Chapter 44 - Steamy Shower

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"How you feeling?"

"I'm never drinking again," he grumbled.

Jasper chuckled, seated at the edge of the bed while he looked back towards Kane still laying underneath the covers. He had a cup of tea in his hand, and he extended it towards Kane, "Hangover cure—drink some."

"No," Kane groaned, shaking his head, "Don't tell me that's tea."

"It is wonderful green sweet tea," Jasper took a sip, the warm liquid swirling between his palate and his tongue before he swallowed and exhaled, feeling refreshed. "Trust me on this?"

After a long debate in his mind, Kane eventually sat upwards and shuffled to Jasper's side, reaching for his tea cup and taking a sip. He had been surprised when he felt just the perfect touch of sweetness, and he instantly wanted more. When Jasper noticed the way his eyes widened, staring at him in sudden awe, he chuckled, "What did I tell you? Amazing, right?"

Kane had taken four sips already, and on his fifth, Jasper's hand squeezed between his lips and the top of the cup, stopping Kane from drinking any more. When Kane lifted his chin to meet Jasper's gaze, he felt his heart begin to race when Jasper's face was suddenly terribly close to his, and he was still leaning forward even more, no indication he would stop.

He felt the end of Jasper's finger reach for his chin for a gentle lift, and slowly, their lips sealed against one another, a soft short but comforting kiss that seemed to sober his mind instantly, cure his hangover for the few seconds he was stuck in a trance. It felt as if Jasper's poisonous love fumes were trailing in his nose and corrupting his mind to believe Jasper was all he needed, wanted and had. He wanted to deepen the kiss, making it clear by his tongue gliding on the bottom of Jasper's closed lips, but Jasper didn't.

Instead, he pulled backwards, meeting the dazed navy gaze of Kane. His thumb slid along Kane's jawline for a second before he added, "It's Saturday today; why don't you stay?"

Kane smirked when he said that, pulling his head back and squinting his eyes, "You went from ignoring the shit out of me in the hallway, to wanting to hang out a whole day. What's happening, frat boy—?"

"Don't make me knock you out. Finish your tea, I want to shower."

"Then get in the shower." Kane raised an eyebrow, which made Jasper narrow his gaze.


"Yeah? What do you mean—" when he saw the annoyed stare as Jasper's lips curled and he pushed himself from the bed and headed towards his closet, Kane realized what he meant. "Oh!" He chugged the rest of his tea and jumped to his feet, following behind a storming Jasper who left his bedroom to head to the master bathroom. "Wait for me."

"No, it's fine," Jasper called back, glancing over his shoulder as he pushed open the door to his father's master suite.

"I didn't know that's what you meant."

"Don't worry about it."

His bedroom was humongous, as if it was a luxurious hotel room with even a mini kitchen in one corner of his bedroom. Kane followed inside, one part of him wanting to stop to admire all the beauty, but still rushing behind Jasper who pushed open the bathroom door.

Jasper almost closed the door behind, but Kane shoved his foot before the doorway could close. He noticed how furrowed Jasper's brows were, and he gulped before saying bluntly, "Yes, I do want to shower with you."

Right after these words, he saw a sudden light twinkle in Jasper's green eyes, and his disheveled hair seemed to straighten a bit. He let Kane walk in and closed the door behind him. Once Kane was inside, Jasper threw the towel down, turning on the glassed shower to a steaming heat, one that only made Kane's body throb harder than it already was. After everything Jasper had done, he was always mesmerized and his sense of morals overtaken by every single of Jasper's muscle fibres that visibly shifted whenever he moved.

He felt his entire body begin to heat when Jasper raised his arms to stretch his shoulder and yawned, a long loud one that made him appear more manlier than seconds earlier. He was only in boxers, but he didn't even hesitate to pull down his boxers, revealing the one thing Kane had been begging to see and feel again.

Jasper felt the water, and when it was a temperature warm enough, he stepped towards Kane, standing a few inches away from him. He then leaned forward, bringing the lips terribly close to one another, but never pressing them together. He eyed Kane's lips, his breath lingering along his lips for a few seconds before he glanced upwards to see the uncontrollable lust behind Kane's gaze.

After a few seconds, he smirked, "If were going to shower together, let's do it right. Why not have..." his fingers reached the hem of Kane's shirt, teasing him by tugging at it without lifting it, "...a bit of fun, hm?" Kane felt a gentle glide of Jasper's finger along the top of his sweats, and Jasper bit his bottom lip, waiting for Kane's response.

Kane couldn't resist anymore—he planted his lips against Jasper's, immediately squeezing his tongue through his lips to deepen the kiss, his hand on Jasper's jaw. He suddenly felt his entire body move backwards, and soon he was shoved against the door, the kiss never breaking. He loosened Kane's sweats while biting his bottom lip and he felt himself quiver by Kane's soft but a thousand words moan.

He only pulled away from the kiss to whisper, "Raise your arms."

Kane obeyed, his arms lifted and feeling Jasper grip his shirt and pull it over his head. Shortly after, his sweats and boxers were off, and Jasper wrapped an arm around his shoulders, both their breathings going heavy and in a harmony when their bare chests pressed against one another. They slowly began making their way inside the shower, the droplets washing them into a rain of love that none of them had assumed could ever happen.

But as Jasper held Kane in his arms, seeing the way Kane's hair stuck to his face before he sent his fingers through it, sending it back. Their body fitting as if a puzzle piece finally discovering one another after years of being lost. Seeing the way Kane's navy eyes met his with so much unfulfilled want and desire he had wanted for years.

All of it was enough to make him wonder if this was it for him.

Maybe he was the one.

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