Chapter 36 - You Like Me

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"What happened to you?" Jay asked during the lunch break, eyeing Kane who leaned against the locker beside him. "You look tired."

Kane was not ready to admit that he spent a few hours swimming in a lake with Ava, the girl Jay was talking to at the moment. Hence why, he simply shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't sleep well."

Jay had been organizing his binders in his locker when he suddenly frowned, his eyes locked onto a sudden thought in his mind, "Ava said the same thing this morning." Kane felt his blood run cold. "That's why she can't come for lunch today."

"Oh," Kane muttered, attempting to hide the panic that was heating his face.

After a few seconds of silence, Jay closed his locker and said, "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course."

"I think," he scratched the side of his face, his eyes suddenly starting to twinkle, "I'll ask her to be my girlfriend." Kane thought he was going to faint, thankful the locker was holding him. He had to tell Jay everything, how he had made-out with Ava at the party, how Ava had again wanted to kiss him, that they hung out last night until two a.m. and agreed to do so more often. But as much as he wanted to reveal the truth, it ached his heart, seeing how giddy Ava made Jay feel, as if it was the first time he ever felt genuinely good about himself. "She told me she liked me way too much to simply be friends—I thought that might be a hint."

"You both are moving way too fast," Kane spoke, following Jay who head outside towards the benches.

Jay shrugged his shoulders, "What is there to wait for?"

"Wait until you know her a bit more, then maybe you would—"


Both of them stopped in their footsteps, and Jay suddenly felt his entire body freeze, quivering as he instinctively hid behind Kane's built. Kane noticed that as well, and broadened his shoulders, eyeing the green ones he hadn't been in contact with ever since their night alone.

Jasper appeared furious; his eyes were slanted, his lips were turned down and there was a strange aura surrounding him, a murderous aspect of it shadowing him. He did not even pay any attention to Jay, instead nodded his head towards the end of the hallway and said, "Let's go for a walk." His tone had been dry, a bit menacing, and Kane was seconds from following him but paused when he realized Jay was standing behind him.

Jay would later ask questions which he did not want to happen.

He shook his head, "What the hell do you—"


The tone had shifted into such a deeper octave that Kane felt his entire body rise with goosebumps. Without anything else, Jasper turned around and began walking, expecting Kane to follow. Kane stripped himself from his backpack and handed it to Jasper, "Just hold this for me." Jasper did not even glance backwards, knowing that Kane would follow him. He had never cared about any nights spent with random people, but this time, he had to care. He was never going to speak to Kane about it, but the situation had changed.

Once they reached outside, Jasper continued towards the grass, entering a wooded area beside the school. Kane didn't know what to say, and simply followed him, walking through the dying leaves and dead tree branches as he synchronized in Jasper's steps. Once they reached deep enough in the woods, Jasper finally stopped in his steps and faced him, eyeing Kane with such a cold stare at that Kane thought he could freeze.

Jasper exhaled a long sigh, sending a few fingers through his hair before quietly asking, "Someone knows."

Kane raised an eyebrow, "Someone knows what?"

"Stop playing dumb," Jasper hissed, stepping towards him, still glancing in every direction, "someone knows what we did."

Although Kane was worried, the first thing that came into his mind to ask was, "Did you like it?"

That caused Jasper to pause, furrowing his brows, "What?"

"That night that happened between us. Did you like it—?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?"

"I just wanted to know if—"

"Yes," he finally snapped, glaring at Kane, "I did. That's besides the point; we have to find out who knows."

"How do you know someone knows?"

Jasper approached him, and Kane inhaled a long breath of the cologne he was wearing, his warm breath lingering on the side of Kane's face as he leaned closer to him to show him the screen of his phone. Jasper swiped through a few pictures before finally settling on the one he wanted to show.

The moment Kane saw the picture, he thought his food would return to his throat. "When I punched the hole through the door that night, someone took a picture of us through that. Someone saw us." Kane noticed that Jasper's lips begin to quiver, his breath growing shaky, "I can't have people knowing about that Kane."

It was a picture of Kane and Jasper in the bed, holding one another and Kane gulped, remember the way all his muscles had felt squeezing against him, how their body temperatures seem to align, matching one another as their breathing synchronized. He remembered how Jasper could shift his touch from being the softest he's ever felt to rough and aggressive, scratching his skin with gruesome lust.


Kane was thrown out of his memories and met Jasper's gaze, seeing the green eyes that had once twinkled with want, in such discontent. But his gaze shifted, squinting for a moment as he eyed Kane's tired navy irises because he breathed, "You like me." Kane stopped breathing. He watched as Jasper tilted his head to his side and slowly began nodding his head, "Yea...that's why you keep staring at me in the hallways, you like me."

"What are you talking about—?"

"Aren't you dating Jay?" Jasper snorted, raising both his eyebrows.

Kane shook his head, "No, Jay has a girl."

"The same girl you went to go hang out with last night?" When Kane paused, Jasper smirked, "Same girl you made out with at my party—?"

"How the fuck do you know these things?"

"That's besides the point," Jasper began making his way back to the school, "Find who the fuck is messing with us, and I'll beat their brains out when I find them."

Kane tried to follow Jasper back to the school, but by the time he was out of his thoughts and focused on heading back, Jasper was already gone. When he returned to the school, he saw Jay seated at the bench with his backpack.

But his backpack was open, and Jay was staring at his phone.

When he approached him, Jay's eyes were bloodshot, and the phone began ringing. He turned the phone to Kane, showing the caller ID, and his eyes began to glint.

"This is the fifth time she's called you," Jay's breath was shaky, "Why does Ava keep calling you?"

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