Chapter 73 - I Hate You and Always Will

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"You just had to know, you just had to fucking know everything."

Kane watched as Jasper threw the towel from over his head inside his duffel bag, violently grabbing his jersey and head and shoving them inside his locker. When his shoulder gear would not fit, he exhaled a long series of curses before kicking it at the bottom of his locker until it fit. His finger curls quivered from his every movement, resembling to be a dark brown from the water. It was clear that he was unable to control his rage as he rapidly wiped the tears from his bold red eyes, his teeth gritted and continuing to clench his jaw.

It was clear everyone had heard Jay's comment. Not to mention, the fact that be publicly admitted that Jasper had violated him made it even worse since everyone had heard it. It made it worse because many would assume it meant that he had raped Jay but he hadn't, not even nearly. But even had heard and could think whatever they wanted without anyone to tell them it was wrong and both Kane and Jasper knew exactly what it stemmed from.

"You couldn't just," Jasper lifted his shoulders, meeting Kane's worried gaze as he stepped towards him, "let it go like I fucking told you. You had to find out what happened about something in the past that had nothing to fucking do with you."

Kane stayed silent for a few seconds, listening to the heavy breathing of Jasper before gulping, clearing his throat and attempting to speak. "Jasper, I—"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Jasper roared, leaning forward, his face approaching Kane's, a distance where Kane could feel every breath of air on his nose whenever Jasper shouted. "I told you not to come talk to me until you let this shit go, but you just had to go up to Jay and egg him on."

"I didn't think—"

"What?!" Jasper interrupted him again, broadening his shoulders as he hovered above Kane, sprinkles of water dropping on Kane's face as he growled, "You think he'd finally open up to you?! Admit to you what I did to him?!"

Kane looked away, eyeing the floor as his fingers trembled to his side. He knew he had messed up and an apology would not change what happened at the game. But he wanted was serious when he said he decided to let it go as it was not his place to dwell in a past that never involved him in the first place. "I thought that—"

"You better look at me while you draw up whatever bush it excuse you're about to say to me," Jasper spat, forcefully gripping Kane's chin and turning it for their gazes to meet. "Go ahead," he never released his hold, squeezing Kane's cheeks together, "fucking say it!"

"I hoped he would finally talk to me about it—"

"So you go up to him and embarrass him by telling him what you know Ally was not supposed to fucking tell you," Jasper spat, widening his arms before letting them fall to his sides. "Are you that stupid?!"

Kane bit his bottom lip, finally relieved that Jasper let go of him but afraid of how escalated this might become. As if Jasper read his mind, he pulled a frightening smirk before hissed, "Don't worry I'm not going fucking fight you. Unlike you, I actually care about the people I fall for. But if it wasn't for that, you'd be on the fucking floor waiting for a nurse to get here."

He had never meant for things to become this way; he loved it when Jasper approached him by the fence, as if they were already one although they were not officially dating. He needed to fix it because he never expected it turn out this way. "It was before I decided to let it go—"

Jasper's nose wrinkled. "Bullshit, you knew you fucked up that's why you tried to act all innocent by the fence earlier."

"That's not true."

"It doesn't fucking matter because he told everyone that  I fucking violated him." Jasper paused for a second before he raised his hand towards the door, "Everyone out there! And for the record, my fucking father never comes to my games and he came today and you had to fucking blow it." Kane shook his head, stepping towards him but seeing Jasper step away from him, "Don't fucking touch me."

"I didn't know it would turn out this way, I'm sorr—"

"Everyone heard it Kane! My life here is ruined! All the parents and student body heard it, even the fucking staff! I can never show my fucking face on a field again and it's all your fault!"

"Stop screaming at me, please!" Kane begged, seeing that Jasper had turned away from him and started packing his duffel bag with the rest of the extra clothes that were in his locker. "Just listen to me for one second!"

"Kane, there's nothing that you can say that can take away the look on my father's face when he heard that," Jasper spy coldly, his tone filled with snake venom that Kane felt as if he was stabbed through the heart. He didn't even stare at him when he said, "I hate you from the bottom of my fucking heart."

He slammed his locker shut, storming past Kane and purposely bumping him on the shoulder before gripping the handle of his duffel bag and walking towards the exit. Before he could leave, Kane shouted, "That's not fair! I forgave you—why can't you forgive me?"

"Are you kidding me?" Jasper turned back, dropping his duffel bag and broadening his shoulders. "You're comparing your little fling with Ava the same as having the entire school know what the fuck I did?!"

Kane paused, knowing that was not a good comparison. "I was just saying that we both hurt one another—"

"I can't believe you," Jasper shook his head with a smile of disbelief, his eyes widened. "Here you go again, making it about yourself."

"That's not what I meant to do–"

"Then let me tell you something, Kane fucking Trésor." He stepped forward and brought his face terrible close that Kane felt his breath stop in fright. "You stay the fuck away from my business. If I hear you again going up to anyone about this, I promise you that I won't hold back next time."

After that threat, Kane felt his tongue run dry. He then turned away and grabbed his duffel bag from the floor. "And by the way, I got kicked off the team so thank you for that too. Right before playoffs." He faced him one last time, "I fucking hate you and I always will after this."

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