Chapter 24 - New Pool Player

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"Jaylin," Kane sang, and every time he said that, Jay could feel a sudden rise of his stomach into his chest. Kane said with name with such delicacy, the sounds barely moving his tongue as it caressed each syllable with care. It was a melody every time, and as much as he hated that name, he was enthralled when Kane said it, "I'm going to win."

"I literally just have the black ball—"

"And it's my turn. I have two more than the black ball..." he chalked the cue, winking towards Jay before leaning forward and loosening all his muscles to adjust his stance.

Jay could not stop staring at every single of his back muscles shifting in position, the way his shoulder leaned backwards and his rough manly hands gripped the cue stick delicately. His navy long sleeves had been rolled to his elbows, and the number of times he ran his fingers through his hair made it appear dishevelled but in such a cute way.

Kane smirked before he hit the ball, pausing for a moment and diverting his focus to the burning gaze he felt on his back. "You're eyes are trying to see me naked," he snorted before hitting the ball, knocking it inside the corner hole.

He then straightened his spine and turned to Jay, making his way around the table while noticing Jay was avoiding catching his eyes. His cheeks had a tint of pink, and he chuckled before leaning forward on the edge and eyeing a different hole for this shot. Again, he felt the burning gaze on his back basically ripping his clothes off, and Kane chuckled, "How come you only really look at me when I'm not looking?"

He shot the ball into the hole and faced Jay who scratched the side of his face, "I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Yes, you do," Kane leaned on his cue stick, raising an eyebrow, "I can feel your eyes."

"I just like your shirt—"

"A bland navy shirt, that's your excuse?" Kane laughed before formulating a plan for this next shot. It was at a very poor angle, and he needed to make sure it knocks onto the wall before it headed for the black ball. Kane calculated all his possibilities, even wanting to make the initial hit curve, but that would be too difficult and less of a chance of a win.

He went with his original plan, leaned on the side of the pool table and prepared his shot. His muscles loosened again, his stance was mastered, and he was seconds from hitting the ball when he heard, "Are you guys almost done?"

His attention diverted and he glanced upwards.

It was a woman, about the same height as Jay, maybe a bit shorter. She was very skinny, her thick cotton dress running all the way to her ankles, tightly touching her body. Her hair was in dark chocolate curls, and she had a red tint in her cheeks. It was an ordinary girl, and everyday one he never paid attention to, but her scent of roses was capturing.

Kane glanced towards Jay who did not respond, lowering his gaze to the ground.

"No, we're playing a few more rounds after this one," Kane sounded uninterested, bored that she even had the audacity to walk up to them. Even Jay scratched the side of his neck, eyeing anywhere else but this confrontational atmosphere.

"Can I at least join you guys?" Kane stood straight for this one, looking down at the woman who didn't seem to succumb to his intimidating tactic. His brows were furrowed, listening to her continue, "My friends are over there. I love playing pool and you guys seem to be really good."

Kane snorted, "Seem to be—"

"Sure," without meeting her gaze, Jay extended his cue stick towards her, "you can play next."

"Actually," her eyes began to glimmer the moment she saw Jay approach her, and she cleared her throat, suddenly lost in stutters, "I-I...I w-wanted to play against y-you."

Kane's eyebrows raised.

Even Jay was surprised, glancing towards Kane who snickered, extending his cue stick and handing it to her, "Fine, I'm not finishing this shot then, you can play."

"But I want to see who would win from this—"

"Take the win Jay, you won," Kane smiled, "now play, I want to see if she's any good."

They started playing, not even knowing this girl's name. And after the first shot, it became clear that this girl was badly awful. She had no idea what to do, barely knew the rules, and Kane was annoyed that she had lied about being good. He wanted to see some form of action, a good pool game between two beast players, but this was just a joke.

Jay was in giggles, finishing her in two rounds after she missed two clear shots, and he stepped past her, "You've never played this before, have you?"

"Only about twice, but that was three years ago," she admitted embarrassingly.

Jay smiled, "That's okay, would you like for me to teach you?"

Her eyes beamed in lights, "Yea, that'd be great. What's your name by the way?"

"My name's Jay," he extended his palm, "what's your name?"

"My name's Ava," she squeezed their palms together, hers feeling a bit of twinkles at his touch. He, on the other hand, thought her touch had been strangely smooth, softness causing him to want to keep a hold of her for a little longer.

They both pulled away shortly after, stuck in a trance that only the two of them could sense, until they heard Kane say, "You two going to play or just stand there to make-out?"

"Sorry," Ava leaned over the edge with her cue stick, "show me how to do this, I'm ready."

"Is it okay if I come close to you?"

She felt her breath get caught in her throat, "Yea..."

Shortly after, Jay stepped forward and leaned as well, his chest squeezing against her back, his fingers placed on top of hers as he reached around her, helping her place her other fingers, "The shot is not just about the angles. It's about how much strength, but also how much you don't want to put in. Hold on, let me see your cue stick..."

He stepped backwards and grabbed the cue stick, "You haven't been chalking it. You always want to make sure there's some grip on there. Let me put some on—okay, lean on there again."

She did the same, but this time, her bottom seemed to be lifted a bit more than before, which Jay and Kane noticed.

"Here, hold on tight to this but keep your back loose; it should feel like a wave when you take your shot." He almost caressed her, whispering all the tunes he had heard once during the time he was learning, and she eventually took her first shot, seeing it land in a hole.

She grinned from ear to ear, "That felt so different, who taught you those tricks?"

"I played for many years."

"Let's do another one together—"

"Actually," Kane intercepted while he was putting his jacket back on, "we have to go, sorry to ruin your moment."

The girl suddenly seemed saddened, and she turned to Jay, wishing he would protest and would stay. Sadly, she noticed Jay also head for his jacket, "I'm sorry Ava, maybe we could play some other time?"

"I would love to," she forced a smile. "Can you wait for me, for two seconds? I'll be right back."

"Okay?" Kane raised an eyebrow as he saw her rushed through the arcade games, heading towards the front desk.

He did not see what she was doing, but when she came back, she handed a small paper to Jay, "It has my number on it. Call me whenever you're free and we can come back here to play."

Jay instantly noticed the heart at the corner of the phone number.

I Met My Love Playing Pool (Bxb)Where stories live. Discover now