27: Homecoming

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"Thank the Heavens above," I whisper as the shining walls and gates of Orenxiao gleam ahead of us, illuminated by the late afternoon sun behind us. We haven't stopped moving for more than a meal break since we left the Molongun tribe, and all of us are beyond exhausted. We've had naps, of course, and rotating shifts, but trader, warrior, and emissary alike are more than grateful to see our destination at last.

Ansohnya Umathyar, who is currently tethered to the long-suffering Mailadui, starts weeping loudly, and I can't tell whether it's pain or relief. She has by far fared the worst out of all of us on this journey, being unaccustomed to long walks and physical labor of every kind. How she managed when she lived alone in Kedar-Jashun, I may never understand. I asked her, the last time I was her bond-guard, but she had no interest in making conversation, at least not with me. Any time a Molongun emissary or fighter came near her she would immediately start yammering at them in the dialect of Kedar-Jashun, but they typically pretended not to hear her, even her would-be suitor. I suspect that, in her mind, even living in the same house as Zelphinon again has to be better than traveling with a trade caravan.

I smile when I hear the bird calls of sentries and scouts alerting the city to our approach. At long last, we can rest in peace. Even without the hard pace of our journey, I have not been at ease since the first night away from Orenxiao, although I have not had the same feeling of being watched coming back as I did going. The sight and sound of my fellow Orenzhanim in the watch towers comforts me; someone else will take the watch tonight.

"Azerai," Zelphinon's voice calls behind me. He's jogging to catch up; I have been the front scout for this last leg of the journey. Now that we're in sight of the city, I have no qualms about stopping to wait for him.

"What ails you?" I ask, keeping my tone as neutral as possible. We've barely spoken since that first night in Kedar-Jashun, when we decided to make our relationship a secret, and I've missed him, more than I would ever admit aloud. Hearing his voice sends a few butterflies through my midsection.

"Before we actually arrive home, I thought you might want this back." He pulls the valix from his pocket with uncharacteristic flair.

"Did Jorabij teach you that move?" I tease, and he frowns.

"Maybe. Will you let me put it back where it belongs?"

"Yes, but quickly. Leave the leather strap in. I'll do it properly in the morning."

"As you wish, then." He's very quick about it; his hands are only on the back of my head for a moment or two, and then I feel the familiar weight of the elegant valix once more in my hair.

"You're not afraid of what the emissaries might think? That zaikarit?"

"Let them think what they want. We are home now, and they can't try to have either one of us executed."

"Was there ever talk of executing me?"

"There might have been, if they'd thought you were also demon-possessed or some nonsense. I heard a few people whisper of that, after the duel."

"They all avoided me like the plague. And I made every effort in that fight to show I intended no ill will."

"It doesn't matter, there. They see what they want to see."

"Were things okay for you, after that?"

"Easier than I ever thought they would be, with those people. Certainly easier than things were for you. Alderon told me, about the meetings and everything, and I heard my mother shrieking about how awful you were when the two of you were bound together."

"I am grateful I was asked to do that only twice."

We have drawn close enough to the North Gate of Orenxiao to see that the gates are open, and Kazmiohn Meskaiavin himself is waiting for us. Suddenly, my heart is in my throat. Santhrobar rushes to join us, several paces ahead of the rest of the caravan, and then takes the lead.

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