bracelet.
"Do you like it?"
"Mhm! I love it so much! Thank you, Aunty Eve!" I spun around in my dress and giggled.
"Read what's engraved on the heart." I picked up the heart charm and read it.
"Remember to always stay sweet!"
"What does that mean?"
"It means that even when you begin to act like you're all that and think you're grown, to never change."
"Huh? I'm not all that and a bag of chips!"
Mom still reminds me to stay sweet to this day. I hope I'm doing a good job. I folded my blanket, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went upstairs.
"Happy Adoption Day!" There were some balloons in the kitchen and there were tons of food for the party later. Nearly everyone was there spreading confetti and using those stupid wind blowers.
"Thanks, guys! What's for breakfast?"
"A lot of stuff! I helped cooked!" Leia stated. I kissed her.
"Come here, baby! You're so darn big!"
"Aww Mom, don't cry!"
"I'll try not to cry until later." I rolled my eyes playfully. We all sat down in the kitchen and talked as we ate.
"I remember her adoption day so clearly, Bella demanded chicken tenders as soon as we left the courthouse." Everyone giggled.
"Then after lunch with Aunty Amanda and Fin, we met up with you guys! The party was pretty awesome."
"And after the party, we had a sleepover." I nodded, feeling nostalgia from the stories.
"Hey, Bell! Happy adoption day!" Elliot said while kissing me.
"Thanks, El!" He had a wrapped present in tow and I couldn't help but smile.
"What's this?!" I asked while smiling.
"Open it!" Leia told me. I opened the carefully wrapped box to see a matching set of yellow gingham paper bag shorts and a cropped cami.
"Thanks, El! So when I was rambling about how I wanted this, you were listening?"
"Of course I was-"
"Yes, of course he was, you've been going on about it for the past 3 weeks!" Noah joked.
"Look, I was waiting for it to go on sale!" I hugged Elliot and thanked him again.
"Oh my goodness, it's 5 past 11 already, we need to start setting up outside soon."
437 Deer Lake Rd. (Easthampton, New York) (12:35 PM) (Jake's Perspective)
"Shit!" I muttered to myself. Bella's probably upset with me. For the past couple of days, I haven't been texting her much. It isn't because of her. You see, I sorta kinda got my phone taken away because I might've came home past curfew. Why was I late, you ask? Well-

I walked into the album shop nervously. This is completely new territory for me. I felt so out of place in here. I don't listen to k-pop but I know that Bella does occasionally. I'm not that fine-tuned in the world of pastels and "aegyo" but I do know that Bella likes this singer named IU.
"Good Evening, do you have any IU albums?" I asked. The cashier pointed to the rear of the store. I checked the time, 9:56. I'm going to be in trouble. I looked at the albums for a moment.
"Jake, you should listen to Lilac! It's really good." She offered me her AirPod.
"Sure, if you say so." She put down her book and watched me intently as I reacted to the song. It wasn't my favorite, so I put on a little show.
"You really like it?!" She asked.
"Yeah, it's cool."
"Me too. I wish I could get my hands the album though." She said with a bummed expression.
The store just so happened to have one more Lilac album.

I ran inside of the house and looked for Mom.
"Mom? I'm going to get ready for Bella's party. You said you'd drop me off." She looked up.
"Mhm. You can have your phone back by the way. The next time you come home late without explanation it's gone for a month." Yes! Let's just hope that Bella doesn't hate me.
The Party Begins... (1 Halsey Path) (1:15 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Hannah, Paisley! You're here!" I ran up to my besties and hugged them.
"Hey!! Happy adoption day Bellz!"
"Thank you and thanks for coming! Let's go put your duffles in the basement and get this party started!"
"Hi, Hannah and Paisley!" Leia rushed up and gave them hugs.
"You're so cute! Are you doing good?!"
"Yep! My friend Stella is here! Bye!" She left as quickly as she came.
"She's so cute. My sisters miss her. They want a sleepover ASAP!" We rushed downstairs to the basement and chatted along the way.
"So apparently, Hilary isn't coming because she has to go away for a family thing. But how come she's knowing this last minute?! Aren't family things planned way in advance?" Paisley asked.
"They are! She's lying, I'm telling you!" Hannah said.
"What if she's being honest?" I asked.
"I doubt it! By the way, your outfit is so cute!" I was wearing the outfit Elliot gave me earlier. I don't know why, but it was giving me this sense of confidence that I don't usually have.
"Thank you! El gave me it!" I put my friends' belongings in a safe place and we headed back upstairs.
"Is the pool open?" I nodded eagerly.
"Yep! She warmed it up a bit, it's going to be awesome!"
"Bella, Juliette is here!" I heard Mom say.
"Julie? I'm excited to meet her! She seems so nice from what you've said." Juliette walked inside with her bag and smiled.
"Hi Bella, thanks for inviting me." She hugged me.
"Hi, Hannah and Paisley! Bella's told me a lot about you guys."
"Hey! Same here!" The three of them got on pretty well which makes sense considering we all like the same things.
"Bella confuses me because she still hasn't finished the episode! It isn't that bad!"
"Exactly! Bella's such a weirdo!" They joked. I rolled my eyes playfully and told them I was stepping away for a sec. I walked around our backyard, looking for my Mother or Aunt.
"Hi, Aunty Amanda!" I picked up Billie and kissed her.
"Hey, sweet pea, happy adoption day."
"Thank you! Hey, have you seen Mom?" I asked.
"I think she went over by the drink table babe." I thanked her and preceded to walk again.

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