16: Hunting

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"All right, everyone. We're making good time," Vensimir commends us loudly from his place at the head of the caravan as the sun sinks low in the sky. I moved to flank guard at our noon break, far enough from everyone else to have had no one to talk to for the past several hours, and am grateful someone has broken the silence. These plains are quite a change from the forest I grew up in, and quite dull by comparison. "We will take a quick break for supper, and then we press on. Santhrobar and Alderon, you will make the new guard arrangement for the first night shift."

"Ansohn, with all due respect, nightfall is fast approaching. Should we not make camp?" Santhrobar asks, voicing the concern all of us feel, judging by the faces of my colleagues that I can see.

Vensimir laughs chillingly. "Not out here. The Erivim are most active at night, and we've had many reports of their activities in this area over the past few moons. We travel through the night so that they can't catch us unawares. Each night shift two warriors can nap in the caravan, but they'll be first on watch duties when we make camp in the morning."

This is not something we were told about before we started this voyage, and I for one am less than pleased. Though his travel strategy makes good sense, I would have handled myself differently, with more restraint, today if I had known this in advance. The rest of my squadron grumbles and murmurs amongst themselves as they approach the caravan, similarly displeased.

"Will we still take breaks over the night travel?" Thariyae questions. This has to be hard for her. I don't think she's ever been without a bed. Tonight she will learn.

"Of course," Vensimir replies. "About half of you warriors can take a nap at each break."

That will make it easier. Still grueling, but at least with breaks it should be manageable. I'm no longer worried, at least, not about myself.

"Those of you who hunt, at least some of you, see what you can find to supplement our rations. Santhrobar, Alderon, decide who goes and who stays."

Alderon and Santhrobar are already next to the caravan and confer very briefly in low tones as the rest of us come close around the caravan from our various scattered positions.

"Azerai and Cezarya. See what you can hunt down to eat," Alderon tells us wearily.

"Mailadui and Thariyae, see about gathering some firewood. Everyone else, take a lookout position or patrol," Santhrobar adds. "Once we're all back at the caravan, we'll trade off on quick rests."

We waste no time in following our marching orders. Cezarya and I meet up just north of the caravan.

"It's different, without trees," I remark. "What are we even hunting for out here?"

"If we're quiet and lucky, maybe wild sheep or wild boar. More likely birds, or if we find a creek or pond, we can get fish," she replies. "It'll be a task to drag a sheep or boar back, though, just the two of us."

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Lead the way. You're more familiar with this type of terrain than I am."

Cezarya laughs at me but obligingly takes lead. The endless plains of grass, varying from mid-calf- to waist-high, make me uncomfortable. What might be hiding in them? I prefer to be well above my prey when I hunt, moving through the treetops. I've also never had to bring down anything as large as a wild sheep, or indeed even seen such a creature in real life.

We move quickly and quietly, keeping low in the grass as we move away from the road. Cezarya is setting a course for a lone tree, much to my relief. I climb halfway up the tree immediately upon reaching it, before Cezarya can say anything.

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