Chapter 66 - What am I missing?

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Jay thought he would faint from the amount of times his heart skipped a beat after Kane said that. He was unable to meet Kane's gaze but was unsure how to respond. Nobody was supposed to know about him and Jasper. He had no time to think since the next second, Kane screamed, "Answer me!"

Jay furrowed his brows. "That has nothing to do wi—"

"You jumped to the chance to call me a liar, Jaylen." Kane growled, stepping towards him and Jay had to take a step backwards after he noticed how broadened Kane's shoulders had been. "Tell me the truth, that's all I'm asking for."

He inhaled a sharp breath, not allowing the treasure box to reopen and replay all the memories of Jasper he had kept, cherished, but was never allowed to relive. Slowly, he nodded his head without meeting Kane's gaze. "Yes."

Kane's breath stopped for a second. He didn't doubt Jasper but he never thought Jay would admit to it. Not after berating him for having his own feelings for Jasper when he had done the exact same thing. "And you dared look down on me for doing stuff with him."

Jay raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"You looked at me in disgust when we mentioned Jasper and I." Kane threw his hands in the air in disbelief, "When the whole time, all you were was jealous."

A silence engulfed the room. A silence terribly deep that even pin drop could resound as loud as fireworks. There was a tension that neither imagined could ever happen between one another, but there was rage within each of their hearts that they both had to release. Jay had attempted to forget about it, but to have Kane storm into his house after days of not talking to one another, accusing him of being jealous, created an unexplainable fury.

"Jealous?!" He exclaimed, his folded arms falling to his sides as he lifted his eyes to meet Kane's confused ones. "You think I stopped being friends with you out of jealousy?"

"What else could it be?" Kane shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh I don't know let me think hmm...maybe it might be because you almost fucked my girlfriend?"

Kane shook his head and screamed, "And I told you the reason why I had to do that!"

"That wasn't good enough!" Jay threw his arms in the air. "There was no good reason to betray me the way that you did!"

"I did it to protect you!"

"And it backfired because now," he spat, a look of disgust tightening his face, "I don't want anything to do with you."

"That's unfair Jay." Kane followed him while Jay began stomping his feet to the entrance of the apartment to led him outside. "You still talk to Jasper and God knows what he did to you."

"I don't talk to h—"

"I wasn't going to bring this up but it doesn't make sense that Jasper was able to tell you the truth."

"What do you even mean?"

"I'm saying that whenever we're at school, you and I are together. When did he have time to talk to you?" When he noticed Jay inhale a sharp breath, Kane began nodding his head. "That's what I thought—he came to your apartment, didn't he?"

When Jay failed to answer, Kane added, "And you said that you didn't want them knowing your address when Jasper knew it all along. So," he grabbed Jay's shoulder ans pulled him closer so his eyes could deeply stare into his, "What am I missing?"

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