Chapter 101 - On My Own

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"This is my dad's house!" Jasper snapped back, noticing a few of them quivered. "I'm legally required to—"

"Sir, keep your hands in the air!"

"Fine," Jasper lifted them even higher, hissing a curse word under his breath. He had forgotten about the camera feed his father had, able to see anything that happened inside the home through his cellular device. That was how his father had found out about him being gay, a topic they spoke about once and never mentioned again.

Jasper watched as one officer began slowly stepping towards him. When they were finally able to reach him, he was instantly grasped and slammed against the floor, hearing him groan and grunt by how tightly they squeezed his hands behind his back. "I'm not resisting, you don't have to—argh!" When he was suddenly tased on his back, feeling the sharpest brain spread instantly throughout all his bones, he growled loudly, a few officers growing worried and aiding in his arrest.

"I fucking live here—"

"You have the right to remain silent. Any thing you say can and will be used against y—"

"I fucking know my rights, jerk off," Jasper retorted, letting the officers pull himself to his feet. There were a few of them that were shortened than him, eyeing him nervously as Jasper glared at them. "Why the fuck did you guys tase me when I was already on the fucking ground?"

"We we're told you were armed with a sledge hammer, Jasper." When he noticed how had spoken from the side, he realized it was a familiar face who's eyes were hidden under his cap's shadow. Jasper had completely forgotten that he had been apart of this station and cursed under his breath the minute he saw him. He was not supposed to alert the public that he had returned for a short period of time, but there was no way this man was not going to blab his mouth to his son.

"Zyder has been worried about you for weeks," Sergeant Timmins approached him, ordering the other officers to remove their hands from him and narrowing his eyes at the one who had tased Jasper before returning his attention to him. "My boy even cried one night, Jaz. And you come back out of the blue with buzz cut and tattoos on your god damn neck."

Jasper did not say anything, simply let himself get shoved inside a police car before Zyder's father slammed the door shut and made his way around to the driver's seat. He roared the motor, waved for his officers to follow him and drifted onto the road.

The last time he had seen Jasper was the the football game where everything had gone haywire. He had asked Zyder about it, but Zyder had dismissed the conversation, said he would speak to Jasper to make sure everything was alright. Then, they had their party where Zyder had decided to give Jasper his space, but the next morning he had completely vanished. Zyder had tried Jasper's cellphone multiple times and it went directly to voicemail, not texts were returned and he had even gone by his home, left sulking when none answered the door.

Chief Timmins had caught Zyder in his room once, laying with his phone in his hand. He was confused since he heard sniffling, but when he made his presence known, Zyder rapidly pulled a smile and wiped his cheeks. When confronted about the cries, he eventually admitted that he had no idea where Jasper had gone, and he had thought they had been much closer than he realized. They had grown up together, been there for one another for years, only to be left in the dust when facing the worst. Even though it had nothing to do with Chief Timmins, he felt for his boy, which was why he couldn't help but glare at Jasper through his rear view mirror.

However, Jasper was not in the mood for a little reunion, and that glare was only angering him even more. Not only had he been pinned to the ground which had scraped his chin, he was certainly going to bruise where he had been tased and his entire still felt as if it was stinging because of it. And now, receiving deathly eyes from a parent was not helping whatsoever.

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