Chapter 67 - Nice Life

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"Here, it's a brand new apartment."

He watched as the golden keys were dropped onto the lines on his palm, staring back at him as if they were to open a treasure filled with gold. This was not what he had wanted but it was a better outcome than he expected.

"Your mother left you behind after what happened, said she didn't want anything to do with you. My dad tried talking to her but it didn't work." He observed the ginger-curled man pat the spot beside him before sitting down, reaching for his free hand and interlacing their fingers. Even though the warmth had once made him feel free and safe, at the moment, he only resented even his scent.

"I know you hate me and I hate myself for it, Jay. But nobody knows about this place and my father agreed to pay this until you decide to leave." It pained him when Jay didn't reply, simply stared at the keys. Ever since that day, his eyes had blanked and the colours hadn't returned since.

Jasper reached an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer, Jay's body limply falling against his chest. "My father agreed to pay for anything you need. New clothes, groceries, he even agreed to an allowance for you. You just have to let me know and it'll be there first thing in the morning."

The only thing Jay did was sigh, and that only made Jasper squeeze him tighter. "I'm sorry babe, I'm so sorry."

"It has nothing to do with you, Kane." Those were not memories Jay wanted to relive at the moment, neither had he ever expected to be questioned for them. Besides his relationship with Jasper had never been faulty and he had no obligation to give any sort of explanation to anyone about it. "At the end of the day, you're new. You just got here—I don't have to tell you anything that I don't want to tell you."

"You're right, it doesn't and you don't have to tell me anything," Kane spat, narrowing his eyes. "But if we were ever friends, you would have trusted me with it—"

That made Jay roll his eyes. "Yeah, the same way you trusted me with what you knew about Ava."

"Those are two different situations and you know it."

"What I know is that there is a random guy who just got here who is obsessed with something that happened months ago which is none of his fucking business, alright?!" Jay exhaled a sharp breath and reached for his doorknob, violently pulling his front door open. "If you want to talk about us, then fine. But don't ever come to me to talk about what happened between Jasper and I because as far as I'm concerned, you weren't fucking here."

"After all I did for you—"

"You've done nothing for me but make my girlfriend cheat on me!" Jay screamed, his voice screeching as he did. It had been months since he ever allowed his anger to be released this way, onto anyone. He always lowered his eyes and walked away, had to be the bigger person even though all he wanted to do was give them a taste of their own medicine. But they were all bigger than him; Jasper was bigger than him, Zyder was bigger than him, Bruno, Sam, Leo—all of them were bigger than him. And if they were, such as these insulting girls who always have him trouble, they always found people that were to beat him up for no reason.

He had enough, and even though Kane was most likely not the one to have this taken out on, he was the one that was there.

"You got all these football players to beat me up again! You gave your step-sister my address even though she's the whole reason I'm there in the first place!" Jay had never been this enrage in his entire life and he slammed his fist against his wall, knowing it was going to disturb Lady May but not caring. All he cared about was releasing all these built up disgust he felt for months within himself. "On top of that, you even treated me as if I meant nothing to you!"

"I apologize for everything that I did," Kane snapped back, his brows furrowed deeply. "I tried to help you with Ava and did it the wrong way. I wanted Ally to apologize to you and I never ordered them to do that, that was Jamie and I got them back for you. But you have no right to say you meant nothing to me," he placed his finger over his heart, "because you meant and still mean everything to me and don't take that away from me."

"Is that why you couldn't love me back?"


"You heard me," he slammed the door shut and stepped towards him, noticing that the tightness throughout his face started to fade. "Is that why you couldn't fall in love with me?"

"Jay, stop—"

"Tell me the truth, what was it?" He pointed to himself, "Too skinny? Too much of a loser?"

Kane shook his head, "I'm leaving."

"Maybe it's because I don't have a family which means I have no money. Or maybe too much of a loner?" He watched as Kane pulled open the front door.

"Let me know when you really want to talk to me."

"I get it," Kane paused when he noticed that Jay's eyes had glinted with tears, "it's because you could never be with someone who looks like I do—"

"I fucking love you!"

Jay was taken aback, his breath completely stopped and he stepped backwards, unsure what he had heard. He had been certain that Kane would never be willing to believe they could spend their lives together. He shook his head, certain he hadn't heard him correctly. But Kane said again, "I love you so damn much." He stepped towards him, "I love you more than you even realize." He paused for a moment before lowering his eyes and exhaling a long sigh, "I'm sorry I messed up, really bad. But it was all because I was already in love with you. Yes, seeing you with Ava did make me a little jealous and maybe that's why I reacted the way I did. But I love you so m—"

"Leave my home." Kane was confused when he noticed not only did Jay's eyes get darker, his eyes narrowed even further and his teeth gritted much harder than a second ago. He even folded his arms over his chest and stepped away from Kane. "You heard me, I said leave."

Kane raised an eyebrow, "I just told you I'm in love with you—"

"If you really loved me all this time, you would have told me earlier," Jay hissed.

"I was scared to tell you."

"But you weren't scared at all to make-out with my girlfriend—"

"Jay, please—"

"No!" He shouted, Kane noticing that a tear had leaked onto his cheek. It was clearly hurting him hearing that all this time, Kane had been in love with him but acted as if he wasn't. That he instead went to sleep in the bed of the person that ruined him. "I'm done with you and I'm done with Jasper."

"Why aren't you listening to me?!"

"I'm done listening to people who say they love me but treat me the worse than anyone else!" He pointed for the door, "I'm over this alright? You hurt me and the worse part is that..." Jay shook his head, "I let you in. I was vulnerable to you and you took the pieces that were left of me and shattered them even more. So no, I'm not willing to listen."

When neither of them moved, Jay returned to the door and pulled it open, "Have a nice life Kane."

He noticed the way Kane's eyes also started glinting as he slowly turned around and began walking towards the exit. Before he did though, he stopped in his steps and said, "It doesn't have to be this way Jaylen."

"Yes it does."

"Well then if it does," he exhaled a long sigh, forcing his tears not to be released before saying, "just know that I'll always love you no matter what. So if you ever need anything, I'm there."

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