51: Earning a Place

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"This is it," I whisper as Zelphinon and I approach the ornate gates of the Yrivvior's compound, clad in our Viorzhanim uniforms and this time unaccompanied by the Orenfior or anyone else.

I don't think I've been more nervous for anything in my entire life.

"Breathe," Zelphinon admonishes me. "It's going to be fine."

"Welcome," one of the Viorzhanim at the gates greets us as he opens the gates just enough for us to enter. I'm relieved that he recognized us. "You will enter the palace by the doors on the south side of the courtyard, there." He gestures to illustrate his point before continuing, "Kazmiohn Meskaiavin will be within waiting for you, and he will take you where you need to go."

"Thank you," we answer him in tandem. I wish the Kazmiohn had walked here with us, if he was going to be here, anyway. The hour is still quite early; what would have been our first shift of the day as Orenzhanim, on any other day, started not long ago, and judging by the light, the sun has only just cleared the horizon. It is my understanding that the emissaries from Kedar-Jashun will not be arriving to meet with the Yrivvior until later in the day, closer to high noon. What will we be doing until then? My mind is abuzz with possibilities.

"Please try to relax," Zelphinon urges me before knocking lightly on the south door of the palace. "You're making me nervous."

"The situation wasn't making you nervous already?"

"Not like it is you. Likely this will not be much different from when we came with the Orenfior."

"Ah, good morning," Kazmiohn Meskaiavin greets us, having answered Zelphinon's knock himself. "I am glad you were able to come so early."

"It is no trouble. Our usual shift starts earlier," Zelphinon replies. "With what does the Yrivvior intend to keep us busy all day?"

"Come with me. Our work begins immediately." We begin to follow Kazmiohn Meskaiavin down a series of hallways while he answers Zelphinon's questions. "To start, we have received correspondence from the major cities and prominent Academies of Yrivvenna that includes descriptions of all who have volunteered to be sent to Kedar-Jashun to bolster its defenses. We will be meeting with the Yrivvior's advisors and a special representative from Kedar-Jashun who has endured quite a strenuous journey to be here today."

"He called in one of the Sozunkaritim?" Zelphinon inquires, beyond incredulous. I'm not entirely sure what this title denotes, but I would guess this is someone with more power and influence than the zaikarit currently lodged in Orenxiao.

"Yes. We needed someone who could speak of all of the tribes, else we could not be sure to place all of our volunteers in the best possible arrangement, which is our primary task of the morning. And while we are working on that, we must expect interruptions as these volunteers arrive. All of them are expected before noon."

"This has all been pulled together very quickly," I remark, hardly able to believe it.

"The Yrivvior honored Kazmiohn Ruokharismet's request for his fastest couriers. To their credit, those we contacted wasted no time in answering our questions regarding their respective locations, and the Sozunkarit had the furthest to travel. As soon as we learned that everyone who intended to come here to address the situation of Kedar-Jashun would be here by noon today, barring any accidents or delays, we scheduled this meeting. We have no desire to keep that loathsome zaikarit within our walls any longer than necessary."

"Is the intention to send all of them to Kedar-Jashun today?" I ask, mind reeling.

"Oh, no. There is still too much to be done for that. All of our guests will be housed in currently empty barracks for at least half a lunar cycle. Some firohni from around Yrivvenna are also coming, and they will be training those who are assigned to be the new firohni of Kedar-Jashun starting tomorrow."

Of Love and ValorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz