Weekend Vibes Pt.2

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A/N: If this chapter makes no sense go ahead and read 💫She's Different💫

The Basement (Olivia's Perspective)
Since Bella had a day off tomorrow, I thought it would be perfect for us to sit down and have this conversation. Just me and her, simply chatting.
"Bella, is what Amanda said back at the precinct true?"
"Well, kind of, yes..." I chuckled and told her to sit closer.
"You're being weird."
"Bella, if you have a crush, there's nothing wrong with that. It's normal to have feelings for other people, and I had this talk with Noah when he was turning 11."
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"We're gonna have to have this chat at some point love."
"I don't want to talk about it today." She got up and left the basement.
"Bella, it isn't good to walk away from your problems." I frowned as she went into her room and I followed her.
"Bella, what's your biggest fear?"
"What's your biggest fear about boys?"
"I don't wanna talk about this."
"Bella, let me help you. There's nothing wrong with opening up to me about it."
"This is so weird." She admitted. I hugged my daughter and gave her a kiss.
"Track me please."
"There's nothing weird about conveying your fears. This is a safe space. I'm not here to judge you, and I will never ever judge you. Do you understand me?"
"So you can tell me what your fear is. Tell me when you're ready to speak." She sat back and looked at me.
"I really don't wanna do this right now. I want to go to bed."
"I'll let you do that, but just know that tomorrow I will come back."
"I understand."
"Mommy! I got you a sticker!" Leia came in and smiled.
"That's so pretty." She stuck it on my forehead and I smiled.
"I love it sweetheart but it can't stick anymore my love."
"I make it stick with my love!" She kissed the sticker and I smiled extremely wide. Bella stopped her pouty face and giggled. I haven't heard her giggle like that in a while.
"It stuck!" Leia exclaimed.
"It did, didn't it?!"
Mom's Room (Bella's Perspective)
Mom was giving Leia a shower and I was laying down on her bed. We just finished 'talking'. Aunty Amanda revealed that I liked someone and now Mom really wants to talk about it and she asked me what my fear was. But, I don't want to talk about that stuff. It's just weird. I'd rather tell Aunty Toni or my therapist about that. At least maybe they wouldn't make it so...public.
"Hey, babe. I thought you said you were tired?"
"I am." She sat next to me and watched as I stroked the pillow.
"You know, Toni called."
"She asked if you wanted to spend time with her tomorrow, at her apartment."
"I dunno."
"Well, you have to make a decision soon. Can't be last minute."
"Who's dropping me off?"
"She's picking you up."
"Well then I'll go I guess."
"Okay." I put my head into my mothers' lap and she looked shocked. I would be too, I don't do that anymore, well not a lot.
"Yeah?" I sighed heavily and she kept rubbing my head, the way she used to when I was little. It always makes me really tired.
"Why does life have to be so complicated?"
"I can't answer that. Sometimes, things have to be complex. There's really no reason sometimes bear."
"I wish boys weren't so complicated." She laughed and sighed.
"Same sister. Same."
"What do you know?"
"A lot."
"But not about the boys in this generation."
"Bella, stop making me feel old!" We both laughed and she started to speak.
"But, you're right. I don't know too much about these generations boys. I'm not counting Noah too much because not every boy is like him."
"I get it."
"Do you feel better baby?"
"A lot. I was never upset. Just thinking."
"That's good, I love it when you're happy. Not like there's anything wrong with being sad or frustrated, it happens to everyone at some point. You can't always be happy as a way to hide your feelings. It isn't healthy." I nodded and we shared a hug. Love you, Mama.
Noah's Room (Leia's Perspective)
"Hey Lei." I waved and sat on his bed. I liked Noah's bed. It was bigger than my bed!
"You playing a game on your phone?"
"Mhm. Bottle flip. Wanna play?"
"Baby Lei wants to play with Noah."
"Alright, all you gotta do is tap on here. Then, let go when you want to land. And tap two times for a cool flip." I laughed and then he let me play.
"You're doing so good! Do you have this game on your iPad?
"No, I just do it and then it works for me. Noah?"
"I'm hungry for breakfast, is Mommy awake?"
"I don't know. Wanna check?"
"Yes please." We went to her room and she was on her laptop.
"Hey, baby! My boy!"
"Morning El!" We said.
"Morning guys. Sleep well?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go watch tv."
"Alright. Leia Mae?" I went onto Mommies bed and she gave me tickles.
"I'm hungry Mommy. For omelet."
"What a nice request at 10 am."
"I'm hungry, can we please eat?"
"I got it Liv. Come, I'll make you an omelet."
"Piggyback ride to the kitchen?"
"Of course." I got on his back and he made pig sounds.
"You're so silly! You're not a pig!" We went downstairs and I helped him crack the eggs! It was really cool because Mommy does not let me crack a lot of eggs.
"I like cracking the eggs because it's fun!"
"I know huh."
"Yes, honey?"
"You love Mommy?"
"I do, a lot."
"Me too. I love her more than Bella and Noah. But don't tell them."
"Your secret is safe with me."
Brooklyn, NY (Bella's Perspective)
"I haven't seen you in like forever, so catch me up."
"Well, I made some new friends and stuff.."
"Stuff? What stuff?"
"Well, there's this boy Brayden who I think is really cool! He's from England and his accent is so nice."
"And I'm guessing you like him."
"Bella likes boys! We need to celebrate!" I laughed and she gave me a kiss.
"But can you promise me something?"
"Please don't tell my Mom. I don't want to tell her about it right now."
"I won't, I promise sweetheart."
"Do you really mean it?"
"Of course I do." I raised my eyebrows and she looked confused.
"What you talking 'bout?"
"Don't tell anyone."
"Okay, okay. I won't. Relax honey. Why do you seem so agitated about it?"
"It's a bit of a story."
"I'm listening."
"Well, Axel was angry because he thought that we were all ignoring him."
"Were you?"
"No, he's just been really awkward lately. We'll always try to include him and he'll just sit there and be quiet."
"Maybe, there are other ways. It's hard on everyone babe." I told her how I got angry and what I said to him.
"Bella, something could've been going on with him. You should've asked him."
"I know and now I feel terrible. He told me sorry and I just felt really bad."
"So talk to him. You have a phone in your hand."
Brayden: Wanna get ice cream on Monday?
"Who was that?"
"What did he say?"
"He asked if I wanted to get ice cream."
"Isn't it too cold for that?"
"Well yeah, but it's a generous offer."
"Are you gonna go?"
"I have to ask Mom. I don't think she'll say yes. The other day Amanda picked me up from the ice cream shop and she saw him and I sharing a milkshake and she told Mom. So..."
"What was y'all doing alone?"
"No, it's not like that! We were with some friends and then they left, so he said he was gonna stay until I got picked up and the rest is history."
"The rest is history."
"We didn't do anything. But yeah she told on me and then Mom wanted to have a 'talk'." She laughed and I went into the fridge.
"I'm hungry from the short story."
"There's ice cream in the fridge."
"Sounds lit."
Leia's Room (Olivia's Perspective)
"Can we draw the mermaids tail yellow and orange?"
"Of course." Leia smiled and I had a little mini flashback of Bella when she was younger. She too wanted to color the tail yellow and orange. But only, back then, she didn't have the courage to say it. Leia has recovered rather quickly from this. I think it really has to do with the circumstances of their situations. Bella was given alcohol, tied up, and raped repeatedly by several men. Leia was not. Leia still has nightmares though, just not as often.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Yeah, What is it?"
"At school, I made a new friend."
"What's their name?"
"Joel. He's a nice friend."
"That's great honey."
"He's very nice to me and he treats me the way you said friends should."
"That's great! So, Mommy wants to ask you something."
"Tomorrow, I'm taking Bella to get her hair done. Would you like to come?" She nodded and picked up a marker.
"I can do my hair too?"
"Well, the depends on whether you actually sit in the chair this time. Remember last time?"
"It was scary Mommy."
"I know, and I'll stay right there. You need to get a trim though."
"What's a trim?"
"When they cut some of your hair."
"I don't want hair like yours!"
"No, not like mine honey." I laughed and showed her.
"Maybe this much."
"Oh, that's nothing! I'll sit really still and I will not cry."
"Alright, now it's bath time."
"Bath time already? I don't wanna go to bed Mommy."
"How are you gonna get your hair done if you wake up late?"
"I'm not. I'll just sleep all day!"
"You're too silly." Leia is a whole mood. I love this little girl so much.

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