Chapter 75 - Do It Again

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"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Wooh!"

Jasper threw his hands up when he completely chugged his fifth of vodka, smashing the bottle against the concrete outside and shaking his head, his curls following as well. The football team had been performing some crazy drinking tricks, even taking shots and chasing it with lighter alcohol, and for them, the party had just started.

Jasper was not done, as he reached for the blunt between Zyder's fingers, inhaling a long cloud of smoke before bursting into coughs, the football team laughing as they all smacked his back, pushing him around as if he had won. One thing was clear—Jasper was completely out of his mind. He had been drinking whatever alcohol had been thrown at him, had danced with any girl that asked, made-out with any girl that made advances to him and on top of that, he had lost his shirt hours.

He was dripped in sweat, his sneakers were covered in sticky alcohol but he didn't care; all he wanted to spend this night with his team as if it would never end. He had mixed way too many drinks that it was a shock he was still standing, but the hadn't felt this free in weeks. The best part was that Kane was nowhere in sight and he was glad since he wasn't sure what he would do if Kane was in his face at the moment.

It was clear that Jay's words were stuck in people's minds but nobody asked him about it. He wondered if it was because he was way too drunk or if they were frightened of him, but it didn't come up in a conversation throughout the night. The only time his night almost stopped was when he felt a pair of hands clasp around his wrist and pull him out of a dancing crowd. He struggled against it since his entire body weight seemed to be moving before he could guide it, and before he knew, it he was outside of the home.

"Let me get you home."

He snorted, stumbling at his feet as he leaned forward. "Fuck off Ally."

"I'm serious," Ally reached for him but he smacked her hand away, and in the process, he used way too much force and accidentally threw himself onto the ground. That only made him burst into giggles, placing his palm over his mouth. Ally, on the other hand, did it funny at all. "See? You're way too drunk Jasper. Please, let me get you home."

"Home?" He snickered, glancing towards the flashing lights from the party inside before facing her again. "What home?"

"Stop messing with me—"

"My fatheeer...." he slurred his words, barely able to maintain his balance but when Ally attempted to help him, he placed a hand in front of her in order to stop her without using too much force. "He kicked me...meee...out."

It took a moment for her to fully comprehend what that meant. Jasper's father was barely around but whenever she did meet him, once thing was clear; he absolutely loved his son. He thought Jasper to be royal, treating him as if he was already a King and helping him whenever he needed it. Jasper could practically ask to fly to Europe for a whole week and his father would not hesitate to give him his black credit card.

But ever since the incident that happened, she hadn't seen his father around much. Mostly because they broke up right after, but she had never thought that their relationship had changed. He never seemed to be one to kick that would eventually kick out Jasper, especially not since he practically lived for the praise of his son.

Jasper burst into cackles, lifting his eyes towards the tiny stars and widening his arms. "I'm finally free."

"Then come stay at mine for a little while."

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