Chapter 81 - Take Care Then

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Jay felt as if his heart had finally settled into peace when he heard Jasper had disappeared. He finally had breathing space without needing to glance over his shoulder, and although part of him missed him due to what they used to have, the second part of him hated him with every single bone and nerve in his body and he was glad he was away. He did miss Kane, a lot more than he thought he would, but he was slowly rebuilding his walls and no longer allowing any soft spot for anybody. The only thing Kane had done was cause his trust to falter; being shallow with everyone else helped him in stopping that from happening again.

But when Ava had approached him again, he couldn't let it go. It had gotten to him; she came to his house and begged for him to take her back. She pleaded from him to hear her excuses and apologies and said that it had been a mistake planned by Kane and she wished she had never taken the bait. She even admitted all of the things she had done and said that even though it had been a while, all she wanted was him. He told her he had to think about it, but before she even left, his mind had been made. He had no one, not a single person cherished to be in his company and Ava made him feel wanted again.

That was why he accepted her again, said they could start talking a little bit and it lead to again a relationship. It had only been for a few weeks and although they weren't exactly official, Ava knew Jay wanted to take it slow because of what happened last time. She had never expected him to forgive her or even start talking to her, therefore this chance was all she had and she was going to play it smoothly to win his heart again.

During his lunch hours, he went to the same bench he always did; outside at the back of the school where he knew no one could bother him. It was the only spot he could enjoy a bit of peace and quiet—other than the disgusting men's washroom—and was moments from tearing open his soul container when he heard footsteps approach the bench.

When he glanced upwards and met that navy gaze, he shook his head and exhaled a long sigh. "No."

"We can't even have a simple conversation?" Kane said, standing beside the bench and eyeing the way Jay's eyes darkened, as if his entire mood had shifted to a sudden cold rage.

He tilted his head for a moment before closing his container. "No, we can't."

"Jay, come on—"

He groaned, pushing himself to his feet and returning his lunch into his school bag. "The bathroom it is," he sighed, narrowing his eyes towards Kane before turning away from him.

"Jaylin, there's just been something on my mind and I—"

"Please, don't." He didn't stop walking, continuing towards the double doors and Kane knew this would be his only chance to talk to him about this, and he simply had to come out and say it and hope that Jay would stop.

That was why he screamed, "I hate that you're seeing Ava again." He hadn't expected it to, but Jay stopped in his tracks. It was as if he was first processing Kane had said because the moment he did, he twirled on his heels and eyed Kane, staring into each of his eyes for a moment before a scoff escaped his lips.

"You have some nerve saying that to me. After what you did to me?" Jay retorted, his footsteps guiding him back to the bench where Kane stood.

"I know," he shook his palms defensively, "I'm not talking about myself. I know I hurt you and I'll always regret that. But Jay, Ava hurt you too." When Jay kept his lips sealed, Kane shrugged his shoulders. "Why would you be with her again?"

"Because she did all these things because of you."

That caused Kane to crack a smile he couldn't hold back. "Pardon me?"

"She only cheated on me because you were committed in proving she was a bad person."

Kane was in disbelief, unable to stop his lips from lifting while the anger started to rummage through his blood. "You think I randomly started talking to her to prove that she would play you?"

Jay seemed determined, nodding his head and shrugging his shoulders while he added, "That's the truth."

"That's not the truth at all," Kane snapped, his voice reaching louder tones. "She came onto me first at a party; that's when I decided to prove to you she was not good for you—only after she flirted with me."

"It doesn't matter anymore because—"

"It does matter to me for you to know the truth Jay, why can't you see that?!"

"And you don't matter to me!" Jay snarled, his teeth gritting right after. "So it doesn't matter what you want because I don't care about you."

He noticed a sudden silence from Kane that he hadn't expected, taken aback from what had been said. He knew Jay was furious with him after everything that happened, but at least he hoped if something happened to him, Jay would at least care and vice versa.

Kane glanced elsewhere for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and forcing a smile. Oddly enough, from the way Kane's eyes curved, filled with sudden wrinkles that hadn't been there a second ago, Jay wished he hadn't said that or could at least take it back. But he didn't.

Kane stepped past him towards the door, nodding his head before pulling it open. "I'm sorry for the bother, take care," and with that, the door shut behind him and he disappeared inside.

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