Chapter 21 - Burned

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Ally was unsure what woke her up in the middle of the night, but there was a blaring light from outside that kept crossing her eyes. It even smelt like smoke, Lethargically, she slowly sat up and headed towards the window, rubbing her eyes before staring at what was this light. When she realized what was happening, her eyes were seconds from bulging out of their socket.

Instantly, she threw sweatpants over her shorts and grabbed her slippers, storming outside without even closing the door behind her.

"What the hell are you doing?" she shouted, eyeing the large fire that was beaming from their trash can.

Kane glanced backwards before snorting, reaching down towards the pile on the ground and throwing them into the fire, seeing its wave burst higher for a few seconds, "I'm cleaning."

"Cleaning wha—holy shit." When Ally realized what the pile on the ground was, she inhaled a sharp breath. In an instant, she was next to Kane, pushing him away from all her stuff. "That's my clothes and my makeup! What the hell is my toothbrush doing in here?"

"I almost got it all," Kane shoved her aside, grabbing no the most he could, all her makeup palettes and clothes she had bought starting to burn after it was thrown into the fire. There were more clothes left on the grass and he grabbed some more, seeing the flames lift in the air as they fell inside the burning items.

Ally felt a sudden fury seep in her blood, and she approached him, shoving him backwards but did not cause him to move one bit.

"Are you kidding me, Kane? Those are my stuff that I paid for—"

"You're lucky I didn't get a girl to pound your fucking face in after what you did to Jay."

Ally widened her arms, "We did that to save you!"

"Save me from what?!"

"Stop meddling in things from the past, Kane! Everything that happened before you got here is none of your business!"

"Well something happened when I got here, and that was disgusting Ally. You fucking disgust me."

"That doesn't give you the right to burn my clothes—!"

"Yes it does! Go get your dad, because you're lucky I don't beat you up right here and now!" Kane aggressively stepped towards her, his shoulders broadened, "You think what you guys did was okay?"

"I told Jasper to stop!"

"After he pounded his fucking face in—I'm beating all of you up, starting with you."

Both parents had been sleeping when they heard screaming from outside, causing them to storm to their feet. Mike followed behind Tessa, who threw a robe over her shoulders before rushing past the doorways and eyeing the flames that shined brightly in the living room window.

They headed outside, the screaming echoing across the entire neighbourhood and Tessa stepped in front of Kane, shocked by the rage resonating from every inch of his body. Kane rarely got angry, always calm and never letting anything bother him to the point of yelling. He always attempted to maintain his cool persona, that seeing him in such emotional fury made her remember the time he had gotten angry with his father.

"Kane, what's going on—"

"Dad, he's burning all my stuff!"

"You're doing what?!" Tessa and Mile exclaimed. Instantly, Mike rushed back inside the home, grabbing their fire extinguish and shooting smoke all over the garbage can, watching the flames reduce until they were no longer alive.

"Are you all crazy?" Mike shouted, eyeing Ally and then Kane, "A fire? Anyone of these neighbours could have called the police!"

"Blame Kane, he's the one that did this."

"Kane," his vengeful eyes seemed to be locking his attention on Ally, and she gripped his jaw, pulling him to meet her gaze, "Kane, are you okay?"

"What do you mean if he's okay? He burned all my clothes!"

"Ally got her friends to beat up my friend at school," Kane hissed, gritting his teeth. "This is only the beginning of everything I'm going to do to you."

Mike raised an eyebrow, "So you're doing this because of some puny high school drama?"

Kane did not even glance towards Mike, instead returning his gaze to his mother, "Tessa, I'm not kidding, if you don't get your husband out of my face right now, I will knock him out." He never called her by her first name, only when he was in unimaginable rage.

He snorted, "What the hell did I do?"

"You're mocking me," Kane snarled, pointing a finger towards him, "and I'm in the mood to beat anyone up."

"Don't threaten me like that boy—"

"Alright!" Tessa's voice echoed loudly across the neighbourhood. She had noticed Mike stepping towards Kane, and a fight breaking out was the last thing she wanted to happen. She narrowed her gaze towards Kane, shoving him towards the door and hissing, "Go get my keys and wallet."

Kane scoffed, "He really thinks he can beat me if we were in a fig—"

"I said," she pushed him even more, Kane stumbling forward, "go get my keys and wallet, now!"

Hearing the shriek from his mother's tone made his spine straighten and he headed inside the home, searching for her wallet and her keys. He had no idea where her items were, his rage was blinding him, and it took almost half an hour before he finally found her purse on the kitchen counter.

When he exited the home, he narrowed his eyes towards Mike and Ally, handing his mom her purse while he shouted, "You two are hiding something and don't even deny that." He noticed Mike's eyes widen, and he lifted his finger to point at him, "You're involved in this too, you guys did something to Jay."

Neither of them responded, Ally gulping as she heard the ushers of Tessa as she shoved her son towards the car.

Kane continued, "When I find out what happened, I will end the lives of the both of you, and you better believe it."

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