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Based on Season 21 Ep. 10
"Who are you?!" My shrink yelled loudly. What the hell? I turned around to see Bucci and reached for my gun in my back pocket, forgetting that I left it in the car.
"Your gun, you left it in the car. You shouldn't do that."
"Okay. Frank, what are you doing?" I asked in an attempt to de-escalate the situation.
"My kids. I want them home safe. And I want Getz in jail."
"This isn't the way, Frank."
"Sit down!" I sat down quietly while he had the gun to my head and my shrink was trembling in fear, I felt so bad for having her in this predicament in the first place.
"Don't do this."
"We're way past that."
"I want him in jail."
1378 3rd Ave (Olivia's Perspective)
I took my phone out of my pocket to see a phone call from one of my favorite people.
"Hey baby Lei, just getting in the car my love." I showed her the takeout and her face lit up with joy.
"I wanna tell you that the older kids are doing 'The Nutcracker' and they asked me to be in it, Mommy!"
"Oh, pumpkin! Congratulations, that's amazing! I'm super proud!"
"I have a solo Mommy, want me to show you?" As soon as my sweet darling said that I got a call from Amanda.
"Sweetheart, how about you show me when I get home? That way, I can see it in person!"
"Okay, Mommy! Hurry up!"
"Love you!" I blew my 5-year-old a kiss and she hung up.
"Hey Rollins, everything alright?"
"I'm okay. We're all okay." My smile quickly shifted into a straight face as I saw Amanda's facial expressions and hear her tone of voice. I paused in the middle of the road to better asses the whole situation.
"What's going on? Where are you?"
"You don't need to know that." A voice uttered. Frank? Frank Bucci? What is he doing?!
"Who's there with you?"
"It's Frank Bucci." He said, speaking one again.
"Detective, take it easy." The camera then switched to him and he got angrier.
"No, you listen to me. Getz has got my girls, so now I've got one of yours."
"Okay, I hear that, and I get that, but hold on for a second. We can talk about this."
"You won't get Rollins back until Getz goes down."
"Frank, please, let's talk about this."
"I know you, Olivia, you get things done. Get it done."
"Frank do not hang up."
"I'm not negotiating."
The Therapist's Office (Amanda's Perspective)
"Franks, this really, really isn't the way to go about this." He paced back and forth and was making it way too obvious that he didn't have a set plan.
"We could still walk out of here Frank, and I swear, I promise to protect you, and help you."
"See now you're lying, I've been a cop half my life, I've been in so many situations, shot, held hostage, anything that you can possibly think of, I'm a step ahead." He wasn't wrong.
"Who is that?!" He asked as the doorbell rang. It was the shrinks son and she had to send him off quickly before Frank got on edge again. When her son went away safely he insisted he had a "new plan". Whatever it was, I was hoping for some direction. He handcuffed me and then put duck tape over my shrinks face. Making a move is probably one of the most sensible things he's done throughout this whole occasion. I'm not applauding it, and I really wanted to go home, but at least he was doing something, something is better than nothing. I knew that the squad would probably come here soon, but just not in time before Frank and I left. I was incredibly anxious, I didn't know exactly what was going to happen next, but I was just hoping for the best.
The Precinct (Olivia's Perspective)
"Hey, Mom!" Bella strolled in happily and gave me a hug. I was taken aback, and ready to scold my daughter for not giving me a heads up, but also happy at the same time.
"Bella, I'm very busy right now."
"You kinda always are." She said with a smile.
"What's wrong Mom? Are you not happy to see me?"
"I definitely am, a lot is going on right now."
"Olivia!" I looked at Carisi and asked Bella to give us the room for a moment.
"When did she get so big?"
"I don't know."
"I knew it, Liv."
"Knew what?"
"What Carisi?"
"Ellery's been going to Getz's parties, and he's been having sex with underage girls."
"And we could prove that because when we searched his mansion we found a camera and SD card. Maybe today we'll get lucky."
"Oh wait, I forgot she was here for a moment." I went outside and my daughter seemed less happy then she was when I saw her before.
"What's wrong honey?"
"Nothing. I just really wanted to tell you about your day."
"How about after? I have to do some stuff." She looked around and then focused her eyes back on me.
"What kind of stuff?"
"Bella, you know we can't talk about that. How about, you sit at Fin's desk for a moment and do your homework, and I'll bring you back a snack."
"Where's Uncle Carisi?"
"He's expecting me to meet him in the car which is why I'm hurrying to go outside."
"This is no fun."
"You can talk to Kat while I'm gone, get to know her better."
"Mom." She whined and then looked at Amanda's desk. No, don't ask.
"Mama, where's Amanda."
"Sweetheart, she's home sick right now," I said in an attempt to not raise suspicion.
"Sick? Then let's go bring her some soup and goodies, she does that for me."
Parkville, New York (Amanda's Perspective)
We were now in a hotel and I was finally out of the cuffs. Frank and I were sitting on the bed, the tv on the news channel. I was waiting for them to speak on Getz's arrest, so I could go to see my kids. We were having a conversation.
"You say nobody listens to you, but you listen to me. Thought you were a decent guy." And that, I meant. It came from the heart, it truly did.
"You've probably haven't thought about me once since the day I hit on you."
"I thought you were nice, which meant that you're not for me. I can't handle nice. Growing up, my Dad used to abuse my mother, and yet she stayed with that son of a bitch. And now, I have two daughters, with two different men who aren't even in my life. So then I worry, is this generational? Will my daughters be subject to, and be used to being treated like shit by men?" I then turned to the tv screen where they were annoying the arrest of Getz. Frank looked visibly happy and I smiled in my head as well.
"It's over. You can go." When he got up I grabbed my gun and pointed it at him.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"I wanna get out of here alive, and this is probably confusing, but I want you to get out too."
"Because I'd do the same for my girls. That's why you did this." I led him out of the hotel and we headed back to the precinct." The whole ride there I just didn't know how to feel. I was just held, hostage? I just freed myself? And I'm bringing the suspect back?! I just found it hella crazy.
March 14th (Olivia's Perspective)
It was the last day before spring break and I was nervous, yet excited, my wedding was in 3 days, and we still had so much to do.
"Morning Bella." I have her a kiss as she stretched and yawned.
"I went to sleep, late Mama."
"Because I was doing some stuff."
"You were up reading again weren't you?" I rolled my eyes playfully and handed my daughter a plate of food.
"Just a little bit. Can I have coffee?"
"Bella, no!" She giggled loudly and Noah came downstairs.
"I've made my decision Mom."
"I want to go to Beacon."
"Wow, a public school!"
"A really good one too. Alright sweet boy, give me the paper to sign before you leave this house today."
"Morgan got in?"
"Who else?"
"Bret, Cody, Gordon, Blake, Kassandra, Melanie, Carlie."
"That's so cool. I'm happy for you."
"Where's El and Leia Mom?"
"They left early to have a little outing before school. Bella, you should start getting ready to leave the house if you're taking the train, or do you want me to drop you off?"
"I think I can take the train, Mama. I'm going with Penelope and Jayla."
"Who's that?"
"She's this girl in my French class and she's close with P."
"Kylie said she's not going to school today and Hannah said she'll take the train with us."
"Alright, babe. I love you. Don't forget your lunch. Have a great day my love."
"Love you too Mom." She grabbed her bag, gave Chase a kiss, and headed out of the house.
"Can you drop me off, Mom?"
"Well, why are you just standing there then, go get your jacket on and get your bag sweetheart." Noah smiled and then went to go get his jacket.
"This kid."

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