Chapter 95 - A Video

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Robby had been expecting to find Kane at his locker at the start of lunch hour, but he didn't expect to find Jay standing there as well. From the look on Kane's eyes when he mentioned him before, it was clear they had either a friendship or relationship that had gone south before, although he wasn't entirely sure if Jay even liked men.

It had never been openly discussed but neither did he really care; it did bother him slightly finding them chatting away as if they had been the best of friends for the longest time, but it didn't stop him from waltzing right to them and waving a hand to the both of them. However, he didn't expect Kane's face to become completely blank when he noticed him.

"What are you two up to?" Robby grinned not only to Kane but to Jay as well in hopes that he was welcoming and did not seem bitter.

Jay glanced elsewhere shyly, avoiding Robby's gaze as he had always done before. As for Kane, he continued to put his books into his locker and said, "Nothing, what about you?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch together," he pointed to the exit instinctively, "my car is parked at the front so we'll make it back in maximum thirty minutes. It's just if you want to go we'd have to go now or else we'd be late to our next cl—"

"Robby," Kane stepped completely in front of Jay, hiding him from view as he sent Robby a look. He placed his palms on his shoulders, "Can we talk really quickly?"

When Jay heard that, he knew it was his cue to leave and began making his way to the benches outside. When Kane heard his footsteps, he said to him, "Meet you out there in a little okay?" Jay tightened his lip into a line and nodded his head, continuing his walk to the backdoors even though he felt his entire body feel as if needles were poking him after that sight.

When Kane's attention had returned to Robby, he felt his heart start to race when Robby's face was no longer in a smile but his eyes had narrowed. He met Kane's gaze, folding his arms over his chest and lifting his chin. "Don't tell me you two are—"

"No, don't worry," Kane chuckled uneasily, not wanting to admit to Robby the conversation he had with Jay last night. However, he had to tell him some truth if they even hoped to continue seeing one another. "It's just," he scratched the side of his neck; he hadn't really thought about how to explain what was happening, nor did he want to elaborate on the sleeping situation, but hopefully Robby did not question that. "Jay was robbed and he's afraid to go back home. He's staying with us for a little while."

Robby furrowed his brows for a moment, simply staring at Kane for a little while. He knew Jay more than Kane most likely thought, meaning that he didn't buy that being robbed excuse. Then his eyes squinted, as if he was lost in thought before a lightbulb seemed to flick in his brain. "Jasper's father probably kicked him out."

Kane blinked. "W-what?"

"I heard what happened at the game; I figured that outcome would be sooner or later." Then, his eyes squinted. "Why are you lying to me about it?" Robby tilted his head, eyeing Kane with a peculiar gaze. Before Kane could respond, Robby added, "Don't worry, I'm not mad. I'm confused why you guys are hiding it..."


"Wait a second," Robby's eyes widened, staring again into space as he said under his breath, "it's because Ally lives with you."

"Hold on, Robby." Kane was distraught from Robby putting all the pieces together in such a short amount of time. It made no sense that Robby knew all this information from that one excuse and he furrowed his brows, studying the way Robby's eyes seemed to search for more, as if he was uncovering answers that Kane was leaving out. Kane had to reach for his shoulder and say, "Robby," before their gazes met once more.

Robby shook his head shortly after, a few chuckles leaving his lips as he waved a dismiss hand. "Whatever issues they are, I'm glad they're not mine," he grinned, gently placing his finger against Kane's chest before slowly pulling away. "And I understand—can I join the two of you, may—"


When Robby heard how his voice had deepened, had strangely gotten colder and how Kane's physique had shifted backwards as if attempting to increase the distance between the two of them. Even his tone had filled with an iciness that made toner and taller Robby a bit frightened. His regard had even shifted; his eyes had narrowed slightly and they seemed unimpressed and bothered.

After a few seconds, Kane leaned against the lockers before calmly asking, "How did you know all that?"

Robby furrowed his brows, as if he was confused as to why that was a question. "What do you mean?"

Kane paused for a moment. "You knew I was lying; how?"

"Because there's no chance Jay got robbed, not wherever Jasper's father got him that place," Robby snickered. He said that as if it was broad information everyone was supposed to know, which confused Kane even more since that was a conversation he never expected to have with Robby.

After a few seconds of deep breaths, noticing that Robby's small smile faded, an eyebrow raised as if he was cooler let clueless, Kane finally asked, "How do you know that?"

"I told you, I was apart of the football team." Robby furrowed his brows, tilting his head.

"So everyone on the football team know?"

Robby shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty much..."

Kane sighed, scratching the side of his face. He was still attempting to understand what was going on. "You know what happened to Jay?"

He glanced around, as if he was looking down the hall to find people. When he didn't, he leaned towards Kane and whispered, "You mean about a couple months ago?" When Kane nodded his head, Robby exhaled a long breath, his face curling in a saddened look. "Yes, I do." He scratched the side of his face and added, "I wasn't there but...I saw the video. It was shared amongst the football tea—"

"There's a video?"

Instantly, Robby's eyes widened in horror, and he bit his bottom lip before taking a step backwards. He thought Kane at least had a rundown of what happened a couple months ago, but after that response, he realized Kane most likely knew nothing, and things he did know probably scraped the surface of everything. After a short pause, glancing down to his own shoes, Robby forced a smile and began walking away, "I don't mind you having lunch with Jay; I'm sure he'd appreciate the compan—"

"You're changing the subject, Robby." Kane closed the distance between them, watching as Robby strands crossed his face when he shook his head, attempting to turn away from Kane. "What don't I know?" When he saw Robby's lips sealed into a tight line, he leaned forward, "Please, he's my friend. I have to help him."

"I could get in serious trouble by even mentioning this," he whispered harshly, eyeing around the hallway before returning his gaze on a bemused Kane. "I thought you already knew."

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