Chapter 26 - You Kissed Me

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"We have to talk about what happened," Mike spoke first, meeting Tessa's gaze before diverting his eyes to the narrowed one's of Kane. Kane rolled his eyes, raising his chin and looking down at his step-father, his arms folded but ready to leap over if he needed to. "Last night was crazy, and I didn't like the fact that you both slept in a motel. We're a family, so we need to figure this out as a family."

"I'm telling you guys I'm not in a good mood," Kane grumbled, exhaling a long breath, "so watch what you say."

"You don't have to act tough all the time Kane," Ally spat, leaning forward. "At the end of the day, you're my brother, not Jay's."

Kane tilted his head, "Excuse-me?"

"Guys, we don't want to start another argument," Tessa placed her palm on Kane's shoulder, attempting to calm him. "We came back to sort things out—"

"You think I'm going to defend you beating the shit out of a skinny guy that has done nothing to you?!"

"You don't know anything though!" Ally shrieked, widening her arms violently, "You just got here! You don't know Jay the way that we do!"

"I know that he didn't deserve to be beaten up because he's friends with me—"

"We were protecting you—!"

"I don't need your fucking protection Ally—!"

"Calm down!" Mike stormed to his feet, his chair slamming against the ground, "Both of you!" The room fell into a tense silence, Kane pulled his glare away from Ally and shaking his head in disbelief. He was unsure how his sister could have no remorse over what she had done, beating someone as small as Jay.

Tessa interlaced her fingers, leaning over the table, "We need to find some sort of resolution, we can't stay at that motel."

"You guys both need to figure this out," Mike eyed Ally and Kane, "this marriage was built on love and unity—either agree to disagree or avoid one another until you can both move on. But regardless, that's my wife and I love her, so she's not going anywhere—"

"And that's my mom, trust me she'll always choose me over you," Kane snapped, squeezing his hands against the top of his sweats, "and I promise you, the way she loves you is nothing compared to the way she loved my Dad."

"Kane!" Tessa's voice grow, deepening with authority as she shoved his shoulder, "You stop it now! I never taught you to be disrespectful—you better apologize right now!"

"I'm not apologizing for shit! If anything, Ally should apologize for what she did—"

"I will apologize to Jay, okay?!" she stormed to her feet, veins forming along her neck. The disrespect towards her dad was tugging at her nerves, knowing what he had been through after their mother left. She was not going to let her step-brother treat him this way, "I will apologize, but my dad has been nothing but good to you. So you need to apologize to him right now—he didn't deserve that."

Kane turned to Tessa who nodded her head firmly, "Kane, say you're sorry."

"Fine, I'm sorry for being disrespectful."

"No," Mike shook his head, "I'm sorry you were the one that had to see Jay's bruised up face and comfort him, that must have been tough for you and I completely understand why you're upset."

Kane stayed silent, lowering his gaze to the dents on the wooden table.

"I love both of you guys, you guys mean the world to me," Mike's voice was starting to crack, and he met Tessa's gaze, his eyes glinting from the dining room light, "so please, figure this out. I can't lose either of you, I can't go through this again."

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