Chapter 62 - You Slept Together

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Neither of them were courageous enough to meet the other's eye. Kane was nervous because it was the first time he admitted it to someone out loud. Never had he thought these words would escape his mouth, at least not yet. However, there was something with Jay that he couldn't exactly pinpoint. Whenever Jay was near, the comfort he felt was something he couldn't explain with words. The longer he remember their moments together, the more saddened he became as he realized they most likely wouldn't happen again because Jay now despised him. The way Jay's eyes had been filled with hurt and hatred was almost enough to shatter his own heart into pieces.

But it didn't mean that he didn't like Jasper because he certainly did and Jasper gave him a protection that Jay didn't. Jasper had a larger built, had power with wealth and intimidation but there was something about being the only one he was cozy with, that made Jasper feel on top of the world. Those two feelings were conflicting, one leaning him towards Jay and another towards Jasper, and he was not sure what to do.

Of course his feelings for Jay was there but Jay no longer wanted to be with him—Jasper did.

After hearing those words, Jasper inhaled a sharp breath in disbelief. He had been lied to from the very beginning; he asked Kane already if he had anything for Jay and Kane had continuously said he didn't like him and there was nothing between them. Now to find out that he was in love with him felt as if he had been stabbed in the back. If he had known that, he would have never given Kane the time of day, let alone let him sleep in his bed. He even took him out for breakfast and held his hand when they were walking out because Kane had been upset with the waitress.

Jasper squeezed his palms against his face, hiding his eyes and wiping them as quickly as he could, not wanting to show that this was hurting him. He was never one to open up to anyone, even people knowing his sexual preferences never happened. Revealing all of it to Kane only to have it thrown back into his face made him remember the same way his father had reacted when he found out, wishing he had never told him.

Jasper shook his head; as much as he tried to hold back his tears, they kept leaking and his fingers started quivering that he needed to disappear before he was left vulnerable. He began making his way to the door and whispered, "I have to go." His voice cracked in the middle, and he sniffled, mumbling a curse under his breath when he realized his lungs felt as if they were barely sucking in any air. The only thing running through his mind was to leave this place but he suddenly felt a hand over his wrist and he was pulled back.

The navy eyes that stared back at him appeared way too genuine that he was lost in them for a moment. However, he ripped his hand away from him. "Don't touch me K."

"Let's talk about this—"

"I said," Jasper dodged his next attempt to grab him, "do not touch me."

"Jasper, don't do that."

He wanted to let him go and stop the lust and the want once and for all after admitting that he wanted Jay, but he couldn't. As much as he was angry that everything had been revealed to Jay, it wasn't enough to let himself forget about the way his body throbbed for more and more from Jasper.

The way his fingers had gripped him and how his nails had dug into his flesh. Or even how his pulled his shirt over his head and his gingers curls filled with sweat I while he leaned in and trickled his tongue along the thin flesh of his neck. How their moans had harmonized, one after another, aligning with the drumming of their heartbeats when they pressed their glistening chest against one another.

Those were memories filled with emotions he never wanted to let go, and those were sensations and feelings he hadn't experienced with Jay, not yet at least. That's why he reached ur for him, wanting to hold him even though all he longed for was the acceptance of Jay. He needed comfort too, needed to feel at least someone's presence.

He reached for Jasper again, but this time, he did not let go. At first, his fingers wrapped around Jasper's wrist, and
when Jasper tried to pull away, Kane held tightly.

"Let me go."

"You can't be mad at me—"

"Mad at you?" Jasper exhaled in disbelief. "I'm mad at myself for ever trusting you."

"I do like you back, Jasper!"

"But you're in love with Jay!" Jasper shouted back, still attempting to release Kane's grip without any luck. He stepped towards him, their chest only inches away. "You used me for my money, didn't you?"


"That's why you didn't go for Jay, because he has none."

Kane released his grasp, furrowing his brows. After a few seconds, he paused, stared at the door before returning his eyes to the green ones before asking bluntly, "How come you know so much about Jay?"

Jasper frowned. "What?"

"How come you know he doesn't have any money? I didn't know that and I've been around him long enough that I should've have known that."

Jasper's lips sealed for a moment and eventually, he rolled his eyes and started making his way to the door. "That's between you and Jay—"

Suddenly, it dawned on him. Jasper didn't seem upset that it Kane admitted he was in love with someone else, he seemed upset that it was with Jay of all people. The entire time that he had been here, there was an incident that happened with Jay that none spoke about, and at this very moment, Kane felt as if he was one step closer to figuring out what it was.

"You slept together."

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