Chapter 18 - I Want At Least Five

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Although Jay knew it was not going to end well when Jasper squeezed his neck tightly while they walked towards the football locker rooms, he did not expect to find Leo, Kyle and Zyder already in there before they arrived.

The moment they stepped in, the girls sneaking in as well, the door was locked and Jasper shoved Jay forward, and he stumbled right into Leo's chest. Leo instinctively pushed him, and he fell onto the floor, his glasses flung a few feet away from him.

"Listen up, Jaylin," Jasper spat, banging on a locker door. The noise made Jay cringe, and he attempted to find his glasses, only to have them kicked a few feet further from his reach. He was panting, unable to stop his racing heart, and all he wanted to do was find an escape from this.

Ally folded her arms; although this wasn't a sight she wanted to witness, it was what needed to be done. The other three on the other hand—Jamie, Megan and Kristen—all were amused by the scrawny nerd quivering as if his life was seconds from ending. Even Kristen could not hold in her giggles any longer, and Jamie followed, also kicking the glasses a bit further from Jay's grasp.

At that point, Jay was barely breathing, and the football guys taunted him more by slamming their hands against the lockers. The raucous was making him panic, and all he knew to do was huddle himself into a ball in the corner of the locker room. He closed his eyes, attempting to focus on his breath, but only letting himself feel more anxious when he heard how fast he was breathing.

Eventually they stopped, and after a few seconds of silence, fingers gripped his collar and pulled him upwards, slamming the back of his head against the locker. Before he could even say anything, Jasper swung his open palm against his cheek, and it was a hard slap that even the girls inhaled sharply.

Jay's cheek was definitely going to bruise, and when his gaze met Jasper's again, Jasper noticed that his eyes had grown teary.

"I just wanted to do that for fun, but you know why we brought you here?" There were a few seconds of silence, Jasper eyeing the others for a moment before lowering his tone, "When I speak, I expect an answer."

Jay gulped, feeling his cheek begin to tingle, "Uh...n-no..."

"Liar," this time, it was his closed fist and he swung on the same side. Jay had not been expecting that, and the instant that it connected, the inside of his cheek was sliced by the impact on his teeth, and he felt blood begin to trickle between every tooth. He spat the blood on the side, and instantly, Ally stepped forward.

"Look, we're not here to go through this again," Ally tightened her lips for a moment before sighing, "this is a warning. Stay away from Kane."

"Wait," Jay felt Jasper's grasp ease, "I was in control, Ally."

"I don't want you to beat him up to bad, you busted his lips with one punch and his cheek is probably going to swell from that smack," Ally hissed.

Jamie laughed, "Ally, why are you stopping the fun already?" Without hesitation, Jamie slammed the sole of her shoes against his glasses, and they all heard the echoing shatter. "We're just getting started—"

"P-please..." Jay whispered quietly, tears already leaking from his eyes and his face beaming red. He was sweat from every corner of his body, and shook his head, "...I'll stay away from Kane...please it hurts...let me go..."

Ally watched the blood begin tricking from the corner of Jay's mouth, and rapidly gripped Jasper's hands, attempting to release the grip, "Jasper, let him go, he got it."

"No, I only got two hits in, I want at least five—"

"Stop—" this time, it was with his left, and Jasper slammed his knuckles against the other side of his cheek. He was seconds from throwing another punch when Ally caught his hand just in time, breathing heavily. "Jasper, let him go."

Jasper met Ally's gaze, and when he noticed the worry that overflowed eyes that he once loved, he released Jay. Jay fell onto the floor, leaning over and coughing the blood that had piled in his mouth.

As for the football guys, Jasper rolled his eyes and began stepping towards the exit, "You've grown soft ever since we broke up Ally; do better than that." Then, he waved for the guys to follow him and they left the locker room.

As for the girls, Jamie grabbed his broken glasses from the floor and threw them at Jay's feet, "Might still need those—"

"Jamie," Ally gripped her arm and shoved her towards the exit, "we're leaving." The glare from Ally's gaze made them all feel a sudden cold run through their spine, and soon enough, the silence consumed the locker room.

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