76: A Fresh Start

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"Where are you taking me?" I whisper as Zelphinon pulls me through the crowd to the edge of the courtyard. No one seems to take any particular notice of our exit; everyone is still clapping and cheering for Alderon and Thariyae.

"Away from the ceremonies," he answers as though this ought to be blatantly obvious. "Do you object?"

"Not at all. I just—"

"Trust me." With his free hand, he finds a gate latch hidden in ivy and opens a small door in the courtyard wall. "This way."

"When did you have time to—"

"It's one of the gates the healers used to bring in supplies." Instead of taking us out into the city, as I expected, the gate leads into another, smaller courtyard. This one is clearly meant for leisurely strolls or perhaps clandestine meetings; its curving stone paths wind among various fountains and decorative trees.

"This is beautiful. Did they have the supplies stored in here, or...?"

"There's another gate, at the far end, that I think goes into Orenxiao. I didn't go that far, while we were working. But I did find...this." He pulls aside a curtain of draping vines to reveal a hidden stone bench, just large enough for two people. "I thought it'd be perfect for...escaping from unwanted attention."

"You're right. This is perfect." Settled on the bench, with the branches hiding us from anyone who might pass by, the noise from the main courtyard is an indistinct low roar. "Thank you, for bringing me here. And...are you the one I should be grateful to, that they gave so many karohni to the Orenxiao Academy?"

"That was where I asked them to give what they would have given me. Kazmiohn Meskaiavin decided they should do the same with yours."

"Well, thank you for that, too, then. It seems your meeting was far more productive than mine."

"I didn't have to contend with the Yrivvilon's interruptions."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away—"

"I understand why you didn't. And honestly it was probably the right thing to do. I wouldn't have been thinking clearly, had I gone in knowing...that. And...I wanted to be thinking clearly, to make sure that I left with everything I came for."

"What did you mean? Did you ask for more, beyond the gifts for the healers and the Academy?"

"The Yrivvior asked me what the healers would most appreciate, based on my experience working with them, as a reward for their services. I had intended to ask that he do something for them, if he wasn't already planning to do so, but that was actually the first thing we discussed."

"Then what else...?"

"A personal favor." With great deliberation, he pulls out a slim scroll bearing the Yrivvior's seal in wax and tied with a gilt-edged red ribbon.

"What is that?"

"I know we've talked about it before, but...the fact remains that we haven't known each other very long, in the grand scheme of things, and—"

"Zelphinon, I can't imagine going through life without you. If you're asking me to marry you, all you need to do is name the day—"

He cuts me off with a kiss, quick but searingly passionate. "I love you."

"And I love you. But what is in that scroll?"

"I've always thought it was strange, and unfair, that a woman is asked to change her personal name when she marries, as a symbol of joining her husband's clan. And that seemed a particularly unreasonable request to make of you, given that...your clan has already been taken from you."


"Alderon and I talked about it. He has every intention of...continuing our clan. He means to marry Thariyae as soon as he can get everything arranged, before her parents can come up with some excuse to keep them apart."

"I doubt they will. They seem to think the cut on her face makes her 'damaged goods' or something, and that he's somehow too good for her now, instead of the other way around."

"Now that he has the Yrivvior backing him, nothing should stand in their way. So the Umathyar clan will continue on, no matter what I choose to do."

"I thought we decided we both wanted—"

"Yes. I know. And I do. But we haven't discussed what their clan name would be."

"I...didn't think there was anything to discuss on that matter. I agree with you, about the strangeness of how marriage and name changes work, but since we first talked about getting married, I've assumed that I would become Azerya Umathyar."

"But you don't have to."

"What do you mean?"

"After everything the woman I once called mother put both of us through, I don't ever want to hear anyone call you Ansohnya Umathyar." Good point. Just the thought of having to answer to that dreadful woman's name makes my stomach turn. "And rather than either of us having to change our names, our identities, for a marriage when we already love each other as we are...I asked the Yrivvior for special dispensation to...start our own clan."

Carefully, reverently, he unties the ribbon from the slim scroll and it unfurls; the seal is purely ceremonial, it would seem. It takes me a few moments to process the words, written in elaborate script on the parchment, but it seems to be a charter of sorts for a new clan: Nuurnithar.

"It means...bringers of light," he explains as I stare at the scroll, unable to come up with words to express everything I'm thinking and feeling. "I thought it was...aspirational."

"I...I don't know what to say. How does this even work?"

"We get these papers signed at the marriage ceremony. And from that moment on we are Nuurnithar Zelphinon and Azerai, founders of our clan."

"It's that simple?"

"Aside from actually planning the marriage ceremony and everything, yes." He rolls up the scroll again, his movements uncharacteristically jerky—nerves? excitement? something else? "The Yrivvior still doesn't think it's enough of a reward for our 'exemplary service,' but I told him we could discuss it again, after you and I are married and we've had a chance to talk more about what we want to do, where we want to live."

"And how long will that be?"

"That depends on you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and founding a new clan with me?"

This 'new clan' business is still utterly baffling to me, but there can only be one answer. "I already told you, Zelphinon. You need only name the day."

Another kiss, soft and sure. "As soon as we can arrange it, then?"

"As soon as we can arrange it."


We married on the next full moon, in a ceremony much like Cezaiya and Jorabij's. Even the venue was the same. We still don't know what the future holds for us, but now we know we face it together, as the Nuurnithar clan.

I cannot speak for Zelphinon, but I, at least, have never been more excited to see what the future brings.

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